Kloee-SL on-line webcams for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “Kloee-SL on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Lol You've been lucky.

    I've encountered men I dated who even worked in security that have been outed as pedophiles….all checks, screenings, etc totally clear. Totally naked working, seemingly family oriented.

    You never know people. Better to take everything into account rather than burying your head in the sand and ignoring a guy's live activity. I'll look at everything.

  2. With the strong implication that he needs to protect himself because of witch hunts like the people posting here saying he raped her.

  3. Its an ex. What or who she is doing shouldnt matter to you. Actually. You shouldnt give any crap about it. ☕️

  4. Just a gentle reminder that sometimes people will hide their awful personality traits for hears before they start making an appearance. I'd keep an eye out for similar behavior in the future. So, I hope you were able to sleep. I ALSO hope you walked into that basement and unplugged the stereo and then said “next time it's the breaker” and walked back upstairs.

  5. Does “conservative” to you somehow mean logical? Because your family seems like they really only have your best interest at heart. If I was with a man who told me the only way he’d marry me is if I pay for the wedding I’d pack and leave. You’re still so young, find someone better and worth your time and effort.

  6. This is true, I guess I just feel like they’ve all taken his side since they’re aware we’re no longer talking and no one has checked in on how I’m doing. So yea I shouldn’t care what they think

  7. I understood what you meant, but what I meant is: you can’t do anything about it. Some people lose themselves to relationships, and you can choose to distance yourself (because you know it will happen again), but since you’re all friends, you don’t have to nuke the relationship.

    Hang out with other people. Do other things.

  8. Thank you. She takes our marriage very seriously and I hope giving her an ultimatum worked, although my gut tells me it worked for the wrong reason.

    I hate the idea of an ultimatum because ultimatums just seem so manipulative and in this case, it shouldn't have even come to that. Cutting a sick, twisted child predator out of your life should be a no-brainer and I know she's smarter than that. I think it's a combination of manipulation by SMF, pressure by the rest of the family, the desire to not feel like she broke her promise to her dying mother, and a desire to do what she thinks would have made her mom happy. I sincerely loved and respected her mom, but she made choices based only on emotion and this is horrifying and tragic result.

  9. It is very rare for pet people to be compatible long term with non-pet people. You are not compatible. He has told you clearly and unambiguously what his feelings are on the matter and the fact that you keep acting surprised about this is very manipulative. Find a place that allows dogs, move out, get the dog, and find someone else who likes dogs.

  10. He sounds like the controlling type. Nip it in the bud before he starts telling you where to go and whom you can't see.

  11. You might feel like that now, but even fully grown adults find themselves in manipulative and emotionally abusive relationships. Or relationships in which there is a huge power imbalance and they feel overwhelmed. Very often abusers use tactics like love booming and seem wonderful in the first year(s). Then they sink their claws in as you fall in love.

    So what we are saying is BE CAREFUL. You could be walking into a predators trap.

    You need to ask yourself why someone his age would want a relationship that has such a big power imbalance at the outset due to your age gap and experience levels. Does he want that power imbalance? If so, why? How is he going to use that to manipulate you as time goes on?

    We are worried for you, because we have seen this story play out a million times. Many of us have been there ourselves.

  12. The comment is a whole package deal. Start with the most important part, asking if she would be pushing for an open relationship if she were not having a disability that impacted how often they can get sexual. If her answer is a resounding yes, by all means open the relationship and I wish her well in also having great adventures with new partners. If she is accepting this because she is mono but feels inadequate and unable to satiate her bf, then I 100% stand by my feeling that OP is about to absolutely traumatize her by leaving her alone to sleep with other people. That this did not get this close to happening until her disability degenerated further tells me it is far more likely that this is an act of a woman desperate to keep her man happy and an unbelievably terrible thing to do to somebody. So ask the first question and get the true answer, and if it is not a resounding yes please fuck other people, it excites her and she can’t wait to do it too, then move to question two. Is this a dealbreaker, and if it is act accordingly.


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