<3 the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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<3, 19 y.o.


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<3 on-line sex chat

24 thoughts on “<3 the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. You really don't have to be too polite about this, just try to find something you can both enjoy. Ask him to watch his shows when he's by himself

  2. A drunken one night stand I could forgive. Or if you have a long relationship that you can draw strength from but you are 19 its not worth your time.

    Lied and gaslighted you. Did not take responsibility for his actions. Do not trust this mans words only trust his actions.

    But you are a young girl and will probably take him back anyway. So go slow and tolerate no bullshit or disrespect. He should give you his phone instantly if you ask for it. He should be bending over backwards to rebuild trust, sharing locations ect with NO ARGUING.

  3. Kick him out and tell him to go online with his side piece and you will be in contact eventually in regards to your child. Next time he blames you for his cheating tell him he didn't fulfill you in the marriage either but you didn't step out like a coward. Get your ducks in the row and take him for everything he has

  4. I cannot believe these comments. You aren’t dating exclusively. You said yourself you’re “still getting to know each other.” There’s nothing wrong with him going on a date with someone else. If you aren’t emotionally capable of dating casually, you need to be clear about your expectations as soon as you start talking with someone. I would feel so confused if I were him and received a shitty text from you over this.

  5. Are you him? Lol again with the long essays defending this guys extremely unhealthy addiction to porn. I’m not here to waste time with an hour long debate on reddit. The dude is creepy. She is with a creep.

  6. Yeah I'm with you on that. But if someone switched out my cat with an identical looking one I would 100% known it wasn't my cat. They have distinct personalities and don't change that much in such a short period of time. Nor can they gain noticeable weight in that short of time span either.

  7. INFO – are you sure the long term goals comment wasn’t more about long term goals with her, eg) marriage, a family?

  8. Such a ….. even I don't have any printable strong ebough adjective to decribe that husband…. JERK!

    To put a cat back into a shelter! That came from one! ????????

    Awful human being.

    Lucky for you that you lost so much dead weight from your life!

  9. I don't usually read peoples' post histories. Mind giving me an abridged version? I'm assuming he's done worse than what's in the OP by what you said.

  10. Is it that surprising that she didn't say anything for a small car ride when they have now gone four whole days giving each other the silent treatment? This whole thing is beyond dysfunctional.

  11. He's gonna smash as soon as she gives him a chance. That's why he doesn't care what you think or if it bothers you…

  12. I know too much social media can be bad.

    From what she wrote it sounds like a manipulation tactic, and not something done to simply better the relationship. Especially in context of his youtube habits and other search history items

    My post comes across the way it does intentionally. I was trying to capture the feelings that it gives when someone does this to you. I don't have strong feelings about this really, it just seems sortve obvious what that move is. It's pretty common for people to do this. I could be wrong, but the common answer is often the correct one, in one way or another.

  13. Apologizing for changing your mind is stupid. I wouldn’t have apologized. Changing your mind is a normal, human thing to do. Making people feel like shit isn’t. Though people do have bad days and moments on occasion, and it doesn’t make them a bad person. Did he apologize later on? Does he do this often?

  14. I honestly don't look to make friends at work. I have made great friends at work, and still have friends from a few jobs ago.

    It likely is your imposter syndrome at work here, blowing things out of proportion. Even if it's not that and nobody wants to be your friend. It doesn't matter. You've landed your dream job! Be excited for yourself! Way to go!!!

    My advise is, do your work and learn from those around you the best you can. If your work has any social events, go to them and mingle. If they don't, maybe see if you can work with your HR team or if they have an internal “fun squad” to help plan events. Or, just suggest it would be nice to have social events.

    Once you are more established working there and people trust you can produce good work. They may open up a bit more.

    Age and gender likely play a role in this. It sucks but that's just the way it is and we can only work to make the changes we need. I don't agree with this but I'm not part of the group with the power.

    Just be yourself, people respond better to those who are genuine. If you're worried you aren't fitting into the culture, ask your boss about it. They may be able to shed more light on how people are around the office. It may turn out that everyone is just focused on a routine because it makes their day go better. Adding you interrupts that, but if you know that's the case, it's easier to put yourself out there more.

  15. “Having a job and/or being in school and the ability to drive are just basics of adulthood”

    None of that is true. An increasing number of adults don't drive, and it's not actually necessary for people who are in areas where they can use public transportation, bicycle, or taxi services (if they can.afford to rely on that for transportation). While a majority of adults work for pay because they need to do so to survive, there are plenty of people who are homemakers, online off of family/inherited money, or get by with periodic gigs rather than a steady job. And while an increasing number of adults have some kind of college degree (including from vocational schools), it's still under 50% of adulta in the US.

    What you're listing are normative cultural values, not universal rules. Youhre allowed to not want to date your girlfriend for any reason, including because she doesn't on-line her life in a way you appreciate. Just own that as your preference rather than appealing to cultural norms that you're framing as universal truth.

    “I don’t think I’m asking too much here”

    You are if she's not interested – she doesn't owe you living a specific lifestyle herself just because that's what you want for yourself.

    As always, you should either accept her as she is, or don't and break up. Trying to change other people to make them fit a preconceived idea you have is a bad idea. Your specific complaints can be addressed in ways other than breaking up, if you can let go of wanting to make her behave how you want and actually want to keep dating.

    You're sick of driving her all the time – so stop. Decide how much you're interested in driving to see her, and then only drive that much. If she wants to come over to your place, she can arrange other transportation – bus, bicycle, walking, taxi service. You're tired of paying for everything – so stop. Spend as much as you want to treat her, and no more. All you really need to do to address both of those complaints is to set boundaries for yourself, and stick to them.

  16. Hello? Why so much hate? OP would like to REMAIN TOGETHER, while your goal for OP is to break up…

    What is so wrong in what I had to say? A person that knows that is innocent will do EVERYTHING possible to demonstrate it!

    OP, want to stay together? Prove that what you said is true. Want to break up and ef your BF? Follow the replies from the “EM pow ered” …

  17. Hello? Why so much hate? OP would like to REMAIN TOGETHER, while your goal for OP is to break up…

    What is so wrong in what I had to say? A person that knows that is innocent will do EVERYTHING possible to demonstrate it!

    OP, want to stay together? Prove that what you said is true. Want to break up and ef your BF? Follow the replies from the “EM pow ered” …

  18. I agree, and what about autonomy? A 25 year old may not want to date someone a lot older but at some point you have to respect individuals as adults that can make their own decisions. That's old enough to have some life experience, telling a 25+ year old they CAN'T or shouldn't date someone older than them gets kind of questionable in my opinion.

  19. I believe it was lost at the point of your husband saying he doesn’t love you anymore.

    You just had a baby and need to worry only about you and your daughter. Look after your own mental health because post pardom is no joke ( I suffered with all of my kids) is there someone you can go to to help you with the baby?

    Forget your husband. If you are concerned about his depression call his mistress and tell her you are leaving the house and that she can come move in and take care of the man baby

  20. I don't get people who think they should give more chances to people who hurt them. They hurt you. Either you are not ok with it or you are. If you're not ok with it, don't give them a chance and just move on. People post about “Omg this is my boundary” but when push comes to shove and the boundary is crossed, people just go back on their own word and undermine themselves.

  21. Okay, not my place to tell you what's right or wrong for you in relationships. And no one is owed them

    Thanks for sharing!


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