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16 thoughts on “Sophie-rivers live webcams for YOU!

  1. Its nude to let that first one go… some of us never do. But as you get older youll realize that it was just a learning experience that hopefully you enjoyed to some degree. The best part of life is that there are endless learning experiences and things to find joy in, but to fully grasp the most out of life you have to accept the scars that come with it. Maybe in 10 years yall will reconnect and its the person you were always meant to be with, maybe she’ll have ugly kids and youll find someone who makes you happy in ways you could never imagine. Its all part of the journey friend, feel your feelings and let them be what helps you grow. Good luck.

  2. Don't do anything, just be fine with her not liking them and not hanging out with them. If they ask why, remind them.

  3. PLEASE at least in the next 3 months get yourself weekly individual therapy and really commit & focus on it, your intrusive thoughts are going to ruin many things for you in future if you cannot get a grip on them and know how to avoid the traps they set for you.

    The fact that you're not listening to your wife and you're instead trying to force her into a relationship she doesn't want is bonkers. She immediately chose you, she's going through major lengths to prove that, secure that and ensure it all works… and you're not reacting in a healthy, rational or reasonable way. You're allowing your intrusive thoughts generate this anger and then allowing all that mess to run the show. That indicates you've not been participating in the couples therapy at all and instead have sat back as if you WERE cheated on/wronged and have made this her fault and as if she actually betrayed you.

    Get yourself help man, this is not healthy at all.

  4. How tf is she preventing you from anything? She wants to see you at a location you go to everyday? And talk to you on the phone at night? It was you, not her that derailed your life for this relationship. You sound like you can't focus on more than one thing at a time. You have yet to mention any compromise made on how you divide your time together. Just because you keep saying “best version of myself” doesn't necessarily make it noble.

  5. He did something without her consent, that‘s abuse. You think she is supposed to take it because he has trauma himself? He literally pissed on her.

  6. This is scary.

    You need people on your side and a safe way to cut him out of your life.

    He's clearly not mentally stable.

  7. Yeah I don’t it either. I also don’t understand saying “you’re the love of my life but I want to have sex with other people” and telling her people live longer and he can’t just have sex with her for the next 40 years because he will get bored. How can the “love of his life” and the life they built together, mean less to him than having sex with multiple people?

  8. 20 years old just isn't a term that generates any significant responses in a search engine for porn. It's been said elsewhere in the thread – When you're a porn actress you're a teen until you look the right age to play a MILF.

  9. I would leave, he could end up in prison and you could be liable if you are around him. Also the whole drug world is full shady garbage, people are killed all the time. Don't stay with a drug dealer.

  10. He broke up with her for good reasons and I can’t imagine had any intention of getting back together, just wanted attention. But having her fulfill that to me, is where I consider it emotional cheating.

  11. You're not sexually compatible and when you have a high sex drive, that's basically the nail in the relationship. Why would you want to make it work when it's clearly so important to you and he isn't willing to meet you in the middle?

  12. I've read through all of your comments and a bunch of the other ones too. I think your instincts are on the right track. A lot of the comments are focused around the perceived “grandiosity” of a $1.5M home. I live in Ontario as well (not in the GTA), I understand how wild housing prices are, even though the idea of a “luxury home” isn't particularly appealing to me personall (not only because it's not something I can afford, but also because it doesn't align with my priorities in life; I don't think it would be something that would make me truly happy).

    I don't think you are a gold digger. That's not the impression I get at all. Sure, you come from privilege (you mentioned your parents are wealthy), but I don't think that's the same thing because you aren't trying to take advantage of anyone else having money.

    Putting the house purchase aside for a moment, I think the bigger issues here are his behaviour and lack of honesty with you. Many of the comments seem to be overlooking the nuances of this situation. You've mentioned in various comments that he:

    1) has been deceptive regarding whether he personally saved $300k 2) becomes defensive when you try to discuss money, and particularly his frivolous spending habits 3) has blown $100k on gambling in a single year 4) made $400k last year and didn't save anything because he likes to “live in the moment” 5) bought a business and then promptly and intentionally declared bankruptcy to avoid repaying the loan for said business (that seems really deceptive to me) 6) is pushing for a “luxury home” and that is contrary to what you want (but you've also mentioned less expensive “dingy” homes so I'm a little confused on what your standards are in this case) 7) has weaponized his “savings” — which were forced on him by his mother, no less — to avoid being financially responsible 8) is trying to avoid taxes by purchasing another business (I may have misunderstood this as I didn't see much context behind the comment) 9) has a level of unpredictability in his income 10) is pushing for marriage and this house purchase (but you also alluded to feeling an urgency to have kids so I am not entirely clear about whether you are also wanting to push forward for that reason, feel free to clarify if you'd like)

    IMO, those are all important reasons to take pause.

    1) deception is a terrible foundation for any relationship, marriage or otherwise; lying about money is a big deal and signals a willingness on his part to lie about other things 2) big red flag! He doesn't want to be honest with you about his spending, nor does he want to be held accountable. I don't think you have a full picture of his finances but you seem to have a good sense that it's not a good situation overall 3) YIKES! He obviously has issues with impulse control (which he plays off as living in the moment) … That is a huge amount of $$ to blow on gambling, and to me that signals addiction. Has he addressed his gambling? Taken any responsibility for the impulse control issues? It sounds like he has not. This is not something you want to attach yourself to. You are right to be wary, and to mention that marriage makes his issues into your issues. 4) $400k and nothing to show for it is a blazing flag IMO. Does he have anything saved towards retirement, investments, etc? It doesn't sound like it but please correct me if I am wrong. I just cannot imagine making that much in a year and not putting anything away… Especially if his income is not predictable 5) beyond deception, that is also really unethical behaviour. What do you think he would do if you married and had kids, and then you decided you couldn't stay together? I don't get the impression that he would step up to his responsibility as a father — more likely he would find a way to avoid paying support (e.g. by declaring bankruptcy and evading financial responsibility) 6) this gives the impression that he wants the showy façade but isn't interested in actually earning that. And you are wise to be wary of spending that kind of money with someone who is not financially responsible 7) this is a big deal. I get the feeling he is a good manipulator, and not particularly responsible or mature. Again, this is not the kind of person you want to tie yourself to with marriage and children. 8) Yikes. See #5. 9) all the more reason to be saving aggressively for the years when he doesn't make $400k (or whatever amount he would need to fund what he wants in his life) 10) Do not marry this person without a full and complete picture of his financial situation. Also do not marry this person without honestly assessing his level of maturity in other areas. Do not have children with him unless you are confident that he will take responsibility for said children — financially, emotional, and in practical terms (I.e. taking care of them).

    What is the expectation in the event you do have kids? Who becomes default parent? And in that case, are you expected to just rely on him to pay for life? Because he isn't showing signs of being responsible enough to do that.

    I think you have a lot to consider outside of the house purchase issue.

  13. And he really shouldn’t get back with Allison as she was all to ready to believe the lies without talking to the son about it. There was no conversation in any of this and not speaking to him out of difference to the mom is a cop out.


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