Jane Sucks the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Jane Sucks, 19 y.o.


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14 thoughts on “Jane Sucks the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. It’s called a break up because it’s broken. Firmly end this relationship and go NC. Block his number if you need to.

  2. Thanks for your response. I assumed in a relationship that when someone sets a standard, it should apply to both people in the relationship, but she thinks otherwise

  3. Ask for paternity test. Don’t support her during the pregnancy unless she’s wanting to do a test in vitro- if you’re in the us she probably qualifies for state insurance anyways –

  4. you're making a lot of awful generalizations about women based on your own incredibly limited experience.

  5. Buy your own place and rent it out. That rental money will be yours, as will the equity on that condo or house and then you can go ahead and pay him market value rent for one bedroom in his place. Hopefully he has a two bedroom unit. And then that bedroom is YOURS for office, spare bed, workout room, extra clothes etc. You don’t pay half his mortgage for 1/2 of a bedroom. But split the utilities equally. I’d recommend against splitting food evenly if he eats a lot more than you.

  6. Buy your own place and rent it out. That rental money will be yours, as will the equity on that condo or house and then you can go ahead and pay him market value rent for one bedroom in his place. Hopefully he has a two bedroom unit. And then that bedroom is YOURS for office, spare bed, workout room, extra clothes etc. You don’t pay half his mortgage for 1/2 of a bedroom. But split the utilities equally. I’d recommend against splitting food evenly if he eats a lot more than you.

  7. I mean i still love her. Just because she’s my ex that doesn’t mean i hate her. I still have feelings for her and thats why it bothers me. I just feel like shit. Her friend is a snake because she was talking to me behind her back and she also sleeps with many guys. It hurts man. I dont know what to do. I will get over it eventually but i just want the truth because i never cheated and thats how much i valued and loved her. But you’re right its time to move on. 🙁

  8. I’d focus on dealing with yourself. How was watching CP ever ok? You didn’t care because it was supposedly “a long time ago”


  9. First of all, it's completely normal to feel anxious or uncertain as your wedding date approaches. Marriage is a big commitment, and it's natural to think about the future and how things will change. It's also important to remember that no relationship is perfect, and there will always be areas where both partners can grow and improve.

    In your situation, it seems that you're concerned about your fiancé's ability to engage in deeper conversations, especially regarding your future together. It's possible that he may not be comfortable discussing these topics, or perhaps he's just not used to having these types of conversations.

    Here are a few suggestions to help you address this issue:

    Be open and honest: Share your concerns with your fiancé in a non-confrontational manner, and let him know how important it is for you to have deeper conversations. Tell him that you value his opinions and want to understand his perspective on various topics.

    Create a safe space: Make sure your fiancé feels comfortable discussing his thoughts and feelings. Sometimes people avoid deep conversations because they're worried about being judged or misunderstood. Reassure him that you're willing to listen and respect his point of view, even if you don't always agree.

    Encourage self-reflection: Some people may not be used to thinking deeply about their feelings or opinions, so it might be helpful to encourage your fiancé to practice self-reflection. This can be done through journaling, meditation, or simply spending time alone to think.

    Be patient and supportive: Developing emotional depth and the ability to have deeper conversations can take time. Be patient with your fiancé as he learns to open up and share his thoughts and feelings with you.

    Consider pre-marital counseling: Pre-marital counseling can be a helpful tool for couples to discuss important topics and develop communication skills before getting married. A professional counselor can guide you through these conversations and help you both develop a stronger emotional connection.

    Remember, relationships are a continuous work in progress, and both partners should be willing to grow and adapt together. If you both commit to working on your communication and emotional connection, you can overcome these challenges and build a strong foundation for your marriage.

  10. He knows. The problem is that knowing what is the problem is only a first step and we need to figure out the next few steps. And I don't know what it should be. If someone is treating me badly I'm going out of the meeting immediately. If someone is late and I have plans I stand up and leave. But that also means that a lot of people don't like hanging out with me. And he's the people pleaser and is well liked by a lot of people. He's too social to have only one good friend and few people he knows by name in his life. He needs more interactions than I do so my way won't work for him.

  11. Right, but the difficulty is that we've extrapolated an entire client/therapist relationship from the one statement. We have told ourselves the story that the encouragement to reestablish contact is all that there is to that relationship. Further, we're getting it filtered through the client.

    It's shockingly common to find bad therapists or therapists that don't mesh well with your needs. So I too would encourage OP to find a new therapist.


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