Leandro Bellmer the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

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Leandro Bellmer, 25 y.o.


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26 thoughts on “Leandro Bellmer the hard on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Soooo you dropped the friends, who you’ve been friend with for years, but not her. ?‍♂️ geez dude. Get a clue.

  2. He has someone ready for as soon as you say yes. Or he already started. Break up before he cheats and breaks your heart. Move on.

  3. Why are you with someone so fiscally irresponsible and why did you marry her to begin with?

    Cut up her cc and have her use cash only until the cc is paid off. 10k in cc debt she's probably paying more in interest than payment and with her continued spending she will never pay it off. It's also a huge waste of money paying all that interest.

    Her attitude about money and raining on her parade qoyld be enough to call it quits. You will never be able to retire if you stay married to her and you will accumulate more and more debt.

  4. Dude – know it hurts – but good for you! She has a moral compass issue that will only be corrected by her learning some life lessons – those will come – it always comes back around. She saved you more heartache than you will feel now..

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  7. Firstly the older 4 were staying elsewhere for the week this happened. If they were around none of this would have happened to begin with because I wouldn't have drank. They are completely unaware any of this has happened and I intend to keep it that way. I've worn long sleeve everyday since. They don't know what I've done and they don't know what he has done. Neither my partner or myself have done anything like this before. I'm hoping despite how effed it all was it doesn't happen again. He might not be a good partner atm but he's always been the best Dad/step dad. I mean he literally lives for the kids. He works himself to the point where hes depriving himself of sleep everyday, all so the boys can have a good life. He's the kind of person that will drop what he's doing to help someone. He payed $2500 to save my beloved dog,when my ex would have let her die. Without him i wouldn't have her. To take him away from my kids without even giving him a chance, would be cruel. Boys would be heartbroken if he left. I'm really hoping he won't do it again. As for what I did I really wasn't myself I was mental wreck. I hate that I tried. I can assure i would never attempt such a thing again. The thought of their heartbreak if it had worked destroys me. I will never do to them what my dad did to me, it's the worst way to be left behind. I'm truly disgusted that I even got to that point. Everything that has happened is effed yeah definitely. But putting children up for adoption over it would be just evil.

  8. Yeah, this isn't an okay thing to just spring on someone right before the act and expect them to be 100% cool with it. This absolutely should have been a discussion before you got to this point. Whether you can continue the relationship is up to you, but I don't think I could be with someone who did this to me.

  9. Your husband is in a dangerous profession. What happens if he gets disabled or killed? Do you have enough life insurance to not have to work anymore?

    It's a dangerous proposition to make one person your entire world. If you discovered he was cheating on you, so you have the means to leave? Could you support yourself?

    I'm glad you are happy now, but please use this time to figure out if you have any desires of your own and haven't given up all your agency because of past trauma. Have you worked on your stutter? Is there any work you find fulfilling? Marketable skills you'd like to learn?

  10. Well she wants to help her sister she says. Asking somebody else to give their money is not her helping her sister lol

  11. Why? This isn't about his gf being trans. It's about his gf lying and manipulating him. 4 months of sex without disclosure, that's not consent.

  12. Yes I agree with you. I’ve just known him for so long, since we were little kids. Or I thought I knew him. I really don’t know what he is capable of anymore. But since it happen, I am starting to feel very unsafe around him and repulsed. But spring break is soon, so I’m hoping I can find a new place to stay while he is gone.

  13. Fr. I’m from Illinois and on-line in Texas (moved here after college for an ex husband). My current husband is a native who has never lived away from his hometown. I miss the north and while he normally would have probably stayed here indefinitely, we want children and we don’t want to raise them anywhere near this state. The south is a borderline Nazi state right now and it’s one thing if I have to suffer through it as an adult with free will and the ability to leave, but I would never want any of this around my child. I can’t wait to leave.

  14. None of that is anything beyond professionally polite behavior and it seems logical that he said “excuse me”.

  15. “I'm definitely going to cheat again, and I don't want my wife to get a good settlement when she divorces me.”


  16. He's going to continue to treat you and your child badly because of his “mood” and he's shown no desire to change. He's endangering you AND your baby and he doesn't care.

    Normally, I'd say leave the loser, but given that you have a child together and you've been together so long, you could see if he's open to relationship counseling in order to work this out. If he's not willing, that should tell you everything you need to know. Do not allow this man to continue to endanger you and your child's lives.

  17. Why is your daughter making the sacrifices, not you? Why is your daughter paying most the bills? You were already taking advantage of her then, you bit the hand that feeds. I hope your daughter succeeds at getting away and living her best life.

  18. I think the commercial is pretty self-explanatory. When women are out of town with friends they can just “change the wig” and totally act out of character.

  19. I recommend honesty. She should tell her that she values the friendship above the work and it feels uncomfortable paying a friend to clean. If she bails on the friendship then she got played. You get what you pay for. I wouldn’t bring up that the work ethic is suffering if she really wants to keep the friendship. My hunch? She’s going to lose a cleaner and a friend.

  20. If you really care for someone you don’t talk shit about them face to face or behind their backs.


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