Veronica-galvani live sex cams for YOU!

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23 thoughts on “Veronica-galvani live sex cams for YOU!

  1. If he is commenting on your body when you didn't ask, then that's beyond shitty. You said you have a bit of weight you could lose? Is that something you've said to him before, or is that something he made you believe? If he's lifting at the gym and heard you say that before, he could just be offering a solution because gaining muscle does help to lose “weight” in the long run because you burn more calories with more muscle mass on your body. Cardio is essential for good cardiovascular health, but only does so much in the short term. But if you never mentioned to him about wanting to lose weight, then obviously, this wouldn't be the case. If that is something he made you believe and you didn't hold that opinion of yourself before him, then that might be a red flag you need to face and ask yourself why youre with someone that makes you feel insecure when there is someone out there that would love your body and make you feel confident. Also, it's really good you're not willing to skip meals to lose weight now like you would in the past 🙂 I have had a similar experience with food and developed an eating disorder because of it (10 years ago, I've been in recovery for a while) and hearing people having a healthy relationship with food makes me really happy.

  2. I personally think 3 years is a really long time. You’re 30, come on. But she is waving some red flags as well.

  3. I dont know, but it sounds like a “my girlfriend thinks im cheating on her, because of something I did in her dream” thing.

  4. Wish it was that easy ☹️. Take a look at the statistics of doctors who will tie tubes on any female without having a kid first. Or use the “what if your future husband wants kids” line. Doesn't even matter if the woman is a lesbian. It's an embarrassingly high number and heartbreakingly sad that a man that doesn't even exist has more rights over a woman's body than she does. It. Sucks.

  5. Just straight up ask him how he plans to cover his costs tomorrow. Or grow a pair and tell him to gtfo. What you allow is what will continue, and you’re allowing this by doing nothing.

  6. Tagged nsfw because of the mention of feederism/feedee fetish and, idk, to cover any trigger warnings for the mention of the body stuff.

  7. But why does he like to make me jealous? Once I asked him if he knew mariano and monique (2 guys) and changed their names and said who mariana, Monica??

    Why do this?

  8. Different situation but I spent years thinking I could not leave my ex husband because he had few friends and family, he’d not have enough money to manage (I was the main earner), he had health problems, he’d have nowhere to go at Christmas (yes I took this into account). Do you know what? When I finally broke and left he sorted himself out just fine.

    This is your whole precious life. Your current situation sounds intolerable. You can be kind in your leaving, help her out for a while if you are able to, but prioritise you. Don’t look back in 20 years and regret staying. Good luck.

  9. “We decided to take a week break because of too much fighting and lack of trust on both ends. Just to gain clarity on the relationship.” its literally never a good idea, how is it gonna help anyone?? You technically are not a couple atm so in his mind he can do whatever tf he wants. Great for fixing the relationship, right?

  10. She already said that porn is a boundary. If that’s something he’s not okay with then they aren’t compatible and she needs to leave. She doesn’t need to reverse the roles to find some kind of sympathy for this dude and his fake excuse. Come on.

  11. You are grieving the loss of the friendship. You did the right thing ending it. You protected your GF. Give yourself some time to grieve and know that time will heal you.

  12. Dude, that is a shitty excuse. So, your daughter should keep getting treated like shit until he's old enough to on-line on his own? Come on, man.

  13. You aren't a monster my guy. You're just tired in every possible way. What you are feeling is normal. However, you NEED help. You can't keep being a robot nurse all by yourself anymore. You should talk to her doctors about some kind of help. You also need to let this shit out, ya need to show everyone that you're at the end of your rope and need help. Talk to your family about it and talk to your step son too. Explain to him how you are at the end of your rope and need help, tell him how bad your sleep is, show him how bad things are. I wish you luck OP.

  14. It's not too late. You need to tell your mother you tried but can't do it anymore.

    And for the love of God, stop lying to him.

  15. Ask him make a post showing how much he throws away on the reg. Guarantee he won't. Why? Because he cares more about how he's viewed on social media than having actual integrity.

  16. At your ages, no big deal. My spouse and I also have an age gap of 8 years, I'm 40 they're 32. We met 3 years ago.

    The timing was perfect. I actually said to them in the past that I'm glad we didn't meet sooner, because it would have been weird.


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