Jessilau online webcams for YOU!

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42 thoughts on “Jessilau online webcams for YOU!

  1. Either Saturday or Friday night fully to us than the night we don’t spend together we still go (or try) to go sleep together than most the day Sunday or Saturday

  2. Are the children school age? She misses you and needs you to make her feel loved and appreciated. Time to resweep her off her feet.

  3. I wouldn’t ask this. He’s your boyfriend. Not your husband. Not your sugar daddy. It’s not his job to support you.

    It might be fair to ask for an adjustment in the rent in general so you can base it on income rather than 50/50. Since your income isn’t equal. Maybe he’d be willing to go 60/40 or 70/30. But if you agreed to 50/50 then he wouldn’t be wrong to say no.

    Asking for someone to completely pay for the roof over your head isn’t cool.

    Perhaps approach the topic by telling him that you are struggling and were wondering if you guys could make some adjustments to your current financial agreement so you could get ahead. Ask what he would think about changing the contribution to rent. See how he reacts. Go from there.

  4. This is just… So much. I can't even fathom the depth of your grief.

    My only suggestion is to continue to work on yourself through counselling. By helping yourself perhaps you can help her just by being there and eventually learn to exist together peacefully. Couples counselling perhaps? I'm so sorry I don't have better advice ?

    Take good care of yourself.

  5. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My friend and I got our nipples pierced together yesterday. We decided to get glow in the dark rings for them. Afterwards we actually went into a dark room just to see how they looked lol. I know this seems silly and not a big deal, but my boyfriend is mad at me for this. He says i basically cheated by letting my friend see my boobs. I don’t think I cheated, it literally wasn’t even sexual at all. He literally won’t even talk to me over something so small, we’ve been together for a year. Any advice would be helpful

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  7. seen your post/comment history. it’s time to start paying bills. you’re a whole ass adult. you ARE a burden with no car @ 24.

  8. What are you spending your money on is important to know. But yeah he did say he was coming to pick you up, I don't understand why you would be in the wrong for accepting that. If you're an adult and you don't want to do something, you say no, not yes and then get pissy when the person actually takes you up on it.

    You do need your license and be able to drive it sounds like you don't

  9. My wife and I are both brown eyes and brown haired…. Yeah, our oldest is a blue-eyed, blonde haired beauty. Neither of us were surprised in the beginning, but we figured out that it Turns out we both have aunts and uncles with blonde hair and blue eyes.

    Point here is that genetics is very interesting and causes very interesting results. Your boyfriend is an idiot for assuming that the child is not his unless you have a history of infidelity.

  10. Most people are a year or two older or younger than their partner- dating someone born the same year as you is limiting your options like crazy

  11. lol what do you mean you haven’t done anything to sabotage the marriage? you literally told her you liked her, which is very much sabotaging your marriage

  12. Honestly youre right, i dont know how to bring myself to end it tho. I dont wanna hurt him and i dont wanna hurt myself.

  13. That might be the case, but in the West (where I'm presuming OP is from and where his girlfriend is receiving higher education!!!) that is highly unusual. I can appreciate getting married quickly, as some cultures frown upon having premarital sex, but I'm not familiar with any cultures where the trajectory goes from higher education -> baby -> marriage? I'm concerned this woman is trying to baby trap OP, as that's what every sign is indicating here.. I'm not degrading other cultures

  14. Going down a dark road my friend. You've left yourself only one possibility, proof. Lack of proof will only mean you haven't looked deep enough.

    Communication is likely going to yield better results if you wish any repair.

  15. I wish I could be there to watch it, Dr. ughhhhh. I'll bet a lot of ppl on this thread would be there if they could.

    You deserve that walk. You deserve all the flowers. It's a damn shame your family don't want to be the ones to give you your flowers, because this is one hell of an achievement. I pity them, and all that they have missed on this journey with you. They don't deserve to reach the destination with you, either. Go fucking slay (not literally!) ??

  16. As an obese person myself I see nothing really wrong with that. Someone is going to look a lot different when they've lost 100lbs and ignoring that reality is just weird. Its similar to me to dating someone after they've stopped smoking or stopped taking drugs.

    But the language the OP talking about with “trying him out” is so odd and a big red flag.

  17. You need to set boundaries. It's nice that you're trying to understand and support him considering his childhood, but that's not normal behaviour and he doesn't seem to want to change – if he did, he'd probably be more open to talking about that subject.

    There's no reason for your dog to get hurt, because you're too weak to set the matter straight with your boyfriend. He needs to either accept that everything he was taught was wrong, or leave.

    If he doesn't want to listen/change therapy won't help.

  18. I mean, it can be seen as a huge mistake and red flag. Who would trust a person that CHOSE that path? Then again, people change and are worthy of every kindness and forgiving. IDK what I would do.

  19. How the fuck can she be your fiance but you guys haven't talked about this?

    It seems ridiculous that you would marry someone but not talk about this.

    It doesn't seem like this is marriage is going to go well.

  20. You should read up on coercive control because that's what this setting of unrealistic expectations, with the threat of anger if you don't comply, is. Phase 2 of this is often the threat of violence or actual violence to get you to do what he wants, which is apparently to be his maid. You are an equal human and you are allowed to live in a space that conforms to your needs too, and if that's being a bit messier because you need to work, then that should be something he deals with. If it bothers him then he can clean. Equally, you are allowed to decide how you spend your time and it's allowed to be in a way that benefits you. You don't exist to serve him and he doesn't come first. In a partnership, you both do so compromise is essential.

  21. Her life is already ruined, don't let it ruin your life as well. It hurts to see family suffer but she is the architect of her own life's misfortunes

  22. Now you have specific examples to discuss with a therapist. You also need to set boundaries since your behavior obviously crossed a line for him.

  23. Have you asked him why he feels the need to run appliances when you explicitly tell him not to? When you tell him you’re about to shower, how does he respond?

    Who initiates the walks together? Have you asked him why he won’t walk with you? Does he do this when you’re in public?

    Regarding the MMOs, is he playing solo? Regardless, he is clearly never going to play with you. If he wanted to he would have by now. I don’t think pushing the issue will entice him to play together.

  24. Not necessarily. His role is to be available on standby and be supported if she needs. However, the problem here is not from the boyfriend and but it's from hers. She doesn't feel important enough to be cared for by another person or she's thinking she can do it all on her own so she doesn't want to burden her boyfriend with these feelings of hers. She will only burn out eventually.

  25. I don’t mean it as in he checks my phone, I mean that he knows my password and he’s more than welcome to use my phone anytime. He doesn’t and has never asked to see it. He will send me tiktoks that mention his overthinking and if I get busy and don’t answer for awhile he will ask if I am ok or if I am upset with him. These make me feel sad that he thinks like this but I just don’t know how to bring it up to him without making it worse.

  26. Time to end it building trust back is nude enough without her constantly walking all over your boundaries

  27. I think they are telling you to have some dignity and acknowledge his deception since your boyfriend lied and isn’t trustworthy based on all his actions in regards to this trip.

  28. At the risk of stating the obvious, you don’t “find anyone else attractive” before you leave – you leave him first, then somehow pull your head out of your arse and work on yourself and your gigantic mental issues. ffs


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