Maria-rain on-line sex chats for YOU!

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36 thoughts on “Maria-rain on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Sexual addiction is an intense focus on sexual fantasies, urges or activities that can't be controlled and cause distress or harm your health, relationships, career or other aspects of your life. Sexual addiction is the most commonly used lay term. Apr 5, 2022 Cleavland Clinic

  2. Thoughts? That you want an open relationship and are looking for an excuse. Jokes aside 20 is more than enough, let him know

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  4. If you're willing to give up on a relationship after one argument I wish you luck in finding a long term partner. People make mistakes and get heated. We're not talking about trading blows, it's trading words. I would think it's best to try and talk it out rather than give an ultimatum, but to each their own.

    I remember when I met my wife, she had quite the mouth on her when she left the army. After years of talking through her anxiety and anger issues you wouldn't recognize the person she's become today. People in a relationship should be building each other up when the other stumbles, not casting them aside. I'll caveat that with physical violence is never tolerable.

  5. Dude there are healthy relationships out there. You're better than this. Get the fuck out of there and start the future YOU want.

  6. Most pro life people I’ve encountered don’t mean situations like this… of course the mother needs to be saved and baby aborted

  7. Are you an equal partner in the household?

    For me, and many other women, when men don’t put in the household work, resentment begins to breed and libido plummets.

  8. Wouldn't bother me a bit. Go have the fun you planned. Movies with the cat sounds pretty good to me too. Not everyone cares that much about those things.

  9. I guess I'm going to have to be a little more firm with him. Next time he does it, I'm just going to straight up tell him, I have asked you to stop doing this and you won't. It is affecting my self-esteem and this is going to be the last time I'm going to ask you to stop doing it. The next time you do it, I'm just not going to look at the picture. If you continue to do it, I'm going to have to separate myself from you at least until you understand that I'm serious.

  10. Not at all. You’ve matured but still think about her and what could have been. She has grown and matured too. Perhaps if you two do reconnect there could be a long lasting and healthy relationship now that you two have both grown into adults. Anyone telling you it’s beneath you or you would lose dignity to try to reconnect with a long lost relationship from your youth needs to fuck off. It’s your choice. And frankly if it was a bad choice you would be feeling the bad vibes. But this on paper at least sounds wholesome and like I stayed you have nothing to lose and everything to gain so why not.

  11. Is this the same ex that she met up with multiple times, but lied and said there had been no contact,

    Then when you found out she met up with him, she lied and said it was only one meetup?

  12. Who took the picture? How do you know she didn't send it to anyone else? How did you find out she sent it just to him, and no one else?

  13. Mark isn’t being unfair to Sammy and his judgment of her. She is weak and allowing herself to be taken advantage of.

  14. OP, I’ve read a lot of your comments and you really come off as a people pleaser.

    Your mentally unstable and emotionally volatile ex-boyfriend claimed he would hurt himself and others to the point where your mutual friend feared for his safety.

    This is how you end up with a stalker. Do you want a stalker?

    You put firm boundaries around people like that and when they cross those boundaries you give them the consequences of their actions.

    Your advisor was right, you university (in a complete and utterly astounding motion of competence not seen at most universities) did the right thing. Your ex’s parents aren’t forcing him to do anything, they are just putting him into a position where his outbursts can be controlled until he can control them himself.

    Please look at your actions critically. If this had been left alone, your ex would have escalated.

    How would you feel when he was in jail for assaulting Z?

    How would you feel if he started showing up at your work and at your dorm. How would you feel when you have no safe place and the cops ignore you?

    I’m not trying to be mean, but this needs to be a learning experience for you.

    The lesson is not “I can’t report these things because I’ll hurt them”

    The lesson is “if I am proactive in reporting these things, I can prevent escalation and hopefully get them help before they threaten my safety.”

  15. Maybe listen to some podcasts together and discuss. Gimlet media puts out some amazing stories. I could recommend some if your interested.

  16. I mean this kindly, your girlfriend needs to be single and in therapy and work through what’s going on before she engages in another relationship. Sounds like there’s some serious self worth issues (among other things) and she sets herself up to spiral about them.

  17. I do think I have the right to experience some conflict

    You literally don't. Don't ask questions you don't want honest answers to, you admit you noticed she was keeping it on the down low and you asked. Dont get upset she answered

  18. Okay… woman here who was this whole thing happen to her.

    Her remembering your name when you passed by her work place is not a sign. It’s customer service.

    You did the right thing by not asking her in person because she would be working… it is not appropriate to give personal information to customers while on the clock. Plus EXTREMELY uncomfortable.

    She already gave you the answer. Her being friendly with you is not flirting or giving you hints that she likes you in that way. She likes you as a friend. That’s it.

  19. ? This is such a stupid thing to read, if OP hadn’t confirmed there’s bi/gay/les etc, y’all would’ve had a go til they gave you an answer.

  20. Ahhh ty it’s just I get nervous lol been with him for two years and it’s my first serious relationship ?

  21. That's how abusers behave.

    They love bomb their victims.

    But beware, if ever they dare do things they don't aprove of!

    You were groomed since 15 into believing that your relationship was a normal one.

    Which definitely it is not.

  22. How about getting an impermanent one and see how you feel about it? You might hate it. He might not hate it. But you’ll have some time to think about it and get used to the idea without the permanence of a tattoo. I, personally, wouldn’t get one if my partner hated it. On the other hand, if my partner wanted to get a tattoo, I would not stop him even though I dislike tattoos and it would not at all affect my adoration and love and lust for him. I will admit to viewing tattoos as a masculine thing. Good luck.

  23. I hear you, but it's not “dramatic.” It's how the nuts and bolts of relationships function.

    OP's got problems with it, and they're in a relationship.

    If she doesn't care about his uneasiness, she's entitled to break up with him.

    But trust is built, it's not given away. If he feels uneasy because of her behavior, it's not enough to say “He should trust her.” We don't know anything about what her general trustworthiness is except for this one case where what she said didn't match up to what she did.

  24. Why are you having a child with someone you've only dated for a few months? How do you know you guys are long term compatible as a couple let alone as parents??

  25. Big lesson to learn in life, there will be many situations in life where you cannot make everyone happy. Get used to it. He does not need to ask her for your hand


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