Bunnylovens online sex cams for YOU!

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14 thoughts on “Bunnylovens online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Bro do not do this, this will get you fired. ‘I got super drunk at an outing with coworkers and one had to drive me home and it started a fight with his wife’ is not an HR thing.

  2. I feel horrible, especially because you think I am a committed man yet I feel terrible for holding onto this other person, even though it's partially why my relationship is failing.

    Why can't I give her up..?

  3. I recall seeing someone say on Reddit something along the lines of “Sex isn’t a proper ‘gift’.” Obviously unless it’s been communicated beforehand and both parties are in agreement

  4. Honey, if your red flag radar is pinging, listen to it.

    I don’t know your relationship history but, from what I can gather from how quickly you caught this red flag, you’ve been in unsavoury relationships before. Ones where you felt like you had to fight for your partner to even notice you, much less give you undivided attention. And that partner liked that power and liked making you jealous.

    I’ve been in those relationships and I also notice these red flags immediately. It sounds like nails on a chalkboard.

    Now, sometimes guys are just fucking oblivious and you have to fucking spell it out for them.

    “Hey, you probably meant nothing by this but this is how it made me feel. I get it might seem like a small thing to you but it’s pretty important to me. It’s not a vanity thing, because to me it feels like you’re trying to hide me and I don’t appreciate it. If I’ve got it wrong, I’d love to hear your side.”

  5. He didn't want a baby. He didn't want to get married. He clearly doesn't want to be married. You forced those issues. What did you think would happen? You would be much better to separate and if he isn't interested in co-parenting then he needs to provide financially for the child. I know that's not what you want to hear but there's really no salvaging the relationship between you.

  6. You seem to be trying to justify your actions by playing the “exploring my sexuality” card, but at the end of the day you're just a common cheater.


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