Amalia-sanz live webcams for YOU!

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7 thoughts on “Amalia-sanz live webcams for YOU!

  1. Go to AITA and read all of the mixed religions posts. It tends to be a cause of a ton of issues, especially when kids come into play.

  2. Well you cheated on your husband and didn't tell him. But instead of taking his anger out on you, your shitty husband took it out on the poor kid. So your son definitely hates you.

    All i can say is that you and your husband are truly awful people and i feel bad for the poor kid who's gonna grow up in the dysfunctional household

  3. She's still the kid's mom, so it shouldn't be phrased that way. “Your mother was mistaken in thinking I was your biological father.” And not “She lied to me” or “She lied to get what she wanted.” OP will feel that way, but you are putting a heavy burden on that kid, trying to take away his love and trust in both his parents at the same time. What you are really suggesting is that OP should deliberately devastate the kid to get back at his mom. The kid did nothing wrong. It's very possible that the mother was mistaken rather than intentionally lying, but in any case, OP can take that up with her instead of destroying the kid by attacking the mother through him.

  4. Women do not have to worry about raising someone else’s baby for their whole lives. On the other hand, men do – and it is something all men fear more than nearly anything else in life.

    If he has doubts, he has a right to ask for a dna test. Better to find out now than in a few years time if his suspicions are right.

    If he’s wrong and the wife still wants to stay, time to go back to the drawing board to work on new boundaries and expectations for the future.

  5. He is in a throuple and OP is the side chick. Dump him. He is completely inappropriate. Don't waste anymore time.


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