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15 thoughts on “onlyfans Ani_Butler the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Listen, although all of these comments tell you to leave, something tells me you won't right away. From someone who forgave a cheating bf I can tell you the relationship won't be the same and you'll feel miserable as fuck. You'll constantly worry whether he's doing it again and as time passes it'll fuck with your self-esteem. If no one has told you yet, I wanna remind you that you deserve better ♡

  2. He did. I'm sorry you had to go through that.

    Him saying he's a horrible person and is going to run away is something abusers engage in called DARVO where he denies responsibility (telling you he thought you said it was okay) swaps the role of victim (you) and offender (him) to make you feel bad for him even though he hurt you. Plus, gaslighting you by telling you he thought you said yes when all you remember is saying no.

    I know it's easier said than done, but break up with him as soon as you possibly can, surround yourself with friends who won't let him near you, talk to a therapist if you can access one, and don't beat yourself up.

  3. Should I confront her that she has nothing to do with him now and to not ruin another relationship of his?

    Um why would you confront this girl? Why are your blaming her for your bfs mistake? Your bf was the one that cheated. He was the one who carried on an affair for years! Lied to his partner for years! He was the one in a relationship, not her. The fact that he cheated in his past relationship for years is a huge red flag and indicates he will likely cheat on you. No person with good morals could cheat on their partner for years. I have no idea why you were trying to blame her when she wasn't even in another relationship.

    Your bf is also the person who should tell her not to contact him. Not you. He probably loves that you get jealous and loves she is contacting him. It honestly seems like triangulation.

    You're giving your bf a free pass while blaming a girl for your bfs toxic and dishonest behaviour. Wow.

  4. It sounds like women his own age do want him but if he has the option of dating younger, which he clearly does, he always will.

  5. What the f*** is wrong with your ex-girlfriend was she trying to be abusive and manipulative also. Something is not right with her leave her get you some therapy you're going to be okay because she won't be in your life

  6. I'd ask her to talk to a lawyer so it's legally sound. You can't stop her from getting pissy about not getting double the money.

  7. This is not normal. Firstly, I really wouldn't trust him when he says he isn't filming you and secondly what freak needs to watch or read porn when making love. The things people settle for these days astound me.

  8. It's never too late to apologize, but at this point, your apology is going to sound disingenuous. He'll think the only reason you're sorry now is because you got your ass kicked, not because you genuinely feel bad about how you treated him.



  10. From OP’s comments it seems he has a substantial inheritance, which is usually protected and can be reinforced with a prenup. So really the reason is just that he sucks and is crazy.

  11. Yeah, I had to real the title twice to ensure that I Wasn’t reading the ages correctly.

    OP, her actions and words look shady. She may have a sneaky side traveling with her on her vacation.

  12. She needs to grow up before you can have a real relationship with her, while it might be fun and im sure you truly like her, its best to say “I don’t want to ruin what we have, I think we should take a break and see other people until you can mature a little” or i mean word it however you need to just dont be a total dick about it lol. Shes clearly going through something but you don’t deserve the sneakiness and lies. If you want to try again give it some time and it’ll happen if you both want it to.


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