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21 thoughts on “Bbygrace live sex cams for YOU!

  1. You’re mad that she’s spending too much time outside while on a tropical vacation? That’s absurd. She’s wearing sunscreen, that’s all that’s necessary. You’re being controlling and ridiculous.

  2. u/Suitable_Ad_6807, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. Yes please help her…she seems to really need the money and has nowhere to turn to. Hopefully she gets a job soon and will be ok.

  4. Hello /u/akak2018,

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  5. I think you should rope in his parents into the situation and make them have a talk to your fiancé and the brother.

    Tbh, no. OP shouldn't marry him and see this as a wake-up call. Her fiancé is totally disregarding her feelings and boundaries every time something is going on with his brother. Giving him her pets so he can also have an support animal?! And then saying those are THEIR cats so he can also do whatever he wants. Then on top of that, he or his brother are stealing pills…

    Absolute fucking not would I continue this.

  6. Also know that depending on where you on-line if you give her regular alone time with the child it opens up the door for her to claim grandparents rights if you decide to cut off contact later.

  7. He asked you to take care of dinner, which if I understand correctly, you didn't. Then you ate his dinner. Now you absolutely are making it about his reaction. Two comments in I see you bringing up your ADHD. Your ADHD doesn't matter, you're responsible for how you act.

    He didn't stomp around all night clattering his plate, that's ridiculous. He was upset and you felt uncomfortable all night, but it sounds like you did little to fix it. If I understand correctly, you just offered to buy him a sandwich tomorrow. If you're hungry now, a sandwich tomorrow doesn't really help does it?

    Did you offer to make him something or go pick something up at any point? Did your ADHD prevent that somehow?

    Deal with this problem. Fix this thing with him. Then after it's burried if you want to talk to him about how he reacts in general to things, do that. But not when you're fighting about something else. Thats a toxic tactic that won't get you anywhere.

    When you do bring it up, avoid phrasing things in absolute terms. You “always” do this, or “every time” xyz happens you do this. Don't blame your ADHD, you are who you are and you don't get a doctor's note to be an asshole.

  8. YTA…wait wrong sub

    But really. Try fucked up and there's no going back. You think he can be happy with you, laying in bed, know that you just dumped him to fuck a guy twice your age? He's honestly just too nice of a guy to tell you what you need to hear….

    Leave him alone. Don't mess with his head. You've already hurt his self esteem and broken his heart. Now you want to try again after you ruined everything with him AND your new relationship didn't work out?

    Please look in the mirror and realize you're not a positive force in his life like he is in yours.

  9. So you dumped this guy you were with for four years to have a fling with an older man, all the while keeping the first guy around as a safety blanket because you didn’t have the guts to let him move on without you (and neither did he) and when it ends with the second guy you want to bolt back to the first because you kept him on layaway?

    I hope this guy has the good sense to not take you back (he probably won’t if he stuck around like a doormat waiting to be trampled) and you sound like a mess AND like a d*ck for using this person and casting them off when it suited you. Have the decency to leave guy 1 alone.

  10. Skip the oil bro. That can go real bad, real fast. You don’t want your strip tease to turn into you water sliding down the hallway. Otherwise, sounds like you got this. Your wife is a lucky woman.

  11. Well, the softest way to tell you this is that your and his needs are incompatible. There is nothing wrong about him needing reassurance and effort shown towards him. Its just not what you can provide for him right now. You on the other hand seem to need someone more accommodating and flexible, which this guy cant manage. The best way is to accept the relationship has run its course. You both gave it a shot and it cant work right now.

  12. Are you sure it wasn't just your timing? I know that sometimes after a long day of dealing with other people, I need to unwind and that sounds like a really heavy conversation

  13. Offer to babysit a small child with him so he gets to see some of the reality? NTA, you don't have to have children just because someone else wants them, especially so early in your relationship.


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