CassyNash live sex cams for YOU!

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18 thoughts on “CassyNash live sex cams for YOU!

  1. I'm on my way to the emotional prostitute, aka my therapist, for things I can't talk about with my wife, and these things won't be discussed with my wife afterwards because there is a thing called privacy.

  2. Definitely talk to your GF about it. Does she drive? Is there some type of public transportation she could take if she doesn’t? She could make the effort, it sounds like she may feel like it’s just easier for her for you to drive to her. Just have a honest talk with her about it with how you feel, and see if maybe y’all could come up with a schedule that works for the two of you?

  3. Cause OP states like it was a great memory they share. But their first anniversary literally happened two months ago, cause they started dating 14 months ago.

  4. You could just be honest about your feelings. Tell them that you don’t want to get in the way of them enjoying something the clearly love, but be honest about the show making you uncomfortable and the fact it’s all they talk about to you. Your partner may get upset but it’s likely more because they’ll feel stupid for not noticing how much they sidelined you.

  5. Those are actually just women in their 30s who look young, it's a pretty popular category and as long he was digging deep to find teenage porn, I'd say you're fine

  6. Why do you want an apology?! He is dangerous. The thing that either of you need to do is for you to leave for your safety.

  7. Yes gaming. I used to game as well and I can completely understand getting caught up in a game especially since him and I have ADHD. however his gaming has become such an addiction that I basically despise games now. I used to love watching him play, but now I'm constantly waiting and wondering how long I'll be ignored for this time.

    I have talked to him about this. He understandably went through a range of emotions from me being straightforward for once and not just beating around the bush saying “heyyy I feel like you don't pay attention to me too much” I'm not a therapist especially for addiction issues though, so I'm not sure how to get more into helping other than bringing up what I feel is going on for starters.

  8. Let her ho around awhile. If she returns, it was meant to be. If not she is for the streets.

    Is that how the saying goes?

  9. You are right, this relationship will never go past where it is right now. I don't blame you, I would not want to sleep over with him and his mother either – creepy!!

    He is never going to want anything different than this, because this works for him. His mom takes care of all of his needs, except sex, which he goes you to for a couple of times a week. He is completely happy with this arrangement

    If you were completely happy with this arrangement, then I would leave it completely like it is. I mean you don't have to feed him or clean up after him nor financially support him. If you were older then this might be the ideal situation. But, you aren't happy with it the way it is. The question is, how much time are you going to spend on this person when there is no future besides how things are today?

    Not to be doom-y but if his mother should die, would you really want to take on her job?? Because this is a supposedly full grown man who does not cook nor do his own laundry and she probably cleans both his bedroom and his bathroom. Is that really something you want to take on?? He has no idea how to live! on his own at 36!!

  10. We’ve had the talk many times but it always comes to an “I don’t know”. I just don’t know what to do anymore regarding my needs. I have absolutely no interest in other people, I’m head over heels for this women. I would die for her if I had to.

  11. Well do you think it's a bad thing? On one hand he makes me annoyed. On the other I've got a lot of bad stuff going on and he's a good distraction. He never makes me sad. If I seem off at training he'll try and make me feel better. I'm pretty chill and don't usually let other people influence my emotions. I never fight with my friends.


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