Barbins online sex chats for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “Barbins online sex chats for YOU!

  1. There is no set time regarding your age/ stage in life. The best time is when you’re ready and you feel that spark with someone! I totally get the conflicting advice with putting yourself out there/ don’t force it. Ride that middle line where you’re open to new opportunities, but not out there purely looking for any old opportunity just for opportunities sake.

    Pretty much everyone I talk to (including my fiancé) has said that their best/final relationship is the one they find when they stop looking for a relationship and instead are just leaving themselves open to a relationship while they’re just looking for friends/companionship/fun times/pursuing their own interests… I reckon that’s because they’re more relaxed about the whole situation and have stopped worrying if they’re going to find someone and just accept that they might not and then lo and behind some amazing person just walks into their life and everything is easy and chill.

    Best of luck! The whole thing is a fun experience if you have a fun with it, and can be a hard experience if you’re nude on yourself. So try to not to overthink and just have fun and get some life experience and some funny stories!

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  3. I don't know your boyfriend, but this attitude is (sadly) not uncommon. Often the root cause is that they value you solely for what you do for them. They don't love you unconditionally, and your happiness is not a concern. If you're sick, you are no longer providing services to your SO. You're actually asking for something from them, even if it's as small as a glass of water.

    There's a reason most marriage vows include “in sickness and health”. This guy has shown you he's not capable of making that promise.

  4. this is text book real world depression. she lacks any interest in anything. she isnt motivated to do simple tasks. something has caused her to be depressed. my advice, help her. Sit down with your gf and have a talk with her, but FOR GODS SAKE be gentle and tactful on how you approach this (a diplomat is better than a dictator) maybe as others have said, seek professional help with a therapist and see where you go.

    I wouldnt give your gf an ultimatum, thats stupid imo. Clearly you love her and you want to see her at her best. I'd look at therapy as a path to go down, ie, why is your gf acting like she is. is she unhappy with you? is she unhappy being away from family? is the move not up to her expectations? theres a lot that you (as a couple) need to work on to survive.

    only when you're satisfied she wont change, then start looking at moving on.

  5. Reading all of OP's comments and her story she sounds toxic af. Long run this is probably best for OP's kids and now ex. Tearing your family apart after 2 weeks of chatting to some musician on the Internet sounds like some immature school girl crush behaviour.

    As constructively as I can put it, OP seems to have struggled massively with isolation and being a stay at home mum and should have sought out therapy. Instead she hopped on the Internet and is now hoping to hop onto some new dick.

  6. Huh? Why would you need to discuss this with her? You don’t need to disclose medical information to someone you’ve never been on a date with.

  7. Your request is fair and it sounds like you're suffering from caregiver burnout.

    If you don't mind me asking, how is your wife disabled? It's not possible for her to contribute at all? Or at least feed herself? Would is also be possible for you to hire part-time help?

  8. I wouldn’t call it cheating, but it’s hardly a sincere effort at your relationship.

    Tbh I’d leave the “you should cut this person off, we’re exclusive” chat because she’s just too immature. I’d just go in with “I want an adult relationship, if you want to play around and play silly games I’m out, so let me know what you choose”. She’s just playing silly buggers.

  9. This is why situationship is pretty much a “false” relationship. Almost every time this happens because one or both parties want the feel of a “relationship” without the label / commitment. So being “exclusive” like that is really dumb imo because its breaks the whole point of a situationship.

    Be honest with the “exclusive” guy. Don’t tie yourself down with someone who doesn’t want to pursue the relationship further or want the same things you want. They aren’t even dating you, basically just a back up chick they can come home to when they want to feel “loved”. This next guy could be someone who wants to be more than that.

    This is taken from experience from my cousin.


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