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47 thoughts on “Charlootte online sex cams for YOU!

  1. You're both young and horny. Give him a break. He didn't do anything as far as you know. Honestly I dont get why he even said anything. Crushes are silly and mean nothing, even for single people. They're the childish way of addressing attraction, which is complicated and could mean any number of things.

    And honestly I think it is a bit unrealistic and naive for people to assume that their partners will stop feeling attraction toward other people once they're in a monogamous relationship. I have always assumed that my fiancee will be attracted to other men from time to time, and it has never once bothered me, because she has never acted on it or vocalized it to me.

    If I were you I would just tell your bf that the next time he has a crush on someone else that he keep it to himself. Honestly that's the thing about what he did that would bother me. Ask him why he felt the need to tell you; like if he was trying to make you jealous or feel insecure about yourself.

  2. I do this with my man too, so I’m reading through these answers for help as well. I find if I ask myself “is this true? Is this necessary? Is this nice?” seems to help me not do it as much. Also finding a time to talk about household items/expectations so you don’t have to always nitpick. For example I expect us to lock the windows, turn off the heater and lights when we leave the house. So he knows that so then he learns to do it my way? My therapist told me Im a bit of a know-it-all. She’s right. So I try and remember that to not act like that. I try and remember my way is not the only way.

  3. Bro you should’ve put your foot down a while ago. Girls complain about overbearing bfs but when you with a wild one (parties, girls trips, hang with exes) you have to pass their shit test. At some point she tried to get away with some fuckery and you let her. Nows she thinks she’s the leader. You got to train your girl

  4. Not at all, he just recently started heavy drinking. He’s in the military and is away from friends and family and he said this is how he copes with anxiety. I try to help him & he sees mental health but there is an occurrence once a month of some sort of stupid behavior whether it be getting super drunk or being rude.

  5. Hello /u/throwaway9152809,

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  6. Dude, for real. Much more likely that she like trips in the dark and this testosterone filled 18 year old just hits her with the machete instead.

    There must be a better way to handle this situation.

  7. Hello /u/pickles14790742,

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  8. Woman are also told over and over that their worth is in their vaginas….so suddenly being turned down for sex combined with the above means you must be truly worthless, man isn’t attracted to you/doesn’t love you etc etc. It’s a massive over reaction, but it doesn’t stop the feelings from being any less genuine. You don’t need to apologise, but maybe being aware of why she is having this reaction can help you open the dialogue that needs to happen here.

  9. I still don't agree with that. I still get paid at the end of the day whether that customer was happy or not, and telling one guy to fuck off is not going to ruin my paycheck, even it will affect it at all lol. It is HIGHLY unlikely that a customer will make a complaint if you refuse to give them your number, and normally, whenever there is a complaint your boss will ask you directly what happened, you should know this unless you've never worked a service position before…. I don't agree that a customer has control over me just because I'm at work. I never said anything about asking for a number being okay, but if we were arguing that I'd say it depends on the context. If we were having a good convo and had a lot in common yes, I've had people ask my number and I've given it and made many wonderful friends that way. On the other hand, if a dude is trying to flirt or generally being creepy then I've refused my number. Asking for the phone number itself is not what's wrong, it's the reason WHY you want the number in the first place that's the issue. If you can't say no then that's on you. Also you can give fake numbers if you don't wanna say no. That's an option too. My sister has done this, then just pretended she was too busy to answer or never got the message, etc. Let's stop trying to play victim.

  10. I wrote this for OP:

    TLDR: My girlfriend asked me for a hall pass so she could fuck a guy at work. I feel like shit about the relationship now.

  11. I know that sounds silly but I feel that way! I just moved to this house, let alone this state. A man's got to feel comfortable with his home before he adds in more variables.

    Can you expand on your perspective a bit more?

  12. Is it possible that he doesn’t want you involved because he doesn’t want you to hear doctor’s recommendations? My friend’s husband didn’t want her interacting with his doctor at all because doc was suggesting no red meat or alcohol.

  13. Yes, it's just that as a man I need to lead, but his certain situation gives me cold feet. I have no complaints or expectations from her, but I guess i am not able to be what she wants me to be. It's a tough circle now that i love her and don't really know what to do!

  14. No, her face and actions show she was outraged that her husband doesn’t trust her and wanted to search her phone.

  15. Zwei Jahre sind nichts. Und diese zwei Jahre stehen gerade auch stark in Frage, nachdem was er abgezogen hat.


    Bist du dir sicher, dass du den Typen überhaupt richtig kanntest?

  16. To respond to everything in order, they aren’t supposed to be vaping the the house, Joe and Liz think Jane quit a year ago. Joe and Liz asked Jane and Kate to quit in order to live in their house. In order to iron out the rules, Joe and Liz need to be involved and be in the house since Jane and Kate straight up don’t listen to myself or John. Whenever they do smoke or vape in front of me, I leave the room. Same with John. I am not asking them to quit. I am asking them to be considerate and not blow smoke near me/my face. It’s getting to be a problem because they always vape in the kitchen/living/dining room or this other small den area; Common gathering areas that don’t belong to anyone

  17. If it’s an apartment you share then you have the right to remove unneeded/wanted things from it. My boyfriends ex left a bunch of her shit at the house when she moved out. When we moved out of that house later, I either decided to use the stuff for myself or get rid of it if I didn’t use said items.

    If it’s not a place y’all share and he’d get upset for you cleaning stuff out then you may just have to learn to let it go.

  18. If it’s an apartment you share then you have the right to remove unneeded/wanted things from it. My boyfriends ex left a bunch of her shit at the house when she moved out. When we moved out of that house later, I either decided to use the stuff for myself or get rid of it if I didn’t use said items.

    If it’s not a place y’all share and he’d get upset for you cleaning stuff out then you may just have to learn to let it go.

  19. I made it known from our first few dates that’s something important to me.

    what is? being exclusive? Is that what you mean when you say “ask me out”? Because that's not what “asking you out” means.

    he voiced that stuff like that was nerve wracking for him, due to rejection in the past. I told him i understood and that i would give him time.

    Why not just… tell him then? If he was afraid of rejection, why not just explicitly accept and not reject it? “I am telling you I'd say yes if you ask me out”, bam, done, don't have to worry about rejection.

    So much of this post is confusing because it's unclear what you think “asking out means” (but clear whatever it is you think it means isn't what it means) and you keep being vague. Like wth your “boundaries” are that are such an issue.

  20. This was a very rapid spiral, are you having feelings of insecurity in other areas of your life? This immediate response that something has to be wrong with you is concerning and maybe you would benefit from talking this out with a therapist.

  21. He sounds like he enjoys breaking your boundaries in a really horrible painful way. He is the red flag here.

  22. What kind of pictures? Also… From your post it doesn't sound like anyone involved had any I'll intentions. He's a professional photographer and she wanted to give you a present for your anniversary

  23. Women have the power when it comes to sexual activities. You're anger should be mostly towards the person responsible for it happening at all.

    Yes….he did you wrong, but he couldn't have done it if one small word was said.

  24. Um, so why haven’t you unfollowed all those thirst traps and old tinder matches yet exactly?

    That’s so tacky and disrespectful. You are lucky she is even still dating you. I would not be with someone who refused to unfollow that stuff once in a relationship….

  25. He accused her of cheating when she wasn't, said he wasn't taking responsible for the pregnancy and to “get one of your other boyfriends to do it”, assumed she had an abortion, and never once tried to check over the last decade? A judge isn't going to look favorably on the excuse that he didn't take responsibility because he thought she was cheating and he assumed she would have an abortion. A judge also won't buy the excuse that he didn't know because she didn't keep reaching out to tell him about the pregnancy after he told her that he wouldn't take responsibility. He was notified. A reasonable person wouldn't take 12 years to figure out that they were a father.

    There was literally nothing stopping the guy from asking her to establish paternity when the child(ren) was born. Establishing paternity is as simple as a cheek swab, I was in the lab for less than 15 minutes, and most of that time was filling out the paperwork. He could have ignored her the entire pregnancy, requested the paternity test, and he would have had an answer. He doesn't get to come back now and claim she should have ignored his protests and tried to force him to take responsibility, because that's what the alternative was.

  26. The mother's isn't private so it's even less likely that the kids' are.

    My accounts are all set to as private as possible, I don't get unsolicited anything, so much easier that way.

  27. If your kids are old enough for high school, they are old enough to have some say in the matter. Do they know the truth of their parentage? If so have they ever expressed a desire to know their real father?

    My guess is that it's his mother who's upset at missing out on having grandchildren, more than him. after all she was the one who found the photos. He never told her you were pregnant, nor what he said to you and that he abandoned you to your fate and didn't help you out with the abortion he thought you'd have. So she must have torn him one and he's now angry with you because after all he's not going to own up to being a right jerk to you.

  28. Im not gonna say the classic “divorce”! But I will say that you both need some serious couples counseling. If he's acting this way after you've had a miscarriage AND emergency surgery, I can't imagine how worse he'd be if you did have a child.

    And I know that we can't judge him entirely based on one experience right. HOWEVER, this one experience is really really REALLY bad and I would not recommend trying again for a child until you both have had some counseling.

  29. I dont want to suggest therapy by now.

    I know that it might never change. I like all other aspects of her, so its definetly worth trying.

    Physical touch is a important part in a relationship for me, so it could turn out to be a dealbreaker for me. But this is something only time will tell…

  30. Can she afford to take a day off most people would love time off but their finances cannot afford it.

  31. Well, you have two options that I see:

    1) Dump him. He sounds like a complete manchild, who isn’t on the same page as you at all with this relationship. Actions speak louder than words.

    2) Try out how it goes, if you do give him the heads up. “I am seriously upset about how the time was spent this weekend. When can we talk about it?” Insist on a time and date, then stick to it. See how the conversation goes. See if he actually engages with you or needs the heads up, so he can come up with all the reasons why you are wrong, shouldn’t feel the way you do, etc to essentially beat you into submission with words. Make your mind up, after the talk at “his time”.

  32. I can see why someone would not want to have heavy conversations on someone else's timetable – for instance, if they are trying to concentrate on a problem, or get ready for bed? So I think it's okay to let him postpone it, but he also has to give you a specific time that he's willing to discuss it.

    It sounds to me like he hopes you'll just forget about it. Don't let that happen.

    Or maybe, this isn't the relationship for you. But I definitely don't see anything “gaslighty” about your behavior.

  33. I think it's funny she's pining over someone who discarded her like rubbish.

    Offer her a divorce, downsize, consider leaving the startup field. It's a cheese grater.

  34. you cheated on her… was that fair?

    you where married for “many years” and stabbed her in the back. She gave you everything she had, she allowed herself to be vulnerable with you, she allowed herself to trust you and you screwed her over and you want to ask if HER behaviour is unfair? the cherry on your delusional cake is plainly stating you still love the other woman so clearly you aren't too bent out of shape.

    As far as I'm concerned she pretty much has carte blanche to behave how she wants (we all love the petty revenge stories on the cheating spouses) especially if this is still new to her and she is still reeling from it all. You shattered her sense of safety and family you asshat!

    If you really want to save this, not that I think a cheat deserves it, is to put yourself through therapy to sort yourself out and ask for couples therapy too. Your actions spoke loud and clear about your feelings and your lack of regard towards a woman who devoted herself to you, her telling you to fuck off and do what you want is a clear message that you really aren't worthy of her in her eyes. so make yourself worthy again. gain back your honour, gain back your integrity, or do the woman a favour and let her find her happiness with a man who won't screw her over with the first tart that comes along.

    I mean are you for real here? you are not the victim!


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