FionaSmit on-line sex chats for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “FionaSmit on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. It’s totally valid to want your SO to work. Ambition is sexy. Is he still the man you fell in love with in other ways? Because it’s totally reasonable to leave him over this IMO.

  2. Like I said, everyone’s jumping the gun from one paragraph you know?

    You need to keep in mind that we only have the little information you provided, which, admittedly, didn't make him look great. Also, you went from saying in one of your earlier comments that it did seem like he didn't want to take care of you to putting in your edit that he's a hypochondriac. Do you realize how that may seem like you minimizing it or wanting to make him look better? Not saying it's true, I don't know, and I don't know you or him.

    I'm not saying this to attack you, but when you ask for advice on the internet you expose yourself to all kind of opinions (not justifying insults if there have been any, which I don't know), and you can choose to ignore what you don't like, but yeah, people are going to form their opinion based on the info they have. ?‍♂️

  3. I feel that one and I had to make life changes for my own children. Entrepreneur and multi-business owner, my wife said that I’d become “obsessed”. Several years ago, on my way home, ~2am, taking to my wife, my daughter (3 yrs old at the time) asked to talk to me. “Dad, can you sleep at our house tonight”. My kids didn’t think that I lived with them, slept in the same home. I was gone before they woke, home after they slept. I changed that,immediately. Wife and kids first, everything else 3’rd.

    Do better for your wife. Give her children. I’m 44, have 4, couldn’t live a day without my 2yr old monster.

    Don’t mean to sound harsh. I couldn’t imagine life without my kids, and imagine the life your wife could have with a couple of her own. Then, I picture wanting “this” and being denied by the person I love the most.

    It would be the end of me.

  4. Knowingly pursuing married women isn't a flex. Congrats, you're one of those despicable people. Believe it or not, there are men and women who do the bare minimum, such as respecting their partner even when they're not around.

  5. Had you agreed to be exclusive, or were you still just dating? If you’d only been on a couple of dates, I don’t think you could claim exclusivity, unless you had specifically discussed this.

  6. As in a bot? But how do bots work anyway? We exchanged sooo many messages about personal life as well. Work, interests, etc.

  7. Ethically, your duty is to the long-term wellbeing of the kids. Without knowing anything about you or your ex – aside from this one-sided account of the breakup – it's hard to opine on what outcome would be best for them. Generally, I'd think it would be best for them to know their biological dad in some way, even if their primary father figure should be your new husband. But maybe your ex is a monster and shouldn't ever see the kids. Or maybe he'd make a decent dad, despite your post-breakup antipathy toward him. There's simply not enough data here to make a good judgement.

    While the kids should be the primary ethical concern, there'a also a moral question about preventing a father from seeing his own children. Again, there's not enough info here to make any real conclusions. But from his perspective, he finds out you cheated on him (which the available evidence could lead to him to reasonably believe). Then he breaks up with you (which this sub would likely recommend that he do, given your slumber party). Then, while his trust in you is at an all-time low, and while you're trying to convince him to rekindle the relationship, you tell him that you're pregnant. He could reasonably doubt the claim you're pregnant, or that it's his, or that you would carry the child to term if it didn't win him back. So he says some unkind words in the heat of your post-breakup disputes. And then you disappear from town, never contact him when you give birth, and never confirm that they are his.

    I assume I'll get downvoted for going against the consensus – but I don't think he was given a sufficient opportunity to decide what his role would be in his children's lives. You denied him that opportunity on the basis of one conversation, and without him possessing the full knowledge that he actually had children.

    Again, this is all conjecture. Maybe you have a list of great reasons – aside from just being scorned – for denying him access.

  8. Why are they budgeting shared expenses proportionately based on post tax? This is why you do it pre tax because pretax dollars can still disproportionately benefit you.

  9. In the group chat:

    “Hi all, I am updating everyone that family visits will be limited to the weekends. During the week the kids and I will be doing our own thing, effective immediately. See you next weekend.”

    And then turn off Notifications.

    Get a chain lock and bolt the door during the day. If someone shows up, don't answer the door and don't pickup calls.

    They'll start taking YOU seriously when YOU tell them what your Boundaries are.

    Stop buying food or making snacks for guests that you didn't invite over.

    If they won't leave then bundle up the kids and go to a friend's/family members house until bedtime. If you arrive home and they are still there… “I'm sorry, but it is the twins bedtime and you all need to go home now thanks.” (And head to the bedrooms to put down the kids)

    If you come back later and they are still there.

    “Hey I asked you all to please leave 45min ago. Time's up. Please pack up and go home.”

    If you have the balls to leave for a couple of months then you have the balls to set Boundaries at home.

    You are the Momma Bear now. Act like the Momma Bear.

    I found the first year or so hard. I decided that I didn't care if they thought I was difficult as long as I got MY SPACE.

    At the 4yr old mark I had the grandparenta basically trained to back off.

    If they were nice, they saw the kids. If they were rude or dismissive I booked playdates and hangouts with other friends and family so that when husband wanted to see his parents “Sorry, we're seeing So-and-So. Life with kids is so busy!”

    Oh, I also started getting up and out of the house every morning with kiddo to community centres or libraries where they have Mom & Tot times where I could chat with adults and the babies play or nap.

    So whenever my MIL tried to stop by without ok'ing it first I wasn't even home.

    Make mom friends so you can escape to other houses and have coffee.


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