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35 thoughts on “Gaheelove live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. If it's in your name, she doesn't contribute to renovations, maintenance, taxes, mortgage. She helps pay utilities and possibly a set “rent” toward the home.

    Consider a prenuptial. To lay out the house

  2. Why is now the moment to tell her all that? What are you hoping to achieve? Honesty is great, but not to the complete detriment of the other person and their feelings. Sometimes honesty and complete honesty are two different things.

    I’m also going to throw a word of caution out there from a female perspective. Obviously you know her best and I might be talking nonsense, but I feel I should still mention it: Having a close friend, who wants to be with you, especially after you clearly said “no”, feels super icky. It makes you question, if they just stayed around as a friend, hoping to win you over or be with you. You might question moments of intimacy or advice, as they didn’t come from the place you expected them to come from. Said friend then wanting you to counsel them through the fact you are still saying “no”, is a bit of a slap in the face. Your timing also comes across as pretty manipulative. I know you don’t mean it that way, but it does. You pouring all your emotions out and making them her problem, is absolutely going to effect her relationship. It might also make the new partner super uncomfortable. It would definitely make me uncomfortable as the new partner and I’d feel weird about the continuation of the friendship.

  3. He’s only 25 so he’s probably thinking he has all the time in the world to think about that. It’s clear that you want different things though. It’s good to have goals in on-line but don’t let it pass you by because you’re worrying too much about goals.

  4. Hello /u/rediter210,

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  5. You are not his mother. He can get out of bed himself. Alarms are a thing that exists. Household responsibilities need to be split 50/50. Make a list of tasks that are done regularly and agree who will be responsible for them. This is an absolute deal breaker. Stop parenting him.

  6. Is your plan to purchase a home right after graduation? Or will you be renting? Because that is basically what you will be doing if you stay with bf, you will be a renter. Make sure you have a lease so if things go south, you are protected.

    You can use the 6 -12 month period to decide if the relationship is worth going forward, if it’s not, start looking for your own place.

    An option, if you decide to stay with bf, is for you to find an affordable property, and use it as a rental if you decide to move in with bf.

    Don’t move in unless you are ready to live! with him

  7. Sounds like your girlfriend sees it as “My boyfriend spent money on a gift for his ex” and so she's feeling jealous.

    It might help to talk to her and make it clear that you actually spent that money on your daughter, to enable your daughter to give a gift to her mom, because it's your role as a parent to help your daughter do life tasks she can't do on her own yet (like gifting her parents).

    If your girlfriend can understand the distinction between money spent on daughter vs money spent on ex, I think she will calm down. You didn't do anything wrong, but if you want to resolve things with your girlfriend you need to help her understand why there is nothing to be jealous of.

    You could also break up with her if you choose – some people would not be ok with having to explain something like this.

  8. I feel ya. It's tough when you and your girl aren't on the same page when it comes to the nookie. But, it's important to remember that sex isn't everything in a relationship. It's a huge part, but it's not the be-all and end-all.

    First things first, you gotta remember that everyone has different sex drives. Just cuz you're feelin' frisky all the time doesn't mean she is. And that's totally cool. You can't force someone to be in the mood.

    Secondly, don't take it personally. Just cuz she ain't down to bone every day doesn't mean she don't find you attractive. Trust me, your girl is lucky as hell to have you. Don't sell yourself short bro.

    Lastly, it's all about communication. You gotta sit down with your girl and have a real talk about how you're feeling. Don't be afraid to express your needs, but also make sure you're listening to her needs too. You might find that there's something else going on that's causing her to not be in the mood as much. It's important to figure out what's really going on so you can work together to fix it.

    In the end, remember that sex isn't everything. You love your girl for more than just that. If you're going through a dry spell, don't let it ruin what you have. Take a step back and remember all the other things that make your relationship great. You got this bro.

  9. She is a “h0e”ish woman. What do you you expect? People don't change and it is probably going to be an issue in the future.

    The fact that she f'd around with two other guys, (probably did a lot more that she didn't want to tell you, a threesome a train) shows that she had no interesest in you during that time.

    Women like the idea of security so she probably sees you as a safe bet to keep her doing her thing while her “hubby” takes care if the home.

    You were not and are not her first choice, by far.

    Break it off while it is still new and look for a decent wife material.

  10. What has he done to not project that onto you? Does he actively correct himself when he's behaving wrong or try to listen to sources that help him heal through it and build trust? Does he intimate any trust activities with you that aren't “tests”.

    Also ask him why he thinks you're attracted to any man that walks past you? Ask him what he's going to do to stop feeling insecure? Not what can YOU do to help what is HE doing? If he can't answer you then he needs to think about it and if his answers all go back to you changing your behaviour then you should reassess the relationship.

  11. This is all so many red flags. He wants you to be financially dependent on him because he’s jealous of male attention- like you’re unable to turn it down- hes isolating you from friends, he fabricated things to rage at you for, he love bombs you, oh my god. This will get worse, do you want your children to think that’s how adults treat each other?

  12. Okay, here's the thing, she broke up with you because she wanted a more mature relationship. She's ready to settle down and have kids. You're response was that of a typically immature person. You blocked her. In her mind, you proved once and for all that you are not ready for a serious relationship.

    Once someone tells you they fell out of love with you, just want to be friends and have blocked you, there is not coming back from that. Why would want to get back with her knowing that she's dead set on marriage and kids before thirty? That's clearly not what you truly want.

    Breaking up is hot but the two of you want different things out of life. Take some time for yourself and then find someone more compatible.

  13. You said “that's not nearly always the case, even on the most popular sites” when discussing legal, consenting adults. “That girls case was far from isolated”.

    You said 'Pornhub and parent company have had tons of legal issues, refuse to take down all sorts of illegal porn, this isn't an isolated incident”

    “If you're seeking out porn of teens, you should be aware that you might be watching a child be abused”.

    I don't think we're on different sides here. I don't want anyone to ever create or consume illegal pornography, and I most definitely do not want any children being abused or hurt in any way.

    I also don't think it's so prevalent, like you seem to believe. Your article discusses the woman from 2009 and the GirlsDoPorn channel, which was (I hope) removed from Pornhub/other sites.

    There are billions of porn videos.

  14. Oh then yes that’s correct. But I have family money too and am not secretive about it. I’m grateful and happy to pay when it’s appropriate.

  15. Aww. I get it. It's very frustrating sometimes to hear someone just ramble. I know I do it, I get side tracked easily and tell 10 stories at once lol. My boyfriend is good at keeping me on track though and is patient. He finds it cute, unless he genuinely dosent want to hear about something. Then he just tells me he would like alittle quiet. I never get mad and hes never mad when he talks too much in the early morning and I get grumpy.

  16. No point doubting the past. You can’t fix it.

    He’s decided to mentally leave life. Not just you or his family.

    It’s a complete unaccountable apathy.

    It’s not fair but unfortunately life isn’t fair. It really should have been handled 6 years ago but it’s here now.

    Sounds like you would have sole custody and maybe it’s for the best.

  17. Out of the pot into the fire. It’s so difficult when your normal meter is off to recognize abuse.

  18. You can have you're own health insurance. You can still visit them in the ER/ICU through power of attorney documents, tax benefits aren't guaranteed and not comparable to how much he could lose. It doesn't matter if she'd want to take everything from him or not, that's up to the court and it's not uncommon knowledge that they are heavily biased against men during divorce proceedings.

  19. I’m sorry you’re hurting. Talk with your therapist about how you can come to accept your son’s lifestyle. You’re out a lot of emotional energy into resisting the idea that he moved away, and it’s causing you to suffer. Acceptance aligns you with reality and sets you free.

  20. The only thing I can think of is to come up with something special to add to the ceremony and keep it a surprise to him.

  21. She sounds kind of exhausting to be honest. How does she “get jealous”? If she does it in a way where you have right of reply, you could try saying something like, “I’m sorry you feel like that but you have told me multiple times you want to stay friends and don’t want things to be awkward and this is, well, a little awkward.” Maybe some clear time apart will give you both space to decide what you really want from each other.


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