Yodjinne online sex cams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Yodjinne online sex cams for YOU!

  1. no it's not. That's why I didn't put an equal sign between them lol. I'm saying both are boundaries, arguing the semantics of the wording is pointless. Both mean the same thing in the end.

  2. Yeah it's time for me to move on…. I just can't see her getting in a relationship so fast… Anyways i have to move on

  3. She assaulted your boyfriend and your first reaction is to fetch her some water, wtf?

    Imagine if roles were reversed and his “best friend” pulled out his dick and wouldnt let you get up after you visibly and physically TRY to get away

    yo, you need to take a step back and examine your boundaries, and how you establish trust and respect others. first, your bf is in a new environment and was assaulted so the focus should have been on him.

    she is not your friend, she disrespected you, and violated your boyfriend. the “alcohol” didnt donit. Mimi did it. Alcohol just helps you really show who you are inside without reservations

    If your boyfriend hasnt left you yet, oh he’s thinking about it. You’ve shown that you have unclear boundaries. The fact you still refer to her as your best friend is another red flag

  4. Hello /u/Creep3rion,

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  5. How convenient for you! You've strung her along for this long, so what's another three years, right? Why not just admit the real reason? You don't want to break up with her because she's supporting you while you get your PhD?

    You know you're a complete piece of shit, right?

  6. You’re out of your marriage and that’s probably for the best. Even if this new relationship doesn’t work out it gave you the momentum you needed to leave.

    Codependency can ravage a person’s happiness and sense of self, self confidence, self worth etc.

    Ideally you would ride out the next few months alone and focus on your children and yourself. And although a partnership begun in such circumstances isn’t ideal and may lead to long term problems, you never know, it may last.

    But the most important thing is your kids and your well-being. I know a few people who cannot on-line without a relationship. It’s not healthy.

  7. Yes, the sister, who was clearly willing as she's a really sexual person, which absolutely never happens as a response to being molested as a child. OP and brother are really reaching by tying this to her sex drive.

  8. Hey now, nothing is wrong with OP. This is a fucked up situation and it JUST happened. Let’s maybe not shame her on top of all this for her thoughts swirling and not knowing which way is up right now.

  9. Many people do not realize how powerful the jealousy instinct is in them until it's right in front of them. Saying you're fine with it is totally different than seeing it in front of you when it comes to visceral emotions.

  10. Leaving a relationship with an addict is terribly painful and difficult. Right now you’re putting his addiction ahead of the peace, happiness and safety of yourself and your two children.

    Addiction affects the entire family, and you are enabling him to continue this way of life forever, until something terrible happens (because it will.) You cannot control what he does. But you can control what you do.

    It’s time to value your and your children’s lives more than you value his. Please I urge you to look into therapy, look into trauma bonding, codependence, and relationships with addicts. You cannot save him at the expense of yourself and your children.

    You’re thinking monetarily when you refer to quality of life- but girl, money ain’t everything. I’m the child of an alcoholic whose father could have and should have left far sooner and could have saved myself and my siblings from a terrible amount of abuse. Because of the abuse I witnessed and endured and the behaviors I was taught were “normal” (they weren’t) I was susceptible in adulthood to relationships with alcoholics and addicts- one of whom was constantly trying to get sober, also contacted prostitutes and cheated on me constantly with literal crackheads so he could get drugs— one of them even beat me up in the street because I saw them together after he disappeared on a bender. It’s a miracle I didn’t contract any stds or blood related diseases from him sharing needles. I was stuck so deep into codependency with him, and I loved him immensely. But eventually I realized that I was tired of caring for him over myself. My life revolves around his off and on sobriety. I lost all of my friends. I became physically ill trying to fix him. I decided his life was not worth more effort than my own.

    Just think about this. I could be your child when they grow up. A child who learned that love is conditional from her parent, that cheating and secrets are normal and accepted, that drug use and addiction and all the behaviors that come with it are not to be questioned, that I’m not worth trying harder for something better.

    Your children are worth it. Show them.

  11. I guess this means no to taking over parenting duties while wife goes to the gym for 3-4 hours ?


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