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26 thoughts on “Venuss-jones live sex cams for YOU!

  1. You're reading too much into this.

    Is she saying this stuff to your face, or is your BF relaying this information to you? If he's relaying it to you then tell him to stop doing that.

    She's not going to change no matter what you say to her, the best your BF can do is to explain to her that he's putting a boundary in place that he won't tolerate these comments from her anymore, and explain to her how he'll be enforcing that boundary.

  2. It’s baffling how you were fine dating him for 6 months while he was still living with her but can’t handle them staying friends. I figured that should be an immediate dealbreaker for someone who can’t handle exes as friends. Hell, it would be a dealbreaker for most people that are fine with it as well. It’s up to you if this is something you’re ok with. It’s ok not to be ok with it. You’re the only one that knows if it’s something you can live with. If not, then end things.

  3. Lol, what? Emotionally draining his partner because he said what someone else ordered looked good? You can't be serious. It was just a comment, he wasn't pouting about it and the evening wasn't ruined. Are you the gf?

  4. Lol, what? Emotionally draining his partner because he said what someone else ordered looked good? You can't be serious. It was just a comment, he wasn't pouting about it and the evening wasn't ruined. Are you the gf?

  5. Sweetheart, a good therapist can help you through all of this pain. I'm so sorry that in your most vulnerable moment he decided your marriage was too much for him. That's not your fault.

    You never deserved to be treated this way.

    Please lean on someone you trust, let him be gone focus on taking care of yourselfnhoney. Your needs matter, your happiness matters. You deserve a soft life full of love and a partner who contributes meaningfully to that, especially during the naked times, not a partner who runs away.

    Please be kind to yourself, you can't love him enough to bring him back. He's made his choice, he left like a coward. All you can do is love yourself enough to say I deserve better than this.

  6. Thank you. Yes, one of things I struggle with is maintenance of my own boundaries. I never had to consider what my cheating boundaries were before this. And these events are very nuanced. I really wish I had known what was not acceptable to me before I was thrown into this. It's really naked to think about it in hindsight l.

  7. I think you should leave him be. He obviously doesn't want to have anything to do with you for whatever reason. I know it hurts but sometimes there's just nothing we can do about situations like this.

  8. You need to say I am not interested in dating you. Saying a general thing about the friend group isn’t enough.

  9. When I say “shaved head,” I mean like a buzz cut, not totally-bare-bald. I feel they are pretty much the same…long hair vs buzz cut…beard vs no beard…both a style/appearance choice ? (in most cases)

  10. You do realise that by not being willing to compromise and do year about, or half days or anything like that, you are forcing her to do what you want.

    Your relationship is not going to last much longer if you don’t get your head out of your arse.

  11. people will drag you to hell and leave you there. put yourself first if you wanna offer anything to anyone. its painful, I know but you did the right thing.

  12. i hope not. otherwise reading “books” like 5 shades of grey is also cheating.

    but you never know with this sub. I’m sure they see hentai as cheating

  13. You should, because the feelings you just described are what your fiancé feels every time this happens to her. Except she’s trapped in the situation and can’t get her bearings.

    Please intercept every time in the future. It might even give her the confidence she needs to start standing up for herself if she sees you standing up for her.

  14. You barely knew each other and even then you only knew each other within the context of your training. That just skews your thought processes and has given you both a limited understanding of who each of you is.

    The whole reason for dating and doing engagements is to see if this person is not only suited to you now, but suited to you in the long term. It takes time to do because it takes time to discover the real person behind the facade that we all present.

    With only 4 months of knowing each other and 10 days of dating you would have barely gotten to know her (and her you). And now that you are effectively 24/7 you are both discovering that once the hormones have been removed, you really aren't compatible.

    You yolo'd into this marriage and have now found that you shouldn't have.

    I may be much older than you but I can still quite clearly remember how stupid I was at 20.

  15. Yeah nooo… i definitely agree with you there!

    My husband has never even when dating checked on my socials and demanded to know who anyone and everyone was. It's insta!

    I probably have ppl following me i don't bloody know.

    I ddnt knw this is something ppl wld think to do!

    Nah OP you are a grown fucking woman you don't need a near 30yo man interrogating you over bullshit.

    Is this the only area in the relationship he's controlling?

    Does he not trust u? Is it his usual MO to have u answer to him for permission or because u do things “he doesn't like” ?

    Have u cheated on him before? Even if u did cheat tho and he decided to stay him demanding answers on a social app for everyone is hella excessive and yall shouldn't be together then.

    If you've always been faithful then he's a goddamn nutcase honestly and very insecure!

    Because it is definitely gonna get worse. This isn't normal or healthy behavior in a relationship.

  16. Don't be so sure – this guy is a serial cheater and knows how to keep his trail clear, and they work together and can talk in person, no need for messages.

  17. This is kind of a case where you both have pretty equally valid points HEAR ME OUT. Yes, he shouldn’t be grossed out by it, he should know it’s fairly common and it’s nothing serious. But, it’s not like he can just control what grosses him out and what doesn’t. It sucks, but what can you do really? You both kind of need to compromise on this. You just have to understand that he’s grossed out by it, and maybe just try not to talk to him so much about it when you have one, and he should DEFINITELY (no matter what) work on being more sensitive to your feelings. He’s being straight up rude about it, that’s for sure, and he absolutely needs to be more sensitive to you.

  18. Yes, trap/manipulate him into doing what you want him to do, rather than communicate openly and respect his wishes. I think I'm starting to see why you are still sitting at girlfriend after 6 years.


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