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28 thoughts on “ the very hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Well to be fair my best friend said this, not her. He was the one who suggested they might have this kind of bond.

  2. It sounds like you know little to nothing about how oppressive gender norms are for women compared to men. It’s easy to enjoy something when it’s not expected of you — and even more so when you get to wear it around like a badge of honor for the rest of your marriage, as you’re doing now.

  3. u/Throwaway17272882828, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  4. Reminded me of “the undrawn”. A YouTube series where the superheros are so bad… They are just desperately trying to get a comic strip let alone a full on Hollywood movie.

    The Unswung hero's of our story are Bob and Judy who desperately want to swing and fuck their friends…. But can't manage to get anyone interested due to Bob's hairy nipples and Judy's birthmark resembling Jeffy Dahmer.

    In this episode….

  5. No, that's nothing to worry. Her past exists and it's okay to keep photos of that past. It's totally valid to keep photos of important days in her life for example.

  6. Would you rather find out 18 years later that you have wasted your life with someone who was a liar and cheater? I mean yeah trust is important but if you aren’t hiding something why fight it?

  7. Reddit is nutty. Read her comments. I'm suspicious, and I don't even know her. I'm guessing her boyfriend might have some good reasons to suspect.

  8. I feel so bad for still thinking of him when I'm being treated like a goddess by my current bf.

    Some ideas in no particular order of importance:

    You're not over your ex, no matter what you keep telling yourself. You believe that the drama your ex causes is what a relationship is – passion. Your current bf doesn't provide the drama, so you miss it. You don't believe you deserve your current bf, so cling to the idea of your ex. You're so emotionally damaged by your ex that you've never actually recovered – Stockholm Syndrome There are other aspects missing in your life or relationship. Your ex has come to personify or symbolize those missing elements. So, you're not really thinking of your ex. Rather, the idea of your ex and the missing things he represents. You are afraid of moving forward in your life and relationship, so cling to the past as security. They say that people go to extraordinary lengths to preserve the identity and self-image they have of themselves. Moving forward scares you for whatever reason, so you cling to the idea of your ex as an anchor to that identity you desperately want to maintain.

  9. Yeah it’s something I plan on dealing with because I don’t plan on leaving. I really do like her and I don’t want this breaking us apart because what we built isn’t defined by him.

  10. Fuck bob your ex is a horrible person I’m so proud of you for how you have handled everything. Perfectly done???

  11. Bob stinks. Good he stays away. He was bullying you without consequenzes for him. He had this one coming.

  12. I know you love this girl but you need to love you more! It’s not worth it take it from me. You won’t be able to move past it and she’s lying to you. Let her be with this other man while you find someone so much better!

  13. The damage she is doing to your reputation could be permanent, and she clearly either intends as such or doesn't care. If she wants to be back in your life, it's on her to do that healing. Not you.

    As for the mourning, my best advice is not to rush it. Crying helps sometimes, laughing helps sometimes, telling stories about how she used to be helps sometimes, and all of those will sometimes just lead to more crying. Remember that's allowed, and encouraged, when mourning someone so important. You won't get the same sympathy that you might from a death, so leaning on closer friends and mental health professionals might be your best bet. It will hurt, but not more than this. It is hard to accept someone you love going away, harder still when it's their own fault. There are no hard and fast rules for Healthy Grief – best I can say is make sure to give yourself all the time you need, and make sure to take some specific times to think about the relationship you lost.

    It sounds like a tough pill to swallow, but what you get is the freedom that closure brings. Understanding that you and this person are done lifts a weight from your shoulders. I have had family die, friends die, and I have had to all but disown one of my family members, and of the three the grief was the same, but the freedom from the third is worth it.

  14. How the Fuck am I supposed to face these people again?

    You don't have to. Drop your disrespectful BF and you'll never have to see them again. They're a-holes.

  15. Maybe she doesn’t she you as a long term relationship?

    What if you ever talk to her brother and find out you were invited?

  16. I'm guessing your dad has been cheating for a lot longer than just now. Sorry.

    I hope your mom can start working so she has something to feel like she has independence. I also hope she has access to all the bank accounts etc.

    I don't know how old your sibs are, or what your relationship is, but if you might want to tell them as well.

  17. We need more details OP. My sibling had Batman cufflinks on for their wedding. There is a big difference between a costume and superhero themed formal wear

  18. No worries, I know myself and some of my friends get a bit like this under pressure (not anyone’s fault dw!). My money’s on you’re both a bit stressed about trying to make sex this amazing thing which is having the opposite effect unfortunately.

    Just relax and it’ll come naturally. No need to go changing anything about yourself to please anyone else. She’s most likely with you/having sex with you because she does find you attractive 🙂

  19. You’re in a relationship with someone who will only give you the bare minimum when you have to beg for it

    Don’t fall victim to the sunk cost fallacy by staying. A man who actually loves and cares about you would be torn apart to hear that you feel used by him after sex

  20. Ohh I thought I was the only one that cringed on that part. I was like bath baskets ugh. As a girl that’s ALL I got from family that didn’t know me. And I couldn’t even use most of it bc I have sensitive skin.


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