Dom the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Dom, 28 y.o.


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28 thoughts on “Dom the naked online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. No. Do not wait. I see this time and time again where lots of pained women try to read between lines that aren't there when men tell them what his plans and intentions are plainly. Even I have done it myself.

    He's not planning on bringing you to his home or family. He told you what he's doing and has to do. If he planned on bringing you to them, he would've told you he was when he dropped the first bomb of info. If he had no intentions of following through with the arranged marriage, he would have said that his parents want him to marry, but he doesn't plan on it. He didn't say that.

    Please save yourself the extended heart break. I know it hurts, and I know you love him, but he told you what is happening. That is the truth. Do yourself a favor and detach from him because he's clearly detached from the idea of having anything long-term or serious like marriage with you. I wish you the best

  2. My ex did this, said it was nothing because it was virtual and he would never do anything in real life.

    A year later we had a fight, he said he wanted a break, hooked up with someone from an app 3 weeks later and then said “what, we were on a break!” and still thought we should get back together.

    If they're not monogamous, they're not monogamous. We can't force them to be and apparently they can't choose it out of love. They're gonna do what they're gonna do and we can either put up with it, or find someone honest.

  3. Hello /u/Worldly_Following488,

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  4. My god, it’s almost like men aren’t horny all the time and sometimes aren’t in the mood to be sexual! Such a concept! Other way would be it’s my wife’s birthday and she’s not in the mood, she should at least cup my balls.

  5. This is not a large age gap. Assuming you haven't had a birthday yet you're talking about 5 years.

  6. My ex-husband was verbally and emotionally abusive. Your husband is abusing you, not only verbally and emotionally but financially as well. It really wears on your self worth and esteem. Please know that you are important and have power and are worthy of being with someone who loves and respects you. Please seek out an divorce attorney, you can't online like this with your child. Many times attorneys will take payment plans or your husband will have to pay. If you have family or friends please seek them out so you have someplace safe. I don't know where you live! but state or county governments have assistant programs as well. I hope things work out for you.

  7. But would you not agree that partners should ideally share their passion? Of course, it doesn't always work out that way. However, if something excites you, energizes you, if you're passionate about it, would it not be ideal that your partner shares this excitement and passion? And would it not be ideal if you're able to talk to your partner about what you're most passionate about?

  8. MDMA is relatively low risk. It's not really one of those sketchy drugs people should rightly avoid. I don't really use recreational substances often but I got friends who do often and test them etc, so I trust the source when they offer it up. Wouldn't blindly take something from a stranger though.

  9. The worst part is, we got to a place where she wasn’t disassociating from sex anymore, she became emotionally involved with sex and is set to see a psychologist this week now those feelings may relate to me, explaining a situation with her ex and now very close to our relationship

  10. Well. I guess he's not as straight as he presented himself to be.

    Right now, you have some reflecting to do. I've seen relationships survive an infidelity, so it's possible if it is something you both want. However, his “discrete bi” admission and his apparent self-loathing is something that, for his own wellbeing as well as that of your relationship moving forward, has to be addressed. Prefferably by a professional. The first step is probably therapy all around.

  11. He is always going to have connection with his ex if they have a child and he obviously hasn’t navigated his true feeling for his ex. Remember it takes two to have a terrible marriage and you will never know absolutely everything because I bet he minimizes the bad things he did, So this has to be dealbreaker because you cannot demand that she never be in his life because of the child and therefore they will always be an emotional connection because of that. And because of that you’ll never fully trust him again and that will eat at you.

  12. There is also a thread about a girl getting an eyebrow piercing on the first page that her boyfriend hates. A lot of “your body, your choice” and “keep the piecing and lose the boyfriend”.

  13. So confusing , 3 months in is well in the honeymoon phase. This is the best version of herself OPs soon to b ex could put together. If you can’t keep it together for 90 days you’ve got some problems.

  14. It's so cringe how people think 21 is a child and 28 is somehow a grown ass middle aged man to the point y'all are actively trying to make it sound creepy “fresh out of highschool girl dating a 30 year old mann!” Yes 7 years is a big difference, but it isn't that big. 7 years isn't a lot of time in the grand scheme of things. People don't have the exact same life experience at 21 or 28.

    Anyway, if she prefers to talk online then you two are just not compatible. You haven't been together for long so just let it go.

  15. Oh dear…

    Look, to any 45 year old, a 25 year old looks like a veritable child (so babyfaced!). Even moreso when you have a daughter aged 16. Your BF is keeping this relationship a secret because he knows he would be hounded out and ostracized not just by his ex wife (BTW are you 100% certain that the wife is an ex?), but pretty much everyone in his friendship group too, because other people his age know how messed up it is to date someone so much younger (its like a 25 year old going out witha 15 year old).

    The age gap is so big, you have almost nothing in common. And men his age don't seek out women your age because they want a balanced dynamic. Usually for the younger party it is about emotional needs and stability, but for the older party they seek power, control and physical lust. But such men also tend to suffer from a great deal insecurity and paranoia issues because while it can initially be a big ego trip to catch someone so young, the mans advanced years (and I guarantee you that at 45 there will be all kinds of things he will be feeling because of his age) will also make him feel increasingly worried that you'll one day trade him in for a fitter and/or younger model.

    When such older men suffer from insecurity and paranoia issues, it can go South very quickly. He already had you under a lot of control, taking advantage of your younger years and lack of life experience to coax you into staying quiet and secretive about your relationship, which meant that the dynamic was not healthy even when things were “good” (it is not healthy nor normal to be in a relationship which you have to keep secret about to everyone). But now he's suffering from paranoia, he thinks nothing of being manipulative and emotionally abusive to reign you in even tighter.

    You have done NOTHING wrong here. You didn't cheat on your BF and your mistake was completely innocent. Anyone can come back late from an appointment by accident, its going to happen sometimes in life! But that his mind went straight to you cheating on him, is messed up.

    These issues are coming from within him (not you). And I'm afraid that unless he deals with his demons (his age-related insecurities, etc) there is not a lot you can do to fix any of this. Because even if you behave extremely submissive, that will long-term only enable his insecurities further. And the more under his control you become, the more your isolation in life will worsen and the harder it will be to leave this relationship.

    There are so many older guys who tell their young partners that their marriage to their wife is dead, dying or sexless, that they will move out soon (and make everything official when they do). “Just a little while longer, I love you”. But 9/10, the man has no intention of wrecking his whole reputation and ruining his family life by trading it all in for a young mistress . So the young partner just gets stringed along waiting for a respectable relationship that never ends up materializing (extra icing on the cake if the whole stories about the marriage being over or near-over end up being a lie). And these kinds of relationships often turn abusive.

    My advice would be to end things. You need to go have a life (and this isn't one). This relationship isn't good or normal. Please reconnect with your family and friends. You need to be around people your own age and not living in some middle aged guys house as his dirty little secret. You are a victim here and things will only get worse if you let him bully and emotionally manipulate you into thinking you were the one in the wrong here. He's already made you feel terrible for something you never did wrong, next? He will be trying to control your movements and appearance whilst becoming more volatile towards you.

  16. The age gap is a red flag on her part?

    He hasn't paid back the debt yet, so she's right to be cautious. It's not really a red flag to want a partner who's financially stable, is it?

  17. You are not overreacting. Communication is the most important part of any relationship and this guy is not providing that. He should not be in a relationship.

  18. You keep alluding to 'needing time' and etc but that mindset just puts you in purgatory. Makes it impossible to move forwards until you feel enough time has passed you can reach out again. It isn't moving on, it is just waiting for the heat to die down and that is a big part of the problem here.

    She apologised. That is sufficient relief. You keep insisting that was sufficient affirmation, well, actually act like it is then. Accept that was her closing that chapter of her life.

  19. i’m 24, and this made me long for a closer relationship with my dad. I was abused, and he never protected me. she’s so lucky to have you, even if you make mistakes

  20. You have 2 options. Either have a harsh and straightforward talk in ‘don’t disrespect my girl’ or add to the jokes at their expense example You “ I have a sore head’ Friend ‘she gives great head’ You ‘yeah she said you were like sucking a button on a fur coat’ Now if the react badly she said what and start argument fighting etc they can’t take it etc then they are being mean and slyly being dicks under the false guise it was a joke. But if they laugh take as a joke then they were probably genuinely joking about it as guys can do sometimes.

    Personally I’m a girl I would want my bf to get his friend to cut that crap out.

  21. While no relationship can stay pure and bliss, we must never forget that some things do irreparable damage…


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