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24 thoughts on “Oh-yess live sex cams for YOU!

  1. She hasn’t cheated on me, these conversations were before we met. From what she has told me she made her accusations the day she got home. But continued messaging him after and talking about it for months afterwards, she told me she never wants to go back to the country it happened it but was inviting this man here. Everything about it is correct but also contradictory in every sense. That is why I’m having such a dilemma right now. But I was hoping someone with experience with trauma could give me some advice, so thank you

  2. As the timelessly wise Wayne of Wayne’s World said “If you jizz and she bolts, it was never meant to be.” Or something like that.

  3. Thank you, I’m really glad I reached out on here, its been helpful to have others opinions and insight. I’m going to talk to him about it and hopefully he will want to work out a solution/get help.

  4. I mean, your boyfriend probably knows his brother better than you do and Might have a habit of “randomly” gifting his brother’s partners with things that they like but would otherwise appear to be nothing more than a friendly gesture. Chances are the brother is either at least attempting to get closer to you in the hopes of forming some sort of relationship with you that he hopes will turn into something more, or past actions you may not know about have made your bf paranoid to the point he acts irrationally.

    I’m not excusing your bf’s behaviour, and it could very well be nothing but a big case of insecurity issues, but people don’t normally react this strongly or negatively to a well meaning family member giving their partner random and expensive gifts.

  5. Doesn't have to fight. Could've simply called out he was calling the cops, do so. Or, heck, just called the cops and monitored the situation. Fact is he did nothing to help someone who was in apparent danger. We need people like OP, not the friend.

  6. I think the best way is to try to put that energy you previously had in the relationship into other things that can keep you happy and engaged.

    Go see friends more often

    Look into interesting things around your city

    Pick up new hobbies

    Find out things about yourself you haven't thought to look into before

    You're still a whole person with a lot of life left in store for you, take the time to appreciate everything a little bit more

  7. Good points here, but “apart of” and “a part of” are total opposites. For that matter, “apart of” isn't even correct, so just always say the latter

  8. It’s bad enough to have your parents split up but really this is just embarrassing for them – mom dumped dad for an ageing out of state rocker she knew for two weeks

  9. Ngl this whole situation could’ve been avoided if u would have broke up with her when she first did it. She has no respect for u and doesn’t care about how u feel. Trust me u will be better without her. Focus on urself until u find urself somebody u can trust. If u do choose to stay u are never going to be happy and who’s to say she still isn’t cheating on u?

  10. “I only hit you because I love you!” is what abusers say to their victims. You are an abuser.

    Yeah, it's shitty for your boyfriend to drive while high, but maybe you missed this childhood lesson: WE DON'T HIT OTHER PEOPLE.

  11. Because you weren't official it sucks because she didn't really cheat. But she should have let you know that she had another sex partner out of courtesy.

    Maybe counseling could help you work through your feelings.

  12. You need to be honest with her about this. It’s not fair to string her along when she’s expecting a real commitment from you.

    If you think a life with her will be a ‘waste’ then, in my opinion, you probably don’t want to marry her at all. No matter how far in the future. She’s just what you’re used to.

    Maybe you two could talk about taking a break to see other people, but you also need to accept the fact that this is very likely a deal breaker for her.

    I promise you it’s better to have things conversation now and face the consequences than two years down the line when she’s bitter that you haven’t proposed yet.

  13. The ex needs to go to a lawyer to know this stuff. Sometimes just the idea of back child support will be enough to make a shit father stop bothering her.

  14. So he originally was supportive either way and now suddenly has a change of heart? Sounds like he was talking to mommy again.

    Do what you want about your baby but get rid of the man, OP. You're in a throuple with him and his mom.

  15. She's selfish, vindictive, and controlling, I would not tolerate such behavior. 2 months isn't much time to be away. I don't see a future here. You will eventually regret going back to her. Imagine having a partner that supports you and your career instead of tearing you down.

  16. He stopped loving me and never wanted to have sex and he desired other women. Of course that made me extremely insecure and confused because I felt like I couldn’t please him anymore. He made it very clear that he wasn’t sexually attracted to me.

    I wouldn't want to have sex with this guy either.

  17. You call it an emotional affair but what do you think was happening while she was “visiting” him?. Also it seems that she was actively looking for someone to cheat on you with.


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