CammiCams live! webcams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “CammiCams live! webcams for YOU!

  1. So, talk about the material loss to someone else. He's not interested. You don't even have confirmation from the insurance company whether they will total it or pay for repairs.

    He cared about the most important thing, which is whether you are injured or not.

    He cannot address all your needs. Turn to friends and family.

  2. You stayed with a liar. That is what you did wrong. You are trying to be perfect, but surrounding yourself with dishonest people will almost never work out well.

  3. The reason I’m on the fence about apologizing is because of what she said about my parents not because of what she aid about me I don’t care about that stuff to much but when she brought my parents in it then it became a problem

  4. And maybe your arbitrary timeline doesn’t work for her. You aren’t her.

    So she’s shitty, in your eyes. Then be stoked she left so now he doesn’t have to deal with this unaccommodating harpy! He’s free!

    Either way, she’s gone to take the breather she so clearly needs. And she is completely entitled to do so.

    And internet foot stomping or shaming of her cannot force her to return to being the emotional support needed here, nor would a person who is burnt to the point of even doing anything like this likely care that anyone here thinks them shitty, because no one here is living in this wildly unstable situation other than them. So you can condemn her from behind your screen, while this is a lived reality for them.

  5. Hello /u/Melodic-Task5883,

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  6. Sharing my feelings and fears and knowing I'll receive reassurance? Nah, “Grow up, I'm not your

    I'm sorry that's not fair to anyone to go through. Your feelings should be acknowledged and fears be driven away.

    If it's not sex maybe it's because you're the one making the decisions and it's a power struggle?

  7. With the same reasoning you could ask your gf to get screened for future abuse potential. Women can be abusers, too, but after 6 years I‘d venture to say that both of you know each other well enough to know as much as any therapist might find out in a screening.

    Therapy however is something that might be really helpful for her if, as you say, she internalizes her friends‘ problems and doesn’t even realize how unreasonable her request to you is.

  8. It’s not the size but what you do with it (and everything else)

    As for saying the other guy ‘got a lot out of her’. That’s just icky. She’s not a vending machine. She’s not doling out treats. Maybe she didn’t actually want to do those things really but was manipulated or nagged into doing them?

  9. Set up your own account t and message him with “fancy meeting you here.” Then block and walk

  10. I'm going to have to disagree with the reddit hive mind here. You can't just assume he was a creeper when he has a business doing this. This is his job. Talk to your wife and ask if he did anything that made her feel uncomfortable. Ask if he acted professionally. Ask if he made any inappropriate comments. If he did, you'll need to have a talk with the friend. If she says he was professional and didn't make her feel uncomfortable, then the only reason you're upset is because someone else saw your wife nude. In which case, that's something you need to work out yourselves.

  11. I'll bring it up but I don't want to force them to like me. And I'm afraid it's going to come off like that.

  12. This turns my stomach. Shit like this is what makes dating so fuckin nude these days…regardless. she would be single.

  13. so she would always ask for condoms before we started anything

    So she can now poke holes in them.

  14. That is true, my parents haven’t shown much, but my personality is forgiving and hopeful. I am happy there’s progress. The comments made weren’t racist, but more judging how free his parents raised him when my parents have been very vigilant. I understand him being angry and not wanting anything to do with them. That’s not what I’m asking of him. I really just cannot understand how he can’t be happy that I feel loved. Maybe a third person would understand this better, but I really cannot see it as of now.

  15. No nothing was wrong with you. Something was wrong with him.

    And it sounds like maybe he took the time to do some work there and figure some of it out. If you truly cared for this guy just be happy he's taking care of himself.

    But just because you saw him well presented and with two women also doesn't actually tell you anything about the state of his life or relationship. Your narrative is that he's absolutely thriving, emotionally healthy, physically looking good, dressed well, and able to satisfy both of these women back to back. But you don't know any of that.

    Perhaps he struggled with monogamy and that was part of the issue in your relationship before. Or perhaps he found monogamy as a way to deal with some of the issues that presented himself in your relationship. For all you know there's three of them in this relationship because that's what it takes for everyone to feel satisfied. He could still be somewhat asexual or not.

    You don't know who is having sex with who, how often, how much, how long. You are purely speculating based on your baggage from a relationship that was years in the past. Just as your life I'm sure is very different from how it was back then his is as well. You're happily married with a family. And hopefully he is happily in a poly relationship and things worked out best for everyone involved.

  16. Your family is very crazy, and you did absolutely nothing to stop them and their insanity. Yeah, you deserved to get dumped AND you are clearly terrible relationship material.

  17. sounds like it's in your head. consider your ex can make you orgasm in the beginning and then he can't in the end. probably because your feeling already declined. hookups also didn't work because obviously you have no feelings.

    and you can't orgasm with him because he kinda put “ultimatum” upfront. he broke up with his ex because she cant orgasm and you don't feel safe in this relationship. because you think that the continuity of your relationship is depending on your orgasm which make your orgasm is a purpose not an enjoyment. and it'll definitely harder to orgasm if you're being pressured to.

    maybe talk to him honestly that you've been faking it all this time because what he said about his ex bother you and it puts pressure on you. ask him to support you instead and telling him that because of what he said, it's nude for you to orgasm because you need to feel loved and safe.

    maybe try this. ask your boyfriend to lie there, put his dick in, use your vibrator and also grind on his dick slowly. ask him to stay still, close your eyes and imagine you are masturbating. ask him to be patient and take your time. if you can orgasm this way it then you can slowly try something else. but the most important part is fixing your mindset first.

  18. You are your own person. You can’t always follow the advice of another person even your parents. If you think this best for you you are old enough to make that decision and see where it takes you.


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