Kim the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Kim, 20 y.o.


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Kim on-line sex chat

22 thoughts on “Kim the hot on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. I'm sorry, has he said out loud in words that he wants to have sex with other people?

    This sounds like he wants to keep talking to someone who hit on him. That's a conversation worth having, but it's different from being in an open relationship.

  2. Aw thank you! Speaking of being safe, the first night we met, I had him meet me at the coffee shop where my daughter works. That way she would know what he looks like & I also share my location with her. She’s much more perceptive than I. She was like “mom do you need my knife?” Haha. And the whole night she kept texting to make sure I was alive and got home safely.

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  4. I experienced something sort of similar, but it has happened multiple times and has been due to anti depressants, anti anxiety, and birth control.

    If she's on any other medication, it could be a side effect. A lot of anti depressants/anxiety meds reduce sex drive (though saying that, depression and anxiety also reduce sex drive so idk).

    I've heard some people say they've had a low sex drive and then found out they had a hormone imbalance – It might be worth her speaking to her doctor.

    But it might also be worth bringing up asexuality with her and see if this is recent or if the underlying feelings have always been there – some asexual people say they have sex with their partner just because they feel it's what they're meant to do. And there's different types of asexuality – gray-asexual, demi sexual, sex-positive, sex-ambivalent, sex-repulsed.

    You're caught between a rock and a very hot place (sorry, no pun intended), because you love her so you don't want to leave her. But if she turned to you and said she couldn't guarantee she'd ever be interested in sex again, do you think you could go through the entire rest of your life without sex?

    If not, then you have two options (at least as far as I can see). If you're a 100% monogamous person, then you'd probably need to break up. If you want sex, but you can't have sex with her, and you don't want sex outside of your relationship, then that's your only option. You can't magically change how you or her feel. And waiting around, hoping for a change that's never guaranteed isn't going to lead to happiness.

    If you're polyamorous, or open to an open relationship, then it might be worth considering. I'm hardly an expert but I have many friends who are poly, and the thing they stress is communication. Constantly. You need to be emotionally available and vulnerable, you need clear boundaries with what is acceptable, what isn't, what you each consider cheating, etc. But be careful, because if she's only suggesting this because she's scared you'll leave without sex, or because of an insecurity, or something similar, then this isn't the path to go down. Polyamory won't fix the cracks in the foundation relationship. It will cause the relationship to crumble if those foundations aren't strong.

    There are some things that are fundamental incompatibility markers – a desire for children (or lack thereof), a desire for sex (or lack thereof), a desire for an open/poly relationship (or lack thereof) – which are things that you shouldn't compromise on, from either side of the relationship. It just causes resentment, bitterness, and breaks down a relationship into something more toxic than it ever would have been if you'd just broken up instead of compromising.

    There's nothing wrong with wanting sex. And there's nothing wrong with not wanting sex. But those two desires are not compatible with each other. And you can't compromise between a yes and a no. You end up with a maybe which is either a pressured yes or a resentful no. There's not really a way to compromise here.

    Take some time to consider, and talk it through with her.

  5. A scholarship is dependent on going to school..Pretty sure you should attend classes..

    I had high blood pressure but your father's must be astronomical to be hospitalized..

    So sorry you and your sister are being looked up on as solutions to your parents problems..

    Neither of you should give up your dreams..

    Your father could be in the hospital for a short time.. It would not involve you to take time off.

    Have them get a babysitter for the two youngest. Not for the 28 year old. She can call you mom at the hospital if something is wrong with the babysitter..

  6. If you want to be confident about it, then communicate with her. She will be the best person to tell you what she likes and what she expects. Armed with that knowledge, you will have a much better shot at making this a fun experience even if you've never had sex before. A communicating virgin is better than a guy who thinks he knows what he's doing because he's just had so much pussy, bro, but doesn't know a damn thing because he doesn't actually communicate or care about his partner(s).

  7. Honestly it felt so logical before reading all the replies to this post. It has been very eye-opening indeed. I appreciate your comment and bluntness, friend.

  8. You earn respect with gentle authority and reason, you don't instill it with force. Are you a cop?

  9. Keep working on it since it's clearly not working. Maybe take a step back from dating if you aren't able to get a handle on your brain to mouth filter. Because it's honestly going to be damaging to others if you keep it up at this rate.

  10. What is the reason you cheated? Did he catch you or did you confess? Why is he still with you considering your cheating? What does your weight have to do with this? Are you medicated for BPD. Is the medication working? IMO all of these issues impact on decisions that you and he might make?

  11. Attraction will ebb and flow in a relationship.

    But 18 months is still solidly honeymoon phase. It’s a little early for an ebb.

    Try communication, or something exciting and new in your sex. Or maybe your desire is wonky due to stress or other external factors.

  12. Why not ask her? Just send a text “hey, if you’re not feeling things that’s okay. I was just wondering if there was anything I did or said that made you uncomfortable”

  13. alright reading the comments and im going against the grain, thats totally fair. OP, we're talking about his mom, not some other girl, this is the person that birthed and raised him. to be mad he loves her more than anyone else is unfair. however, it really is a bizarre thing to say unprompted and they are two separate types of love. still, i wouldnt sweat it honestly, if my partner said the same i wouldnt be trying to one up their parents yk

  14. Also, she sounds full of shit. No guy I know could even get it up to have sex seven times in one day. Not even in their 20s.


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