Helenmilff on-line webcams for YOU!

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24 thoughts on “Helenmilff on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. If you trust him enough to have condomless sex, then you should be able to talk to him about what he uses his box of condoms for.

  2. This really doesn’t sound like a big deal. You’ve said he basically treats you perfectly, and all he’s done is send a few chats to some college peers? And this whole thing started because a few girls gave him a like on Instagram?

    I really don’t think he’s doing anything wrong…this isn’t even necessarily attention seeking. Like it’s just…friending with a few people who happen to be women. And then he’s being completely transparent and offering to let you see anything he’s doing? I mean…it sounds like he has nothing to hide.

    In the nicest way possible, it sounds like you’ve got some jealousy/insecurity issues that therapy could potentially really help with.

  3. Hello /u/aydi222,

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  4. Oooofff, I kept a high and tight haircut until covid. Now? I have a mullet…why? It amuses me lol. People hate it. It's not forever but it's what I'm doing now. I'm 34, if you turn me down now because of my hair then all of a sudden become interested this summer when I get a normal hair cut, I'm no longer going to interested.

  5. Yeah, I’m thinking creative writing story.. they’ve been together for 10 years and she hasn’t met any family members??

  6. I’m sorry this happened to you. Best advice I can give is to just move on. If you break no contact, you may get back together, but do you really wanna be with someone who can treat you this way and play these games? Get back in the saddle and start dating again.

  7. My moms dog bit my face and left a scar on my eyebrow. But we kept him anyways. Ended up being apart of the family and we just all knew to keep our distance and don’t pet him for longer than 20 seconds. Eventually we loved the hate out of him. He came to me to die. Snuggled next to me for an hour and then wandered off. I found it weird but sure enough when I was wondering why I hadn’t seen him in the last three hours I went around calling out his name and looked under my mother’s bed and there he was…dead.

    I started crying my eyes out thinking of the ways I could have just loved him a little more. And how he came to me to die and I never thought I would ever deserve that love/trust for a final snuggle. I’m crying now just writing this because it’s something I never revisit.

    Point is- don’t make your mom go through that pain. My mom wants her ashes to be spread with his ashes. Dogs aren’t bad or aggressive without reason. They just have trauma and with enough love and a trusting and supportive environment and home…they can ease a lot of that trauma away.

    Where your mom needs to be more careful is walking her dog and who she has around her dog in the home including you. It just is something that’s going to take a lot of time for this dog to feel safe and not attack.

  8. Time to consult a lawyer just in case. Make sure whatever ducks you do have are in a row. Prepare an exit strategy just in case, so you won't be blindsided.

  9. What the hell… his reaction is very extreme. I am a pretty traditional guy myself and am happy to do all the handiwork needed, but I wouldn't shit on my girl for helping out or doing it if she wanted to, ESPECIALLY after I had a back injury? Either he is INSANELY insecure, has massive anger issues, or wants to end the relationship for some reason. I don't really see how you doing some handiwork would demasculate him in any way… sounds like a personal issue

  10. I actually appreciate her setting boundaries early on and I don’t think shes being controlling. Ask if there is room for compromise, if she can learn to trust that there would never be a betrayal or deceitful moment in between correspondence with your ex. Good luck man, if she’s worth it, and you’re worth it to her, you guys will figure it out.

  11. Its not snitching if you're the victim of said crime. OP was generous and gave the ex 3 hours before going to the police.

  12. Like play dates sledging…. I'd be all over that. Her husband and this woman want to hang out together and it's completely sketchy as.

  13. And what if the child was born with a learning disability? How would he handle that? Another break down?

  14. Brother, listen. I'm not suggesting picking her up in a rust bucket, but the car doesn't really matter. If it matters that much to her, there will always be someone with a bigger/better/faster car than yours and you'll never be adequate enough. However, that being said, the Focus. It might convey a sense of practicality, sensibility, and maybe wisdom beyond your years.

  15. Right? Presumably he's an adult capable of deciding when/if he needs a haircut. And of paying a professional to do it.

  16. Fast forward to now, Few weeks ago my wife found out that I had girlfriends before I meet her, I had not told this my self initially because I was worried how she may take this, I had major doubts she may not take this well, which made it worst when she found out and didn't come out of me, one of the major reason why I had not told her before is because she believe in “one partner life time” and she was serious about it, considering some of the things mentally she was going through I was super scared to tell her this and put off telling about it ever since. Now that she has got to know she didn't take it well that I had not told about this before although I had hinted her before that I had girlfriends before. Between all the I know we were not emotionally well connected, I always wanted to improve out relationship I was putting all the efforts possible and I still was not upto the mark in connecting emotionally and lack of communication, but I never gave up, I was always putting effort in improving it as much as possible from my end. Now she things i'm a bad person, she says I manipulate her, and she says I don't stand up for her, there were many times I have stood up to her just not in front of her because I feel if she sees me fighting with other people she may not take it well, I feel like she will take it in a wrong way. She is a kind of person who responds rudely in her voice and delivery but she don't mean it bad, but this worries me, which I have been communicating to her all this time, I don't find her talking romantic but I can easily find her talking rude and harsh about me or other people. We had a very big fight today and she asked me to leave the country we are living and go back home because she is not able to tolerate me, I have always been sitting next to her trying to convince and calm her down. Im promising her I will be a better person and understand her sensitively, i'm willing to put all my efforts into this, she is not able to accept my mom's act and she keeps scolding me that I sound like my mom and I act like my mom and she is not able to accept that I didn't mention about the past girlfriends. At this point she is sleeping across me on the bed and i'm typing on reddit looking for advice and help for my self, how can I make her understand we have better future than our past, I don't want to give up on this marriage, help me with this reddit, let me know if I need to make anything clear in what I have told, I may have missed mentioning things which may not be on top of my mind right now. I think past is gone and we have to focus on future as long as we are involved and willing make it better, What do you think of this situation?

  17. What does your wife have to say about John and the photographer? They’re her friends after all?

    I sincerely hope John is no longer in the picture. He sounds like he doesn’t have any respect for you, either as a person or as the man his friend chose to spend her life with. What a cruel thing to do!

    Doing a repeat ceremony sounds like a great idea, provided he isn’t invited. But before doing that you need to get a handle on this and learn how to put it out of your mind. I don’t know what that would take – therapy, meditation, psychedelics – but the last thing you want is have your repeat ceremony and be unable to take your mind off the fact that the reason you’re there is because of John.

  18. If you’ve already brought it up to him and he’s constantly just brushing it off and acting like it’s nothing I would just say to him listen I’m so fucking sick of telling you that your friends are inappropriate with me and if you’re not going to defend me as my boyfriend you can fuck off and I’ll go find a man who would because I’m not gonna be disrespected and made uncomfortable by anyone especially not my partner is own friends. I might even throw in there because you’re two years older than him that this is why you don’t want to date someone younger than you because you don’t think they can protect you and the way that they were supposed to and he’s proving you right because then maybe it will get in his head that he’s being a piece of shit and he will realize how immature he’s being.

  19. should i stay with my girlfriend after she sent me a breakup text but is now claiming it was only to ask for space.

    No. Break it off.

    Get your shit together and then find someone with their shit together. But do you first.

  20. that's not how it works.

    “any guy you meet will be the one that sends you back”

    I would never cheat on my partner. There is not a single person in the world that could “send me back to poly”. I have never cheated on a partner. If I wanted to be with my friend I would just break up with my partner. Cole and I go to school together and most of our text messages are about coding, the school project, and poo and pee jokes.


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