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18 thoughts on “Bianca the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Exactly, like why tell him NOW when he had all this time to share this info? It could be a way to get back at his ex

  2. Don't forget the high priced alcohol either.

    “Here's a steak. Smell the steak. Look at the steak. Goooood steak, but don't eat it, or taste it. 20 bucks please. moves to another table, repeat”

    Tbh, just watch free porn, and let the bachelor party be a circle jerk. P.S. I'm a guy, who hates strip clubs

  3. Don't overthink this, don't be the one to turn this into something more than what it is. He is simply congratulating you on your recent marriage which answers the “why now” part. Leave it at that, it's probably a no very hot feelings, glad you're doing well and congratulations. Nothing wrong with that. He isn't doing anything wrong nor should it be seen as abnormal or strange. It's respectful and a kind gesture for him to do. Your response should be something along the same lines, thanking him and hoping he is also doing well. Leave it at that.

  4. Like, he licks his finger to get the chip crumb off the plate, and then eats them and somehow its JUST AS LOUD as a full sized chip I just can't.

  5. Thank you for your reply. I agree with what you have said.

    He does see a therapist once a week, although it took years for me to basically force him to start doing this. ? He behaves better towards me for about 48 hours after every session, and then returns to his bad habits. I have also noticed that he only ever goes to older, female therapists, and that he loves for them to feel sorry for him and mother him.

    I do like/love some things about him. He can be caring and supportive at times, he makes me smile and laugh a lot of the time, and I do believe he loves me. But I have also recently started to resent him a little. I resent that he seems to have no real consequences for any of actions. He can lay there all day, gaming, eating rubbish, and avoiding any kind of social contact. I have to work, walk the dogs, drive us everywhere etc. I feel more like his support worker than his partner. In recent months, I have noticed my mental health and my self care declining massively. I stay in all the time with him, rarely see any friends, and don’t cook much or clean anymore. My life has become oddly comfortable, yet very uncomfortable at the same time. But we’ve been together so long that it feels like he is part of me. As if our lives only exist when together. We on-line together, have dogs together, and do pretty much everything together. I know this probably sounds pathetic, but I don’t know how to be alone anymore. I am so scared. And I feel like I would miss him very much. I care about him deeply.

  6. He finds certain features attractive. And? Many a person does. I have no other advice than to tell your 'friends' that if they like someone who likes them, then date them.

  7. Thanks. I think his anxiety is in turn making me anxious, ugh! I’m usually more swift and firm with these situations where it isn’t working out but there is usually at least some level of mutual acknowledgment from the other person.

  8. Will get downvoted but I will say it. I won’t break off with them. They were vulnerable enough to talk with you and discuss. If you say no and both of you continue being in monogamous relationship then it should be fine. You should also talk to her and openly tell her how her asking or suggesting open relationship made you feel. Sometimes communication is the best way to solve all our issues, doubts, assumptions and insecurities. Communicate with your partner. Be honest. She was curious and there is nothing wrong to be curious. If she would have been hell bent even after you said no then it’s another story and you should call this relationship off. However, that’s not what has happened.

  9. We used to be partners and we have shared romantic feelings, but long distance is very hot. We both gave up on trying to make that work a long time ago. When we were together, he set a boundary “no weed until you're 21” which was previously “no weed ever.” We had to compromise on that one.

    And I feel like, it's just weed? I'm not sucking someone's dick for heroine, so why exactly is it such a big deal?

  10. You are 20 what business is it of your parents if or when you had sex?

    Sound like you have shit parents. As somebody who also has shit parents have as little contact with them as possible.

  11. You break up with her in a public space. Tell her you can’t have a long conversation about this because your decision has been taken. She won’t die without you. You can also contact a domestic violence help line, explain the situation and ask them how to proceed

  12. I had a one year relationship that took me over a year to fully get over it. Love takes time you can’t rush things. Be honest with those around you tho. Wanting to be in love and stuff is great, but you can’t just snap your fingers and be in love.


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