EvelynMilf on-line webcams for YOU!

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12 thoughts on “EvelynMilf on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. It depends on how important sex is to you. Some people are asexual and sex just isn't important to them, whatsoever. I don't think I would personally stay in a relationship that was sexless, but I know plenty of people would have no issue with it. I would say if she isn't bothered by going two years without sex while she is in a relationship, meanwhile, you *do* take issue with not having it, this might prompt me to hypothesize that our sex drives aren't compatible. Long term, this is only going to cause problems and resentment on both sides. Even if she has sex with you to make you happy, are you really going to enjoy it knowing she is only doing it to please you and not because she actually wants to be having sex?

  2. You saw the red flags from the beginning. You stuck it out for a year hoping love would be enough.

    It's not.

    You don't love him anymore. He sounds irritating tbh; I don't blame you. Leave him and find someone who can and wants to communicate.

  3. Him telling his friend about your play fight and the phone going down your top is majorly weird and creepy, it’s like he’s talking about a girlfriend to his friend and not his daughter. Reminds me of GSA and I have had a very similar situation to you, I reconnected with my dad when I was 17 and the last time he saw me I was just over 1 year old. My dad turned out to be a womaniser and talk very openly about his sex life so there was all kinds of grooming behaviour going on and it was incredibly uncomfortable. When I was 17 I think my gut was telling me what was happening but I didn’t want to admit it to myself. Now many years on I know for sure what he’s like and that I was right. Yes I have to say I do think your dad’s way of seeing you is not like a father / daughter relationship and he is treating you like a girlfriend in many ways. The sleeping tablets are no excuse. You really have to put firm boundaries in place. He has pushed boundaries purposely. Yes he may be a nice person, a kind man etc but this is unhealthy and you have to make the boundary clear. The play fighting for example isn’t a good idea in the future. Anything that allows him to cross the line and any overly casual behaviour, be mindful of topics of conversation and this is a major giveaway and I speak from experience – talk about guys you’re interested in (if you’re into guys) or relationships / dating and watch his reaction. The protective father would respond differently to the father who sees his daughter in an unhealthy way and doesn’t identify in his mind that this is his own flesh and blood and instead views her first and foremost as a woman. You may find he doesn’t like the topic of conversation and you’d be forgiven for assuming it’s the protective dad coming out in him but dig a bit further and you may come to realise that’s not his reason for being annoyed or uncomfortable. Honestly please keep yourself safe. I know you think he won’t harm you because he’s a nice man, he won’t intentionally harm you but this kind of dynamic can be harmful emotionally and mentally.

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  5. This makes more sense tbh… also i know she will never cheat… but this is finally something that makes sense.. thanks

  6. It's not perfect. Your bf will always be a son first. If you marry him, his role of son will always be more important than his role of husband. He is far from perfect, let him know that while you want to be in a relationship with him you can no longer cope with the influence his mum has on that relationship. Leave.

  7. You need to break up with her for her own food and let her find someone who actively wants to marry and have kids with her. Stringing her along like you are doing is cruel.

  8. Unfortunately, as a woman (who is also older than you), she needs to think about her age when it comes to when she wants to have kids from a biological standpoint. If marriage is a requirement for her before having kids, then that's what it is. 5 years is a while for a lot of relationships, so it's not completely out of the realm of being realistically happening.

    However, that doesn't mean your feelings about how/when you want to get married (and all the circumstances leading up to it) are incorrect. It just means you two have different expectations, and that you are currently incompatible with each other. If the ultimatum itself turned you off though, then that may be a sign that this relationship will not work out in the long run. I would agree with her if this is the case, and end it sooner rather than later so that you both can move on.

  9. Yes it does hurt, BUT you are not doing anything wrong to feel guilty about. In fact, you can be a supportive friend and help and encourage him to network with other asexuals, and be part of an asexual community. There is a woman who is perfect for him in every way just waiting to be found by him.


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