Holly , ❤ the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

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Holly , ❤, 20 y.o.


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66 thoughts on “Holly , ❤ the hard live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. You say that you could have a bit of weight to lose- do you WANT to lose it? If not then forget about what he thinks! Move along, his opinions don’t matter. But if you do want to consider weight loss then it’s very possible to do at a STEADY pace without skipping meals whatsoever. Healthy sustainable weight loss can happen over time by staying in a reasonable calorie deficit!!

  2. Yeah it’s very creepy . I hate how it’s Fine because she’s an adult like how can it be legal for a grown ass man to go for someone so young. Like I just watch the relationship and yea he is nice but fuck … why couldn’t you be with someone your own age

  3. My understanding is that godparents in the Catholic faith have to pledge to help raise the children in the Catholic faith. That's why they're called godparents. I think many priests insist on speaking with the godparents and/or requiring proof the godparents are active in the church to sign off on their inclusion. So, even if you and your husband did do a church ceremony you probably couldn't be godparents anyway unless everyone was ok with you lying including to a priest.

    I would point that out to your SIL and brother. And otherwise they're just going to have to deal with their disappointment. Perhaps they have some friends in their church community who can fulfill this particular role for their children.

    They do have the right to decide that they don't want you involved with their kids though so I wouldn't push on that.

  4. Don't reach out to the other person. If they are still in the picture she will show up in due time. Best thing for your heart to do is continue living how you have been living but start working on a backup plan for when shit hits the fan. Don't pry into the situation or you'll hurt yourself more.

    Life sucks and love sucks even more. Don't allow yourself to believe that you need someone to help you be happy.

  5. I would agree with you and some of those points but I feel like that's more of a church standing rather than the real belief of Christianity. The problem is people confuse church with their beliefs. I grew up in a Catholic household and I knew for a fact that the Catholic church was complete shite. Jesus was not a six pack having blonde haired blue-eyed savior. Do I necessarily truly believe that he was the son of God honestly no. I do think that he was a good man who stood by those that everybody else ignored and crapped on and treated like crap and tried to teach to be better. And the OP's supposed friends are intolerant jerks that hide behind their church's beliefs. And I will agree with you that most people that scream I'm a good Christian are really crap people. But just like all walks of life there are really good ones too. And in a world full of increasing hatred bigotry and evil being pointed out sometimes they're harder to see.

  6. You only been together for 8 months and he already lost his temper (over a game ). Imagine being together for longer and actually dealing with real life difficulties.

  7. Well at least SHE had the balls to tell you unlike the coward you are. You both need to grow up and learn to be adults in a relationship but at least she admitted her infidelities, you just want to play the victim when your just a coward.

  8. According to her I have to watch how I ask questions of others because using questioning words like “Why” is “accusatory language”.

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  11. You have time for gaming and you have time to stay hours late because you felt bad for your friend.

    Whatever your words are saying, your actions are telling her that you don't care about her.

  12. Hello /u/ThrowRACrashBandi,

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  13. You are 19. Kick this guy to the curb and start over. This is how you show him you're serious about not playing games.

  14. Mate, she met your dad and she's seen the future.

    Sorry, I know you're hurting. At this point, all you can do is hope for the best, while preparing for the worst.

  15. N, it's not achoice. If you hate where you on-line and now you lost job that you like, because of your gf do you think this relationship can survive? You will continue to resent her and things will fall apart anyway. It's a disaster just delayed. Change place where you live! as you were supposed to. It will be healthier in the long run.

  16. I am 100% on your side. You get to have a dad and if he’s happier now and he’s in a better relationship than that’s fantastic. You are not taking sides nor should you be told you have to.

  17. I’m so sorry but you’re expecting so little out of a partner. You deserve so so so much better. Especially with him being older, he should know better.

    You’re a human that can say no and you deserve intimacy, love, and respect.

  18. I would lean towards nahh leave it alone. Every time she gets overwhelmed she gonna bounce?

    If for some reason I humored her my only question would be have you so much as kissed anyone else? If she has had any contact with anyone I would be 100% out because she obviously wasn’t so overwhelmed she couldn’t have other casual flings.

  19. Talk with him about it.

    The sexiest thing you can do is be vulnerable. Tell him what you DO like. Really work on being nonjudgemental. It's totally fine to not be into something that your partner is into (and vice versa).

    It sounds to me like you're jumping to a worst case scenario. Sure that's possible. Not really helpful to dwell upon expect to set expectations low if that helps. Otherwise, just be curious and ask questions and listen.

    If you haven't, consider couples therapy to work on communication.

    Good luck! ?

  20. I get it! But boy when you do let it go it’s liberating.

    Everyone has problems, it always looks better looking in-referring to the friends. You seem to have many blessings! You are special because there is only one like you. Nobody can ever be you or have this relationship. On-line life in love with your man, focus on your goals and plans and filter out what triggers your insecurity. It has no place in your plans.

  21. Sorry that happened!

    Your husband prob means well but is being very insensitive. He should have waited to hear your decision first.

    I feel like that prob the last thing on your mind but I guess that means he's ok with sperm donor so it's obviously different than asking you to keep a baby after what happened to you.

    Maybe much later on you guys can consider something like that. You're both young. But obviously your well being and recovery should come first

  22. If you want to stay dating her you better start compromising. It’s really rude not to visit at least a little during the holiday. It’s a normal thing couples do during this season.

  23. lmao well he shouldn’t have been. regardless of whether she’s on the pill or not, why the hell would you raw dog and cum inside a stranger at all?? it’s horrible she possibly lied, but let’s be serious.

  24. What do you do? FLY BACK HOME. The fact that he kept bringing up anal when he knew you’re uncomfortable with it should be enough of a red flag. At this point he is literally telling you that he plans to rape you. Idc if it’s “just a fantasy of his.” Get tf outta there.

  25. Sounds like your fiancee has zero respect for you or your feelings. If she puts her asshole brother above you on her priorities list you should seriously reconsider what you are about to step into.

  26. Hey thanks for your comment, personally I wouldn't feel comfortable having a threesome with someone I didn't care about or know as there's alot of diseases out there and I wouldn't expose myself or my partner to that sort of risk. I would only do something intimate with someone I trust (I'm not interested in fucking strangers)

  27. Not to freak you out or anything but you may not be sufficiently nervous. Like, you may need to be more worried than the tone of your post and comments appear to convey.

  28. How long have you been together.

    As difficult as it may be it sounds like it is time for divorce.

    Your husband has proven that he isn’t husband material. You need to let him go so you can find someone who is.

  29. I think every single dude I know, would leave a relationship where they knew they would not be getting blowjobs, regardless of OCD or not. So it's just kinda up to you. Can you accept not receiving oral for the rest of your life? Odds are with his OCD, its not gonna change. And if it does, it won't be good oral anyways.

  30. No, it was a breach of boundaries….Frankly he should have said something, like no thank you I am married. It is a complete lack of respect on both their parts.

  31. What others said: don't let this asshole destroy your self-worth, and also you don't need to apologise for the amount of text. It wasn't that much, it was split into bitesize pieces, and there's been plenty of much longer ones!

  32. I do my wife's laundry and if my kids were in a serious relationship wouldn't blink at doing a load of laundry. Different cultures / backgrounds.

    I also would be a lot less upset at them being late. Twas only an hour.

  33. However, I would also like to hear from others who may have experience with this situation.

    Do prenuptial agreements also cover your finances after marriage? Or would you need a postnup for that?

    a fair and justifiable reason why my fiancee should waive alimony support

    Ehm….she's 22…has she got an education and work experience? Will she easily find a career? Are you planning on having kids? If so…. will you both work part-time, or do you agree on her staying home?

    Given she can't work till she gets her greencard, do you give her money, pay into her savings/pension?

  34. You’re selfish and broke agreed upon rules. This type of things will destroy a man and it seems like you started swinging because you wanted to not him (assuming based on your dominant comment)

    Relationships done. You want a masculine man and he’s not it.

  35. Girl. Hell fucking no. This is the exact kind of the guy who would post revenge porn and doxx you the second things don’t go his way – he’s already posted videos of you so casually. PROTECT YOURSELF!!!!

  36. You two are not compatible in this area. At all.

    Stop trying to force her to accept behaviors that she's not OK with.

    Break up and go make your money.

  37. And how long have you known her vs. her known him?

    You said dead sure, then said as far as you know, which is contradictory, so…

  38. He and his brother are Mama's boys and will do anything for her including abusing the women they are with for her. They both need stay single forever.

  39. Your boyfriend isn’t your mom or dad. He doesn’t get to have boundaries about the type of clothes you wear. He gets to have boundaries about who he is compatible with.

    Does he go out and sexualize every women he sees that’s not dressed modestly to his standards? It’s far more concerning if he can’t look at girls and women without sexualizing them or can’t turn away or redirect thoughts when he views women dressed a certain way. Don’t ruin your 20s trying to satisfy a high school boyfriend that doesn’t know how to have a relationship without control because eventually it turns abusive.

  40. I think before you go blowing up your marriage you should figure out if this would be a temporary or permanent placement. Is this only until grandma is healed or is this a forever thing? If it’s only temporary I don’t see why you can’t suck it up until grandma heals.

  41. Imagine, for a moment, that you are in your girlfriend's shoes. You have a worrying partner who wants to get you home safe. You've taken an uber to drop off this key card. You get to the hotel and deliver the card.

    The friend invites you up to chat. You go to the friend's room and hang out for a little bit. You haven't thought to reassure your worrying partner now that you're staying a bit longer than you indicated.

    You and the friend chat for a bit. The friend then tells you that she's going to go drink in another room with some people. It's clearly time to head home. It's late. Your partner is waiting up for you.

    But instead of texting your partner any sort of update, instead of going with the friend, and instead of getting your Uber home, you just fall asleep in this now-empty hotel room that doesn't belong to you.

    Does any of this check out as something a normal person would choose to do? Does any of this check out as something someone who cares about their relationship and their partner would do? Does any of this story really sound true? Like “Oh yeah, I've totally just fallen asleep accidentally after my friend has left the hotel room instead of leaving with her so I can go home.”

    OP, I think you know what's up. She's clearly doing whatever she wants without regard for you. I don't think this is salvageable at this point.

  42. You know what thank you for this. After reading it, I realized that the truth is I just don't agree with her communication style and her friendship style and I was looking for a reason to not continue this friendship. And this situation seemed right on the nose for me to speculate that she hadn't changed at all. While I agree she hasn't done anything wrong, I was unsure why I would be iced out if this situation had nothing to do with me.

    But perhaps I'm using this situation as an excuse rather than facing the truth that she just doesn't want to be friends with me. And I need to accept that and move on. Because at the end of the day, its not like she had added much to my life or I to hers. I just always felt guilty at how we left things and I clearly just wanted to clear that up for my sake. And now that I've done that I can just be happy for her and go our separate ways. And I know that I wouldn't feel this way if she meant more to me.

  43. There's a solution for this:

    It's called restraining order. Get one ASAP. I'm quite certain that stalking and harassing are good enough reasons.

    Talking is obviously not working, so it's time to pull off the kid gloves.

  44. Were you supposed to have read her mind? Therapy didn't fix things and this sounds very lopsided. One word answers are brush off answers. Everyone knows that. She's not been a mutually equal friend this past year. To an extent its expected but this beyond fair.


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