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14 thoughts on “Mila-hunter live sex cams for YOU!

  1. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    I am 35f my husband is 37m we have been married for 12 years. Recently I noticed he’s been spending a lot more time on his phone. I casually asked him about it, he said it was just a friend who preferred texting, and didn’t offer any further information so I didn’t push it. But I’ve began noticing him on it more and more. Yesterday a bunch of notifications popped up one after another-like 6. My husband was outside with our sons so I flipped it over to see if it was his mother, who’s been sick. It was from a Jackie. The only Jackie I knew was a girl who lived in our town who is much younger than my husband and I and I couldn’t think of any reason he would know her or be talking to her. I brought him out his phone and asked him and he confirmed it was that Jackie. I asked him why he was messaging her and he got oddly defensive and said it wasn’t anything important.

    Last night I looked though his phone and looked at the messages, I feel bad about doing it but the way he acted made me feel weird. I looked through all of the messages and they text a lot. Every day, multiple times a day. The thing that’s weird to me though is that none of the messages are inappropriate at all. They aren’t exchanging pictures or talking about anything overtly inappropriate or romantic whatsoever.

    The thing that’s strange though is that even though they’re not inappropriate they’re strangely intimate and personal? It goes back and forth between who texts who first but he’s always asking her things like if she’s eaten, how she’s feeling, about her job and personal relationships, etc. He asks her and seems to care more about her personal well being than mine. I can’t remember the last time he’s asked me if I’d eaten enough that day, or asked me in depth questions about my workplace, etc.

    From the conversations it doesn’t seem like there’s an affair happening but I still feel so strangely about this. There’s no indication of how they met or began talking in their conversations, he doesn’t have any other messaging apps on his phone, I’m going to ask him about all of this when he comes home from work but I’m just so confused by all of this because the conversations aren’t inappropriate but they feel like they are to me, but I don’t know if that makes sense.

  2. Yup, you got a glimpse of the real him and how it would be like when you're married with kids…him doing bare minimum while you're stuck taking care of two babies (him being the other baby).

    Get out. It's only been 3 years and it being long distance you really didnt get to know how he really is until now.

  3. You're not the problem. It seems quite clear he's been dealing with some sort of issue.

    Is he aromantic? Was he SAed? Is it erectile dysfunction?

    You need to talk to him. Otherwise you won't know what's going on.

  4. u/wrong-fingerpoes, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. Look, I get it. I would be extremely eager to know as well. This is why I get on Reddit – to hear other peoples extremely complicated relationship stories.

    But what you are considering has actual consequences. Satisfying your curiosity for what really happened isn’t going to stop there. You’re impacting the lives of everyone around you, just because you want to hear a story that doesn’t directly involve you. Because you want to make sense of a past that someone intentionally did not want to share.

    While my curiosity is strong, I would have to fall back on my conscience on this on. You made a promise. That promise was made knowing that you would have to say no in this exact situation.

    A just a note, people don’t just cut their entire family off because of a simple misunderstanding. Rose wouldn’t have packed up and lied about the negative impact her family had on her for years just off of some irrational misunderstanding that she refused to see clearly. Whatever “simple” explanation to combat Rose’s “lies” these people are selling is a fantasy. (Unless you think Rose is con & liar who did something to hurt her family and cut them off to escape accountability – leave this alone)

  6. Thank you so much for commenting ? I didn’t even see it like because that is soo true. I need to start loving myself because this has taken a complete toll on me and it’s only been day two of 2023 ? thank you again !!!

  7. Honestly, being an gregarious narcissist is probably all it takes. Finding vulnerable women, making them feel wanted, while demanding they do what they're told.

  8. It’s not that a majority of us want your relationship to crash and burn; It’s that we don’t like seeing men that are taking care of their spouse, get taken advantage of.

    Flip the roles. How long would she have been paying for your plane tickets? Would she have paid for your solo journey? Paid to fly your friend in?

    You brought yourself here. It’s not like we’re forcing you to leave the post up, either. If you’re not happy, confront or leave. If you are, why post?

    Your TL;DR gives “bum vibes”, pretty intensely. If she genuinely hasn’t worked in 5 years, I’m nothing but impressed. I hope you find the answers you’re looking for, but I don’t think you will.

  9. I’m just baffled why they would even tell you about the note addressed to you if they planned to keep it and not even let you read it. Regardless of reasoning that just seems like a jerk-ish thing to do.

    My advice to you would be to see a therapist, maybe visit your parents or have a weekend with close friends. No one should have to go through those feelings alone.

  10. True, It seems to be leading to this only. I was just feeling bad coz i don't think it's her fault either. But now, as you all have said, it seems a breakup doesn't need to be anyone's fault. It can be just incompatibility.

  11. The issue is that this is not just your secret. It affects him too. If he committed to not telling anyone, he should have followed through or been honest with you that he did not want to get married in secret. However, asking someone to keep such a big secret about their own life is not that reasonable of you. It is fair that he wanted to tell his friends he got married, and he should have been honest about that instead of agreeing to keep it secret. Why was getting married such a big secret? Is there any bad consequence to him telling his friends?

  12. Well you were right to call the police and if you want to continue being right leave him in the dust.

    If you are something of a catch yourself, then you should be able to find good enough partners that you'd NEVER have to put up with any bullshit like this.


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