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10 thoughts on “ the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. She's really has something. She thinks that she can do what ever she wants because you love her? Hope she learned her lesson from here.

  2. My kids middle school just sent out a mass email to all parents because sextortion is running rampant and a child in a different school district committed suicide over it.

    Delete the text, block the number, if you receive anything else from the number, report it to your school resource officer or your local PD as you are a minor.

  3. Stranger things have happened. I'd more question their relationship over how fast they moved in together. Also how long they're waiting to get married. If they're engaged but waiting years that's cool, they're just expressing themselves. If they're trying to get married day she's probably just trying to stay with him legally which isn't invalid either. Remember the movie lol “marry me so I can date you”

  4. I read your previous post, and I’ll be honest… I’ve been prone to fits of anger in the past, with people who love me. But, I also understand that something in my life experience has caused these bursts of anger to happen, and that it is unfair to the people who share genuine love with me. I’m really sorry to hear this happened to you.

    I just want to say, I noticed that you made a list of points about how you’re a decent cook and that you just couldn’t make the cookies they wanted, and that’s all good. But don’t feel like you have to validate anything about yourself to this man. As others have said, this is no excuse for the hurtful things he said, that definitely spill out how he feels in his heart. If he thinks you’re not good enough because he’s got some false sense of confidence, let it be; don’t get involved. You deserve way way better.

    The worst part is that when you leave, he’ll just sucker punch someone else. But in this world, you gotta do what you gotta do to take care of yourself. Please take care of yourself. Whatever toxic masculinity he is spewing out, I hope that it dies; every insecure man in this world should do better.

  5. Tell her you feel your relationship has run its course and wish her nothing but the best. You don't have to explain any further than that.

  6. Look, I get it. It is nude to be confronted with the reality that a person you hoped you at least had a sense of was not who you hoped.

    Eventually all people that deal with abusers have to face this. Note they don't have to be abusing you, it could be you watching a friend hit their partner or in this case your partner abusing working staff.

    And you have to decide if condoning this, if humouring this just because you're lonely or she is good at compartmentalising her toxicity, is the kind of person you want to be.

    That's sidestepping the obvious: that eventually this will be aimed at you. Right now you are the new thing, it is nice, but if this really is her projecting her resentment of her ex onto strangers then what happens when you sufficiently upset her? And yes, don't doubt that anxiety problems and as she noted trauma inform this but… so what? Knowing the mechanism of her toxicity doesn't change what it represents.

    You're condoning, soon to be outright enabling, an abuser. If being a good person isn't important to you then at the very least let self interest drive you away from her.

  7. Just make sure she doesn’t get pregnant after the threat to tie you down. You’re nuts to even give her a chance after 10 years of this.

  8. Exactly. I'd be pretty hurt if I dolled up and wanted to seduce my bf. But also I'd be sympathetic if I knew he was tired. If I knew that were the case i would try my luck in the morning. Either way, it's a two way street. Both people have to be keen.


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