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30 thoughts on “JeniferWatson on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Would you think the roommate is best right now instead of waiting to pay 6k I don’t have on first last and security for a 2300 one bedroom… I would be able to do that just not for a while until I save up (no credit cards)

  2. Well that could really go either way. He might just be stressed and tired. Or he could be dealing with other issues that he's internalizing and then it's coming out in other negative ways. There have been times when my husband was stressed about bills, working a lot of hours, and having personal issues with people at work. He would then have no patience at home and would vote up over little normal things. I would recommend sitting down and talking with him. Communication is key in a relationship. Sometimes the other person doesn't always realize how they're being and sometimes they are too proud or embarrassed to start the conversation. After I sat down with my husband and we talked it over, he realized he was being short and worked harder at managing his stress more appropriately. And I tried to do what I could to make his time more peaceful at home.

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  4. For what it’s worth, this is basically what an ex did to me when he was cheating. I’ve also seen situations like this where the guy kind of forced the girl to end things. That seems likely here too.

    But it doesn’t really matter why he’s doing this. It’s more important to note that you aren’t getting your needs met and you aren’t being treated respectfully. That is what you know for sure, and that’s worth ending the relationship over on its own.

  5. OP I'm sorry to read about the horror you were put through by your egg and sperm donors. They don't deserve to be called parents. They aren't, they are monsters. I get you're not ready. At least tell her you experienced some things that left scars on your body and you're working with your therapist to be comfortable showing your body. Hopefully she'll understand and support you.

  6. Not stupid for trusting him. I think you both made multiple mistakes leading up to this. Long distance is damn near impossible to deal with. Hitting the sack knowing it’s going to become long distance was a bad move. Hopefully you could patch up the friendship but the romantic part is likely done.

  7. It sounds like you have not gotten a chance to discuss this with him sober or not hungover. Do that first, have an open honest discussion about everything

    Then do what you want to do.

  8. If your insurance is not good, you should change insurance companies and next time, read the damn policy.

    I don't know how to tell you to deal with your feelings of resentment toward your wife, when I think you should be resentful of the insurance company and the policy you chose. Which ultimately means being resentful toward yourself.

    Try to rise above it. People matter; things do not. Don't be a child about this.

  9. honestly I'd give the benefit of the doubt and say it's likely because of bodily autonomy which is an admirable thing to prize.

    however paternity tests are non-invasive, they do not impact the pregnancy or the health of mother or child, and they are a simple addendum to a typical post-natal blood test such as is performed in any hospital.

  10. Jesus, thank you. I don't know why no one can believe that I simply picked up my friend and helped him look for his wallet. I was fully sober & he needed help…what is so unbelievable about that? And it's like, so many people are making a fuss about it and saying that I'm lying even though everyone involved knows the truth, including my girlfriend, who is the only person that I really care that knows the truth.

  11. Ok I sent this

    “Hey, so I’ve talked to a few different people. They all kinda agree that I should have been more clear about how I feel. First off I’m sorry for not being specific, I swear I didn’t mean to mess with your emotions or anything. I’m just going to be as specific as I can be. I would like to get to know you more, I think you are very nice and I think we get along very well. Along with that it’s hot to find someone else who has the same passion for exercising as me and that’s one of the reasons I like you. I don’t know enough about you yet to say weather or not I want to ask you to be my girlfriend. I think we should meet outside the gym at some point and just get to know each other outside the gym.”

  12. It really sounds like you are and always have been asexual. That isn't something you can fix because there is technically nothing wrong with you. Unfortunately, if your husband won't accept a sexless marriage, you two simply are incompatible. You need to have a conversation about your options. Whether it is divorce or him having a partner outside the marriage to fulfill his sexual needs, that's up to you two. But please address this soon. It's unfair to either of you to go on like this.

  13. as a “real” victim of rape on multiple occasions, what OP described IS likely sexual assault and it takes nothing away from other assault victims to say so

  14. The person who kicked it off with calling my math skills “shitty” is the one talking about discourse? This is rich.

  15. Ultimately I think the question over consent regarding the encounter is irrelevant to you. Your sister was able to make it home alone so it's safe to say she was still somewhat in control and tbh I can't imagine I'd be able to do anything like that unless I was literally unconscious

    Your husband was also drunk so we really can't say that he's a rapist unless we further the narrative that women are inherently victims

    Advice regarding you, divorce him and cut her off. No ifs, buts or maybes. Pick up a hobby, get in therapy, spend time with friends

    Good luck op

  16. It strikes me as negging. It seems along the lines of 'most fat women couldn't get away with wearing X, but you can'.

  17. Ok so you set a medium and by that I mean he’s got 10 mins to vent and he has to tell you 5 positive aspects of his day, then you have your 10 mins to vent

    My partner and I then have a rule we then don’t talk “shop” for the rest of the evening

    I also work in a customer service based role and my partner is a manager , that’s how we do it and it works for us!

  18. You are the super hero in your own movie. You did what you had to in order to survive, you have a child that you are loving and taking care of, and you are looking towards their future. If everyone were able to handle life’s adversities as well as you have , this world would be a much more amazing place.

  19. Fraud: dad needs to keep an address (that he doesn’t online at) for business and citizenship purposes. That’s trying to get around the rules regarding residency. That’s the kind of stuff you can get in big trouble for—in the US at least.

    Next, dad is expecting that he can crash at the house whenever he needs to for whatever length of time he needs to. Not sure about you but I don’t want my in-laws just stopping by for an indefinite stay. And since this is part of the agreement, the OP can’t say no. So GF just would have to suck it up and have company whether she wants to or not.

  20. Are you aware that parents cuddle their kids, siblings cuddle eachother, friends cuddle, grandparents cuddle grandchildren, in-laws cuddle when one is sad or extremely happy or to great eachother, people who are sad get cuddles sometimes from total strangers. None of these people want to have sex with eachother

    You need to let go off the extremely strange idea that cuddles are sexual

  21. Stop sharing spreadsheets etc. with him. Also don't look at him because he'll probably be staring at you, and you don't want eye contact.

  22. He feels as though I don’t love him, because I don’t want to do this for him and I’m not open to it.

    Hell No. He needs to GTFO with this kind of manipulation.

    I understand that this is a fantasy of his, but not all fantasies come true. Some of them stay as fantasies. He is trying to guilt you and manipulate you by making this about how much you love him. He is now sleeping in another room as a way to punish you for saying no. That is not OK.

    It's also a red flag that he doesn't understand how your previous SA could impact how you feel about sex now. That's also super concerning (anyone with an iota of empathy & understanding should get it).

    I think realistically, at this point since this is becoming such an issue in your relationship, your best bet is going to be a couples therapist. They should be able to help you both navigate the conversation.

  23. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Husband and wife get divorced over a misunderstanding that could have easily been resolved through an actual conversation, but instead the husband just clams up and says/does nothing. Wife moves to France doesn’t talk to ex-husband for years when suddenly they serendipitously run into each other. Ex-wife admits she’s seeing someone, Jean-Pierre, they met in France, but the ex-husband can’t stop thinking about all the what ifs. What would happen now if I told her the ring was always for her??? Ex-husband contacts an old mutual friend and finds out they’re getting married, boards the next plane to France to stop the marriage.

    Ex-husband crashes her wedding, on his knees he admits, “It was all for you! It was always for you, I love you.”

    Ex-wife, crying, wraps her arms around ex-husband’s neck as Jean-Pierre looks on, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

    Ex-husband: “I don’t know, I couldn’t. I had to ask Reddit first. I’m sorry.”

  24. She was very drunk. She was acting sort of angry with me

    Having someone call you while youre having sex is pretty annoying I have to admit


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