Natty-y live sex chats for YOU!

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35 thoughts on “Natty-y live sex chats for YOU!

  1. Hi there, verbal abuse is a really bad sign and if anything he needs to self reflect on that thoroughly and until that happens you two shouldn't be together.

    However i cannot say that hes wrong in saying you've cheated on him. Take this information as more so for your next relationship rather than this one. Emotional cheating is a very common thing that most people undermine, sharing your deep affection like that can easily get messy and in a monogamous relationship no one should be having bonds like you did with that friend. Flirting whether it be “light” or “obscene” is still flirting, its like saying you didn't cheat because it was only foreplay and playful cunnilingus that never went anywhere. It was simply something you wanted to keep doing that while not okay and definitely on the subtle side was still a nono for a relationship.

    You also lied about it by saying you got rid of this friend showing that you acknowledged it wasn't okay and then going behind their back and talking to them anyway.

    Currently with all the information you've given in the paragraph i do not see any avenue to improve the relationship…he is negatively impacting your mental health with his undeniably abusive way of communicating to you. Ultimately if you two do resolve your current hickup you'd have to:

    Get him to acknowledge his way of communicating to you is abusive and make him strive to change.

    Acknowledge that you absolutely did cheat on him and strive to improve yourself as well.

    Thats just my two cents though, hopw i was able to help with an outside view

  2. Im very sorry to say but you are most definitely wrong. my very intelligent self respecting husband did date me as a 21yo (him qnow 66) and myself (46) met at the ages of 41 & 21, I met his 4 kids one month into the relationship, we married within 18months,2 more kids. And 22 years later, I am blessed with for bonus kids 8 grand kids who call me nana. Age is just a number not the be all and end all, and definitely not whatsoever to base or not base a relationship on

  3. One way to explain it to your child is based on her father's relationship to the kids. I had a stepgrandfather and he was a nice man, but he wasn't my grandfather. When he died, he left his estate to his children and grandchildren, not us.

    Even though it's your wife's inheritance, it's still her father's money and that may impact how she divides it up.

  4. Is cheating a deal breaker for you? If so then deep down you already know the answer. Time to rip and tear that bandaid off and do what needs to be done. Also, if the boyfriend does not know then inform him asap.

  5. First of all, I’d text her “do you understand that the money I’ve spent on you transitioning, including the gender-affirming gifts, is a loan? I agreed to pay because you told me you would pay me back, right?” Just to have proof that she agreed to pay you back. THEN, I would tell her the amount she owes. So if anything happens, you have the supporting evidence to sue her if you ever need to… which I think you should.

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  7. Relationships are meant to make your life better.

    I don’t see anything about this relationship that is better than being single.

  8. Red flag. I dated women over 30 in my 20's.

    You have to wonder what exactly it is about women in their 30's he doesn't like…perhaps because they know their own minds and won't be pushed around?

    And that is indeed a red flag.

  9. Same, heck I have even got comments from teenagers when I was in my early 30's! At least they were not creepy ?

  10. No. Starting a new relationship does not mean you’re required to erase your past. The person you are now, the person she presumably wants to be with, has lived 18 years and some of that time involved a relationship with someone else.

    She can’t just demand that you delete photos, and please don’t allow her to control you like this.

    “My past is important to me as it’s how I got to be the person I am today. You’re not in competition with my past, and I have no remaining romantic or sexual feelings towards this person. But she was once a part of my life and deleting a photo won’t change that. I am not going to delete the photo and would never ask you to do something like that.”

  11. I definitely considered a therapist, I'm fortunately aware of how bad my mental health is at the minute so a therapist may be able to help. Secondly, we have tried so much new stuff together. Almost everything we've done has been new for both of us, it's just the idea that I wasn't his firsts and the thought of his past experiences being better etc. The idea of doing new things and the fact that we have done so many new things definitely helps me though, it makes me feel special.

  12. The reason they ask you to RSVP is because the caterer charges the couple money for each attendee. If you decide day of, you are costing them money. At this point I don't know if you should go or stay away.

    In future, look up wedding etiquette live, because you have already made one big mistake. Also, if you go, you definitely should give the couple a gift, although it doesn't have to be ready today.

  13. If you feel like you have to hide the fact that you’re taking birth control from your spouse because he’ll REFUSE to wear a condom then the bigger issue here is that he’s an asshole who you don’t seem to have any trust in. Many, many couples double up on birth control—and frankly they SHOULD, especially if you know for a fact that an unexpected pregnancy would cause you a lot of turmoil and heartache, regardless of whether or not you continue the pregnancy (if you even online somewhere where abortions are affordable and easily accessible). I think you should be honest about the fact that you have a lot of anxiety regarding pregnancy and that you want to use bc as well as condoms. if he refuses to wear a condom because he doesn’t care about your emotional and physical welfare, then refuse to have sex with him. and then reconsider why you’re even married to him.

  14. Your BF deserves what he gets. How stupid can you be? Also, is this ok with you? You ok with him exchanging nudes with other women fake or not?

  15. I regretfully have to agree with this comment more than any I've read so far. It's not a nice comment, but the truth often isn't, unfortunately.

  16. I would say ” look I wanted to finish the project on time but the poo poo head didn't send me the thingies I needed to get it done.”

    Keep it professional and I think they will respect you more.

  17. If it’s not a decent picture then it could be anyone. We online in a deep fake world now so if it’s not clearly a legit pic then ignore.

  18. Go to your graduation. It was the best feeling in the world for me, I’d hate for someone else to maybe miss out on that feeling. You earned it.

  19. Then I feel bad for any people in your life if you have the same type of controlling attitude. Have a good one.

  20. This is not a healthy relationship. If you are afraid of your partner ever, it’s time to get out. Normally I’m the one giving everyone the benefit of the doubt but he is doing this to intimidate you. That is never ok. You deserve a partner that makes you feel safe. ?

  21. Yep these are the worst type. They see no wrong in there actions. Has to be better out there in this world who dont do crap like this. This is the reason men have high suicide rate.

  22. Move forward, OP.

    Sounds that breaking up was the best you could do in view of a happier future with someone more compatible.

    Also: let some time go by before dating again. Give yourself a break.

    And then ask yourself, what exactly it was that had pulled you into this relationship first?

    Why you would pick the exact oposite of what you need and want. It may help getting a better fitting partner next time around.

    Keep her blocked and deleted. That relationship is a deap end for you.

    If after 5 years she hasn't developed enough trust to know you don't cheat on her she likely never will.

  23. Your current partner doesn't like making out outside of having sex. That's valid. You like making out outside of sex, also valid. Is not making out outside of sex a price of admission you're willing to pay to be with this man? You will never get everything you want in a relationship. You have decide what is more important to you.

  24. I'm going to give you some really horribly bad advice. You should not listen to me.

    Tell him he traded you in for a younger and more fuckable daughter.

    It's awful. But he's awful and that's essentially what he's done.

  25. Thanks for your take. I’m worried about this too- that’s why I am posting on here as I want to avoid this situation and figure out if these issues are an insolvable dealbreaker sooner than later.

    He is as interested in sex as I am and seems to have a high sex drive, even though he has these penis issues. He seemed open to exploring bdsm and other things when I’ve brought it up (earlier in the relationship when I thought we were just dealing with a performance anxiety issue).

    I am hoping these are things we can work through together, and that maybe I can teach him things I like and get him more adventurous once we get all the parts working. Or maybe it is impossible and you are right! Trying to figure it out and not write off an amazing person who I’m falling in love with before talking about something that maybe we can solve together.

  26. I think you're mistaken about having 3 children. You actually have 4, but one of them inhabits a man's body.


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