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22 thoughts on “Lizzy the very hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. In this situation, the risks of the gift landing wrong are infinitely greater than the benefits if it lands right.

    Working through body image problems takes time and effort. Continue to compliment her, tell her she's beautiful, and be affectionate and empathetic to her feelings.

    Be her rock and safe place. It will help more than trying to make grand gestures, no matter how sincere

  2. My mother was married to a man like that for about 15 years. I was younger before my teens when they got married, and adult for the end of it. I suspect most people writing here have no context or experience in this situation.

    What I would tell you, speaking from experience is don't assume your Mom will pick you over this man. I think often people just get tired, and are willing to stay with abuse just so they won't be alone or they don't have to face the challenges of life alone.

    I know it sucks, and it's really naked to deal with, hell I hate writing it. Believe me I know. But my experience is you need to pick your battles. Your Mom chose this man, she knows who he is. It's not like all of this is a surprise to her or that she isn't aware of it. As painful as it is to come to terms with, this was her choice.

    Now you can have the talk like people here are suggesting, but the truth is she probably isn't going to want to change her whole life to make a stand over this, and she probably is going to ask you to leave. She will do it in a nice way but it will probably be along the lines of, just till things smooth over or something like that. But at that point you will know.

    Again I know that sucks and maybe I am wrong but if not, understand it's her life and this guy was her choice. Again she knows who he is.

    I don't like writing that, but I am warning you, you should be prepared for it.

  3. Nothing wrong with sex work. It’s the oldest profession in the world.

    However, my profession has become synonymous with “happy endings”. How would you feel if people assumed you’d touch their dick if they “ask nicely” or “pay extra”, day in and day out? The fact I have to screen clients on at all, because the risk of solicitation and sexual harassment are common, fucking sucks.

    I’m fine with regulated and protected sex work. Honestly it would help the self care industry as a whole, instead of this weird cloak and dagger bullshit.

    What I don’t tolerate are people continuing to perpetuate massage as sex work.

  4. So let's say hypothetically you were with a kid or you found a pair of panties or a used condom in your hubbys room would you not want to know the truth behind it? An explanation? Like communication is key.. she failed to do that, here he is asking for evidence because obviously his trust in her has shaken up a bit, you cant always be in that mindset.. it's better to ask n have things revealed and cleared once and for all, than take it as a personal attack .. getting ego the better of you.

  5. Try this. Shower your guy with deliberate kindness. Within a couple of weeks he will start to respond. I started doing this with my wife a couple of years ago and it did so much good for us. I was surprised to learn that the kinder I am to my wife the happier I am. I am NOT talking about being a doormat. This is deliberate kindness.

  6. So this for her is something that you planned in advance, that you cant do as a family again because the exhibit will be gone. So a once in a lifetime kind of thing basically. And your game is more important? What a selfish cunt you are.

  7. I'm really sorry you're dealing with this. I've been in similar situations and no matter their intent, it's so unhelpful/harmful to recovery. Hell, even years into recovery, I can't stand people commenting on my food, especially people I online with.

    It can feel awkward, but I found it best to address it directly. Try to be as calm as possible (I know it's tough when this has been building up for a while) and say some variation of “Hey (housemate), you know that this is something I struggle with. The comments are really not helping. Please stop.” Or — to make it more of an “I” statement — “I find these comments hurtful and it's hindering my recovery. Please stop.”

    When I had a housemate who continued to do this, the first couple of times I brought up that we'd talked about it before and repeated the request. When it still continued, I asked point-blank what they were trying to accomplish with their comments. If they come back with some kind of “you should learn to take a joke!” etc., point out that it's not a joke when only one person is laughing. I'd even go so far as to ask if they think you relapsing with a potentially fatal disease is funny to them, but tbf I'm just getting a little worked up on your behalf. This is not an unreasonable request for you to make, FFS.

    Assuming the best — that the housemate is clueless — that should shut them up. If they're malicious, then it's time to look into a new housing situation. Recovery is nude enough without someone actively working against you.

    Also, the coke zero comment… wtf? It has no calories. It's not “going” anywhere. Even calories aren't “going to your stomach,” they're getting turned into energy that you need to survive.

    I wish you luck with your recovery. It can be awful, but worth it

  8. Sucky situation all around.

    Don't fall into the line of thinking that now that it's a reality, he's bound to change his mind, though. That's a thought process that has left many a woman in single motherhood.

    I don't think anyone can really tell you what to do here, you'll have to weigh all the scenarios and decide which one will lay less heavily on you… Abort without telling him, risk him wanting you to abort if you tell him, single motherhood and I guess to a lot less likely possibility – telling him and him having a sudden change of heart (going to stress again that that isn't likely).

    Sorry, OP. That's why my automatic answer though with people in your situation is to cut your losses.

  9. So it’s ok to feel weird about him being quiet about one friendship – his only female friend? The expectation of a friendship displayed in some way in front of me?

  10. Nah if your wife gains a lot of weight its totally okay to tell her your not attracted to her anymore. You're just being honest. That way she knows so she can make the choice of wanting to get back in shape or just let you go. I think that double standard is kind of imagined tbh.

  11. Ah. That won't work because there was only ever her name in the rental agreement. When I moved in, I payed her, not the landlord.

  12. Relax

    Manipulative abusive strategy. You diminished what I'm saying as minimal.

    No need for insults.

    There are no insults. Your normal meter is not currently calibrated, hence why you feel the constant need to defend yourself against the tax that don't even exist. Because you have been abused by your man for so long that world is what's normal to you. I speak to you from a place of a healing path I'm giving you real world advice that I wish I knew 20 years ago. If you feel offended by it it's by your own ego.

    I know this because I am you and I was just as offended as you were when I was in your place.

    I acknowledge all the shit I’ve gone through

    But you haven't reached the stage of acceptance yet.

  13. This doesn’t make sense to me. You guys were just friends, never dated or any romantic interactions, but he was planning to propose? With what foundation for a relationship? And why would his dad forbid him from proposing but still allow him to be friends with you?

    Regardless of the holes in his story, the fact that your first thought is to end things with your fiancé, instead of backing away from your friendship with Clark is very concerning. I almost get the feeling that you’ve been looking for an excuse to end it and maybe Clark picked up on that and decided to stick his oar in.

    I would at the very least, postpone the wedding. Not to be with Clark, but to step away from all relationships and figure out what it is you want.

  14. You haven't been dating long and even before dating he already admitted to being racist. Don't let him tokenize you or disrespect your heritage by putting black folks in a box and basically saying “you're one of the good ones”. I know recommending breaking up is a very common theme in this subreddit but that's my advice. You haven't even been together long enough to warrant looking past his blatant racism

  15. Love yourself better.

    She isn't causing the issues.

    Your boyfriend not setting boundaries down with her or his family is the issue. He's allowing her to disrespect you and talk shit about you for his own comfort.

  16. don’t get me wrong but have you tried to see her side of it maybe you’re nagging at her too much for it or maybe she just wants you to love her without having sex. sex isn’t what makes a relationship by the way PERSONALLY I WOULD TALK TO GOD HE HAS ALL YOUR ANSWERS

  17. My current partner has a relatively small penis yet it’s the best frikkin magical p I’ve ever ever had. Before dating my boyfriend I dated a guy with a huge dick, I couldn’t even get it in without crying. It wasn’t my jam. Don’t worry and just enjoy. I bet she’s insecure about something on her body too. Just love on each other before another virus comes around and ruin our day.


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