Barbie7777 on-line webcams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Barbie7777 on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. You acted appropriately, turning down the gift would have been awkward and rude.

    Your bf is very insecure, but his brother probably is crushing on you.

    Tell the brother privately that you feel embarrassed to accept such an expensive gift, and return it.

    Then tell your bf to grow up.

  2. Perhaps contact the department of aging and disability in your area. It is clear the old man isn't fully able to care for himself. They may be able to help him get a caregiver for him that will enable you and your husband to shift to a friend rather then caregiver roll. It appears his family is also either unaware or unwilling to provide for his needs.

  3. Damn I consider myself quite smart but when reading this I never thought of this scenario and wow. Yeah it makes sense. OP better get FBI on his ass.

    Y’all’s are very smart

  4. Thats a normal response after rape. Youre prrotecting yourself. Please find support. Glad you reached out here, also see if there are other people hopefully a professional that can help you through this

  5. They are blaming you for his mental emotional flaws that existed long before you.

    If not you, some other trigger would have pushed him. His attempt at suicide and their sick toxic response is evidence you made the right decision.

  6. Your friend sounds more like your enemy and competition than she does a friend. Also, when are people going finally learn to stop allowing themselves to be doormats, and suffering inappropriate conduct over some silly nonsense fear of seeming jealous or insecure? It’s people like you who get cheated on the most, because why? You were never able to distinguish the difference between reasons to be jealous and put your foot down oppose to irrational jealousy?

    She has hit on your boyfriend, pulling out the women tricks and she invited him out drinking alone. What else are you waiting for? To catch her in bed with your boyfriend? Put the stop on this now. Discuss with your boyfriend firm boundaries for the relationship. Get rid of your fake friend.

  7. Girl, I saw in one of your comments that he suggested moving to another area, where the bisiness for you won't be as good. If I am wrong, ignore the comment. But if I am right, don't you DARE to follow him there, for your own good. He has already started showing you how he manages the situation that doesn't benefit him, so don't enable him to isolate you from your known environment and from the people who know your situation. You never know when the financial abuse can turn into emotional, or even physical, especially from “traditional” men like him.


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