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28 thoughts on “Atenea160 on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Yes, stop trying to shut down a point yiou disagree with using rhetorical tools that add very little to the discourse at this point.

  2. He’s using your cheating to punish and control you.

    He’s either trusting you and forgiving you or he isn’t. He can’t have it both ways to suit him.

    Sounds like he hasn’t forgiven you and he probably never will

    Maybe you should just move on because this will be a recurring theme as long as you are together.

    From my experience, my ex cheated and I dumped him as soon as I found out because I knew I’d never trust him again or forgive him.

  3. Yeah you’re right and I know I need to tell them. They don’t have kids but that doesn’t really matter they need to be aware of this. I wanted to report him somewhere but I don’t really know where or who that would be because he didn’t commit a crime just showed signed of predatory behavior so I’m not even sure if that’s an option.

  4. It’s not really a sex thing for me. I just want to feel like I can be attractive. I just want to feel desired and attractive to other people. If I felt that way I wouldn’t really want to explore. I just want to prove I’m not the ugly duckling anymore. However, there’s not really a way for me to get this validation other than dating around as far as I know.

  5. He sort of became like this, I was friends with him before and he didn’t go this crazy back then. Before he would show to strictly work.

  6. I agree. After saying no multiple times but him forcing himself on her, I don't see how else it could be viewed other than rape.

  7. I know you said you were going to break up with her but maybe wait/don’t. 9 years is a lot of time to spend with someone while waiting to get married… after that time they break up and then he starts dating someone else and proposes within a year. She probably has very mixed feelings about this not necessarily feeling for him. I would sit down with her and ask why this has hit her so very hot, let her know how this makes you feel. I don’t think its a reason to break up with someone.

  8. Ok, her childhood. Didn't know you all needed that much back story

    Why? Is it irrelevant now because it doesnt represent “your highest self”?

  9. Does anyone else wonder if he did it on purpose? He took the call right outside the bedroom door and mentioned her name several times. Seems sus.

  10. It is very hot to dislike me) And yes he often uses it in the relationship to other women we both see and discuss or to his ex girlfriend I have asked him – he said he likes different things, so what I was telling him while our relationship that I don’t get this feeling from him and not enough compliments. Let’s say he may describe someone and how “great” or references to his ex girlfriends some other girl that they are beautiful. But I would show up dressed – wouldn’t always get a compliment. Like when you see someone excited and really likes smth – I don’t see it towards me 🙁

    I have different thoughts, but one of them: it feels like eventually his nature will win and he will fall in love with Italian looking girl. As he follows them for some reason

    But you are right, we are together for 2 year, why would he do that. That is why I’m confused

  11. Has your husband been getting the regular virility tests? After your vasectomy, one has to be tested to make sure that it works properly.

  12. I personally think it’s fine because of what I said earlier. For me, it isn’t because I’m not optimistic about the relationship, but rather that in the case of a breakup, I don’t want to make the process of getting back to dating harder than it already is. But if it’s really bothering you that much, maybe try to just bring it up to him? I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask him to delete the profile.

  13. There are people who want to be with other people who have the same views on intimate relationships. A person's past is a great sign of their views. Some people see sex as something extremely personal which should not be shared unless there is a deep bond between people and others think that sex is just a physical way to get pleasure. Neither view is wrong.

    It is great that you do care about your partner's past nor your partner cares about yours. It seems like you both have a similar view on sex with that point of view. This means you two are likely to be compatible. This also makes it so you and someone who sees sex very differently will not be compatible and there is nothing wrong with that. If you were with someone who had a different view and sex and it ended the relationship neither of you will be wrong.

    Here is the thing people have different views on sex and that is what makes life great. This is as long as they do try to force their views on others.

  14. I would talk to them. Tell them honestly what you said here – that you now feel gross and like you forced yourself on someone. While they are welcome to live their sexuality, I feel it is also important to acknowledge your reality and how you have perceived things – what their lying as done to you. If nothing else, it might make them think twice before doing it again in the future.

    My experience has been (mind you – this is personal only), that some asexual people really hate that most people will hear ‘asexual’ and walk away. Very few people who are allosexual are willing to give up on regular sex, even if their emotional needs are being met. That results in anger and ultimately lying, then faking it and hoping sex will ‘dry up’ by itself. It is also worth mentioning that not all asexual people are repulsed by sex. Some are happy to engage in it, as their partner’s happiness gives them a lot too. Some are indifferent and well, some are actively disgusted. I am not saying that that is what happened here – they might have only just come to the realisation for all we know – but it honestly doesn’t sound like it from your description.

    Personally, I would really struggle to rekindle the relationship after this. This is a big lie to hide, if it was indeed hidden. How do you know that nothing else is being hidden? How do you know they aren’t lying, when they tell you something? Also, they have done a lot of damage to your trust and sense of consent, but there doesn’t seem to be much acknowledgement of that.

  15. The real conflict here (aside from nipping you in bed) is your work vs. the dogs. Since you won't accept some of the possible fixes (rehoming, training them yourself), I suggest you rent a small private room for your WFH activity. It could be a spare bedroom in a neighbor's house or a small office. Ask your BF to split the cost with you, since these are his dogs – but your income.

  16. Thank you – I just wanted someone's opinion or a helping hand be it a stranger on the internet. Thank you.

  17. No, but we dated for almost 7 years before getting married. I dated a few people before, but I know she's the one. I have absolutely no interest in other girls or guys. Just our mutual friend.

  18. Communication with your partner is exceedingly important. Also not pissing off his family and driving a wedge with the family.

    I would apologize to his mother and state that while you won’t always agree and the conversation may be somewhat hurtful you still love and appreciate what she has done and meant to you.

    Start there and rebuild is my best suggestion.

  19. He'll have another excuse at the end of summer, I guarantee it. Cut the rope on situationship. He's not interested in being more than that.

  20. This is WEIRD. Like, you celebrate with your loved ones, that's what you do. Them not wanting you there is a very red flag. I would reconsider the entire thing tbh.


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