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39 thoughts on “Keily-brooks live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Yeah, this is a big deal. He had a kid with her, then fucked her again 2 years later, and never clued in that her kid was old enough to be his??

    Either he’s lying or a dumbass.

  2. Don't downplay his red flags by saying you're not perfect. It sounds like you're making excuses to stay with him.

    How do you disown your red flags?

    This isn't, “He leaves the toilet seat up.” This is a communication problem. That is a major problem, and you admit to being fed up.

    What do you want to do?

  3. Alternately you can hold out for a woman you can have a healthy relationship with. You know, find THE ONE, settle down and get married or cohabitate, combine your lives, have a real friend and life partner, and when you do have children you'll be involved in their lives and give them guidance and love

  4. I have gone to so much therapy and it's not so much external validation as confirmation that he is into it at all. I see myself and I think “my ass looks great in this” or “my makeup is incredible today” etc but get nothing from him. I think I look fine, I just need confirmation that he does too, which I don't think is unfair

  5. Unfortunately you can’t ask for something like this! Heartfelt means they were moved independently by their own heart to write such a thing. Asking for it is so weird.

  6. He said it “doesn’t feel honest” to him. That would mean some other intent other than a loving suggestion. That’s why. It’s all about intent. Sure your example may not be manipulative because the intent was not the same. That’s what makes manipulation so vile, because most behaviors can come across just well intended comments or actions. Only the recipient knows the how it is coming across and the fact she blows it off is a sign of someone not willing to see that something is bothersome. OP clearly said it is a pattern, and said he felt it was/is being done in a way that doesn’t feel honest. I’m sure he has, based on his comments and examples, a much better grasp on context of her intent than you do.

  7. You need to be blunt.

    It is not going to be pretty, but unless you hammer your point home she is not going to change.

    So you sit her down. Tell her that you are going to tell her how things are going to be from here on out, and if she interrupts you while you are tell her, or doesn’t follow your instructions, that you will either restrict contact even further or cut it completely.

    Then you outline exactly why from your view what she did was wrong. Do not hold back. You then tell her what you want going forward. Spell it out to her.

    Be prepared to cut contact if you have to.

  8. Ahe has never baby sat,any kids, ever.

    Not cousins, not neighbors, not friends kids.

    to be honest I would never ask her too, as she gets easily frustrated and can get short with her siblings. We never had any intentions of her babysitting. My wife is a SAHM, and we have a regular baby sitter that we pay, and that has always been the plan.

  9. You can be exclusive sexually without putting a label on the relationship. It sounds like that’s what you want so instead of behaving like a passenger, take the wheel and tell him that you’d like to be sexually exclusive.

    Personally, I don’t see it as a commitment issue. You don’t want anything long term either. And it’s only been a few months. I wasn’t even exclusive with my partner til we had dated about 6 mos. But I made sure that was something we discussed right up front. At 6 mos he asked me to be exclusive and I agreed but at 3 mos? Seeing each other once a week or so? That seems too soon to me.

    Ask for what you want.

  10. Hey, I’m sorry you’re going through this. Your friend sounds like a real piece of work. You don’t need that kind of negativity in your life. You have every right to cut her off and block her on everything. Don’t worry about making her mad, she’s already mad at everyone and everything. Just focus on yourself and your other friends who actually care about you. You deserve better than this toxic person who only brings you down. Stay strong, OP!

  11. Im a pushover so even tho I dont want this I feel like his mom and dad getting in my face will make me rethink things because I would feel like I had to keep it for them.

    You're going to limit your entire future for people you barely know, if you do that.

    Don't tell them when or where you're getting the abortion. Tell them after it's done.

  12. You need to have some serious introspection as to why you say hurtful things on purpose when you’re angry. That behavior is destructive and makes others around you feel uneasy and doubtful as to what you really think. Your fiancée is right to be upset with you. Own your words, offer time, more calm discussion, or whatever she needs. And accept that you may have hurt her deeply enough she doesn’t want to talk to you right now.

  13. Tell him exactly what you said in this post and tell him if he wants a mature relationship he needs to be mature. Act like a man or you'll walk.

  14. Agree with this and also don’t put too much pressure on the relationship to start. You’re wanting a close sibling relationship but he may not be ready to jump straight into that so try to move at his pace if he does want to meet up.

  15. Well, it depends on how you feel about it. If you feel this is too big a betrayal of your trust, then I guess you should end it. If you don't want a relationship with someone who has a kid, then you should end it.

    Have you asked her why she never mentioned her child? She may have a logical reason.

  16. I’m so sorry this happened to you. That double betrayal by your sister and ex, and then to have your family take her side must have and continue to so hard to bear. Then now doing all these mental gymnastics to pin the blame for this situation between your sister and ex, on YOU is insane and honestly…a testament to how little they like you and care for you. It sounds like you’re the family punching bag who’s expected to just accept abuse from your family members (like your sister and ex cheating on you). You deserve better. You have no blame here, and you deserve to be surrounded by people who love and support you, people who are in your corner. I am sorry that’s not your family, but sometimes that’s the case and it’s entirely valid to remove yourself from their orbit and rather cultivate loving and nurturing relationships with people who reciprocate that same energy. My heart goes out to you.

  17. He's likely rather embarassed that he couldn't perform how he'd like and that has nothing to do with you. Your inner thights and bits are all fine. Could be he's not had to use condoms in a while and it does feel less (not because of you but because of the condom). Could be he's nervous because he's a good bit older and it got in his head. Could be medical because of his age. Could be anything. Doesn't sound like either of you should be upset with yourselves. Yall need to have a sit down when things cool down, figure out other condom options (some are better than others), talk it out and try again. First times are not always great because of nerves and all kinds of things. Don't blame yourself at all.

  18. I’ve told him countless times that it’s not happening again but he’s making it seem like I’m being unfair. Idk. I guess I will keep making it clear to him and if he does go then honestly it’s over. I hate that he’s obsessing about it. I just wish he would move past it already like yes it happened but let’s move on already. But yeah I appreciate your comment.

  19. But he’s 12. She was 8. Like that’s a big gap in maturity. Something doesn’t really add up here. I’m not saying he should be in prison. Just that no matter how you slice it, it’s not great.

  20. I do other stuff around their shop, like logging inventory and answering customer emails. Webmaster is my position name still though.

  21. How can I (46f) fix my relationship with my (69m) husband?

    How can I stop my husband from financially abusing me?

    Fixed that for you.

  22. You did the right thing, but seeking validation here is useless. She is a hoe, and you have dodged a bullet. It doesn't matter whether ypu will be more succesful then him she is a waste of your time anyhow.

    Between staying with her and being single, the latter much better option.

  23. You’re 38 and you think communication is girly and weak? You need to elevate yourself and get into therapy, there are so many issues with hat you just wrote. If this is something that you think if legitimate, I don’t know how you’ve made it this far. I would have clocked you at 15 for this thought process.

  24. After two dates that text message was a big warning. Then after saying he's not going to introduce just anyone to his daughter just randomly bringing her along on an errand you both had planned is not cool. THEN demanding you go to his place leaving yourself no means of escape. Third strike.

  25. First of all, please stay consistent with taking your medication. This is almost certainly part of the problem.

    Second, I think your relationship would be more solid if you two actually meet in person and have a face to face conversation and intimacy. That's what is lacking.

    Third You need to communicate your feelings to him. Maybe by asking if you are important to him and how you are important to him. Also that you need to feel absolutely like you are his first priority in life as his girlfriend. This is a normal desire, and most people want this in their relationship. So don't be shy about asking him. It's normal to feel what you are feeling right now.

  26. You told her as soon as you felt something for her.

    So if she felt something for you earlier than that, it was on her to tell you, you are not a mind reader.

    So no do not chase after her.

    Chalk it up to fate as you likely dodged a bullet, and find yourself someone who isn’t going to play games with you.

  27. This is ridiculous. She is helping and her husband barges in with a ridiculous demand with zero compassion for his wife. “What banners you think” is perfectly reasonable. She doesn't have to come this feelings because his dick feels lonely

  28. I think you're right.. I'll try to mention therapy, but I don't see him going for it. Honestly, I don't know if I have the time in me to wait anymore. Is that horrible of me?

  29. Well had my husband told me I was second choice back then, I'd have dumped him so fast his head would have spun off his shoulders.

  30. All of this is best said to him.

    If he is the avoidant type that you think he is, there is a very good chance that nothing will happen. But if nothing does happen then at least you can walk away knowing that you gave him every chance in the world and at the end he refused to take it.

    I'm not saying he's failing me

    But you have to honest with him that yes, he is actually failing you.

    You pretty much live! together as roommates these days and that this is not the life you want for yourself. You would like him to join you in living a proper life as you no longer wish to live! this life of “wake up, play games, go to bed, rinse and repeat”.

    No one can on-line this existence, you certainly can't and unless he is willing to overcome his reticence to fight for a better life, you really have no choice.


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