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31 thoughts on “MadissonDay live! sex cams for YOU!

  1. Aww, you sound thoughtful, sweet, and… very anxious. It's naked to know how much of this is your anxiety versus a deep incompatibility or one begetting the other. Only you can answer that. Try observing your feelings and approaching them with curiosity. Be like a scientist and see how certain situations make you feel and try to name how you feel. There's probably something a little deeper that this is about. Maybe you've never settled into this relationship and you've always felt like you're chasing her?

  2. No good deed goes unpunished… so much for watching the kids and letting her get some free time. Now you're stuck with a tough decision. Everyone has echoed the same thing, the choice is truly yours at this point…

  3. You get attracted to people from proximity or seeing them. You don't develop feelings by just working with someone. There have to have been some romantic interactions between them for her to have romantic feelings towards him, ie, emotional cheating.

    Its upto you whether you want to put up with that but honestly, you really are suffering a lot right now and you have to wonder if all this is worth it for someone with such fleeting feelings for you that they can have feelings for someone so easily. Cheating is cheating. Telling you doesnt mean much.

  4. This makes me really angry for your girlfriend. I can imagine spending 3.5 years with someone whom you loved and cared for with all your heart to just find out that that person doesn’t think you’re “worth” marrying. She did no wrong and she doesn’t deserve it. But more than anything she doesn’t deserve for her time to be wasted any more on you. Gather your balls and break things up.

  5. Ok now having read you comments, I have a different opinion than my initial response.

    Break up with her. Immediately.

    You don’t know if you like her personality (or think it is compatible me with yours) enough to marry her after 3.5 years. I knew in 2 weeks that I was going to marry my husband. I know it’s not like that for most people, but most people also have the common decency not to be callous when it comes to the people they supposedly love.

    You know you don’t love her, but (this is conjecture) you like that she loves you, and you like your life together. Cool. I bet it is pretty nice.

    But you’re supposed to love her. You’re supposed to care about her future. And if you do, you will dump her. She deserves to marry someone who fell in love with her, not someone who was strongarmed into it by grandma.

  6. If he says he won’t, then that’s that. If you don’t believe him when he says he won’t, then that’s a deeper issue that you need to figure out. Why are you feeling insecure about this? Has he lied to you in the past?

  7. You are young with your entire life ahead of you. A bright one at that!

    Listen to the red flags. Don't make excuses for them. Run away.

  8. He wouldn’t have needed a code to see if he deleted his tinder. He was trying to make it again. He isn’t being honest with you.

  9. I work 40hr and can still make meals yes not all the time. I also work 1 hour away from home. Crockpot meals help, we eat those for a few days.

  10. Do you guys ever have a conversation that doesn’t become about whatever guy she’s seeing? If not, you’re not friends, you’re her therapist.

  11. Talk to her about it. In some cultures and religious texts, there is the expectation or rule that whatever money a woman makes is her own, as it's the mans duty to pay for the standard of living.

    It might be a cultural difference you need to talk about and find a solution, since she can't just expect that from you.

  12. You’re a mom. Your gut instinct is to show down because you’re feeling fear. Address it.

    Every post condemning and accepting porn are all categorically anecdotes and won’t help you make the decision you feel is right.

    Just talk to the guy. Tell him his pornography interest concerned you, not because of anything he’s doing wrong, but because you are a mom and protecting them is a priority. Try to understand, and don’t do anything until you feel confident in the decision.

    You got this.

  13. I'll never get married couples who don't pool their finances. You end up in your situation where one person has more disposable income than the other and it leads to resentment.

  14. You’re only 30, and you’re a man willing to take on therapy in your life. I hope you understand how much of a green flag that is.

    Sorry this one didn’t work out but you are going to be ok.

  15. This is the biggest advice OP should follow. Get one without hesitation,and follow everything lawyer says to do.

  16. How many pictures do you take of yourself before you post to instagram? 10? 50? 100? Before you find the best one? How much makeup do you have on? Did you get the right lighting? Did you hire a photographer?

    At most 4. I rarely wear makeup, not too much when I do. I guess so. Havent hired a photographer since hs senior year pics. Im deliberate about being as real as possible on my profiles. I dont even know how to edit or filter.

  17. I know 4 people who died from a drunk driving accident. They were on vacation and another drunk man drove straight into them and killed them while hes still alive.

    I think that this shows that you are a great person and you should be proud of yourself.


  18. Tell him you'll sign a prenup – that all of his assets that he had before marriage will belong solely to him in the event of divorce and that you can have separate finances while married so there's no risk of you struggling to divide those assets later.

    If he still isn't interested in marriage…then he'll never marry you. Decide if that's something you can online with or if you need to break up, at that point.

  19. Yes, it has to be kept separate. Obviously I'm also not an expert lol, but I believe there's a difference, like if he used it to buy the marital home, vs a rental property that would be managed through an entirely separate account and never mingled with marital accounts.

  20. He’s just saying that to flip things on you and make you feel guilty. It’s a manipulation tactic. You’re not doing anything wrong, you’re just telling him that he needs to obey the building rules


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