Playful-eve live! sex chats for YOU!

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52 thoughts on “Playful-eve live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. I'm sorry but that is none of your business. I have the same age as you and I have to younger sisters. It is normal to be discovering and exploring sex in her age, and at least she is doing that to her boyrfriend.

    Even though I think they are too young, there are some things that we shouldn't get into about our kids lives. They are going to experience some shit that we don't want them to, but that's just how life goes.

    Plus, you shouldn't be looking through her stuff, bc if she finds out the trust between both of you will be totally screwed for a long time.

    I've started my sexual life around 15, and when I was like 14 or something I also started kissing and trying some stuff as most ppl my age at that time. It happens in different ages for each one of us and the best you can do right now and aproach here and talk to her about safe sex and not doing anything she doesn't feel comfortable about.

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  5. Also don't bring up non-vanilla stuff until you have a healthy sex life. It's not healthy or helpful til that's established.

    It's 90% of the time not about “spicing up the bedroom”.

  6. Not too aggresive this was the first mention of it as far as I'm aware and don't get me wrong the ex does seem like a piece of work. That's the thing, she has also done that previously which I was totally okay with. And that's why it just feels like continued drama. Sometimes we have to accept things for what they are and move on in order to protect our children. In the space for 3-5 days she'd sent a number of texts demonstrating how she breastfeeds. It just felt like point scoring.

  7. Lmao, ok buddy. Obviously we ain’t gonna see eye to eye; so what’s the fucking point? There’s plenty of other people with my same opinion, go argue with them. ??‍♀️

  8. Do you really not worry about him being attracted to teenagers and dumping you once you “age out”? It's abnormal and gross and pathetic on his part.

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  10. The fact that OP asked for a sandwich, and she offered sex speaks to a pattern of behavior on her part. See how easy it is to just say things?

  11. Oh noooo OP you need to wake up!

    If everyone else sees a different man it means you’re the one that’s seeing him different than who he is!

  12. Agree with the others. Ask to switch apartments. Ask for the top floor. Groceries and moving sucks a bit more, but no stompers.

    How long is your lease? You might be able to break your lease (might cost you though).

    I once stayed in a complex whose owning company had multiple locations in town and nationally. With them, for a low fee, you could break lease and move to another of their complexes.

    Check your lease agreement, research your apartment then arrange a meeting with the front office to explore your options.

  13. truly appreciate this response ?? I innerstand it’s something i’m not use to in my family house and everyones is different. i grew up only seeing that between lovers/partners which is why it came off in a way that made me feel uncomfortable and confused. definitely was not jumping to conclusions but the feeling of discomfort was there. i definitely will still consider the conversation but being very cautious with how go about it and phrase everything, thanks again i needed to hear this

  14. You are ruining your bf's physical snd mental health and you can't give a crap about it? You are an awful human being.

    He's also pretty dumb for keeping your cheating ass arround, but hey, I'm pretty sure you also did your pretty share of manipulation to stay together.

    Honestly, you should probably leave everyone alone.

  15. In a way that is a good thing. It would more worrying if he was against the idea of the two of you ever meeting. Assuming she will be very much platonic towards your husband and respectful/friendly towards it might make you more secure about their friendship. This might be what your husband is also hoping for.

  16. I've told guy and some chick's for that matter the I'm not interested and married with children and still continue to get harassed by them. Until it's a matter of me saying if you don't back the f… off I'm gonna do something drastic. So yeah it IS THAT NAKED!!!!

  17. As a SA victim myself, we don’t always know what can and will cause triggers. All we can expect from partners is that the will listen when we identify that we have a problem with what they are doing and they stop the behavior moving forward. You didn’t do anything wrong and you didn’t sexually assault her.

  18. Just break up with her, it’s not a big deal. Therapy aside, do you feel ready for dating in general? Sleeping with three people a year isn’t a large amount for the typical young adult. You might find it helpful not to pry in the future if this isn’t information you can handle.

  19. Cutting off your current partner for 2 weeks because you rug-swept and didn't put in the effort to heal from a 4-year breakup is a terrible thing to do. Hateful, even.

    What exactly do you think she deserves after treating her SO like that?

  20. I’ve never really been able to sum up how I feel about my relationship with my ex, but this really hits the mark. I dated a guy for almost five years, and he spent the last 2.5 dangling marriage in front of me but never actually being able to move forward. I ended things (both because of not moving forward in our relationship and because he had become a very bad partner) to find out he had been cheating on me anyway.

    It’s been five years and he’s marrying the girl he was cheating on me with. Even though I’m now married to a man who is absolutely wonderful and I’m so so happy I ended up with, I get irrationally upset that things worked out with my ex and the other woman. Not because I want to be with him, but because it feels like I wasn’t worth what he could give to another person. I know it doesn’t make sense and I’m much happier with the life I have, but I think this is just a topic that is kind of taboo to talk about but is more common than people think.

  21. Wait though, we're all assuming that the dad has told his son the truth, dad is known liar so this could be another lie, I mean how convenient that he's not on the birth certificate so can't really prove if he's the father or not unless a DNA test is done..Better get more proof than just your dads word OP.

  22. The fact that she is marrying you, yet doesn't prioritize you for her other lovers….. doesn't that mean she would've said yes to any of them if they asked to marry her?

  23. You right that she ain't obligated to not kiss other men, but it's inconsiderate imo to do so right in front of him immediately after all that.

    Oh, I'm not saying she was in any way in the right. It was mean and rude, at the least.

    The point was that some people will see a moment or interaction as significant while others who shared that moment will not.

  24. You tell him exactly what happened. And he deals with his mother. If he won't you have a problem with him as well.

    I'm a former stylist. Never and I mean NEVER do free work on anyone because it gives them entitlement like this. Her friend walked into a business and wanted services for free and you don't even know her. She didn't tell you before hand which tells me that she was trying to guilt you. She lied and said she didn't have any money, she also lied to your instructor.

    Bf's mother way overstepped by offering her friends free services as well and then she insults you!!

    Screw her entitled ass!

    Do not go to dinner until bf has this sorted out and even then I would have my guard up.

    No more free stuff!! Or this will never end.

  25. I’m so sorry. If my bf got drunk enough to tell me that my vagina was in some way not to his liking, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy sex fully with him again. That just stinks, but I guarantee you that there are many, many women who are not concerned about size.

  26. This is the best advice I’ve gotten. It’s really about him acknowledging how his behavior affects me, but he has such a big ego he would never look inward and realize there are things wrong with him as well. He talks down on therapy and says he doesn’t need it. I’ve suggested couples counseling and he immediately downplays it, I just want to help. :/

  27. I don’t know how dad will act with kids. I’m just saying that mom should keep social media in mind. Her kids are like 11, so it can be very jarring for them. I do believe that the children should have a large say in what happens though, I just think social media could be a very surprising way for it to happen

  28. No she's a cheater and I would have done the same, or maybe I would have worn an obnoxious red dress to the wedding. Your dad is no better, I would just keep close to your mom and to your in-laws side.

    This step mother is a wicked woman.

  29. Being exactly there in person: I asked her if she wanted me to change things. She said I could go, and like I said I did immediately change to fly back to be with her when it happened- being in the airport I changed as much as I could.

    The engagement thing: Yes. I didn't specifically ask what she wanted. Other than like I said, she did specifically tell me she didn't want a big public thing. But… yeah. It wasn't the greatest. I think I overthought it to a point that I underthought it.

    As to the point at the end of it: I feel like there is some on both sides. I could have asked, she could have told me. It's 50/50. She did say there were little things, and I think she brought it up because it was a concrete example. That's valid. But yeah it's frustrating because I would have tried to work on it if I had known.

    I will say as the caveat: We did emotionally open up a good amount in talking at least 6-7 times after the breakup, but at that point a bit of too little too late.

  30. Just gotta leave love. If he is buying cars and not rings you know where you are on his priority list. Stop wasting your time.

  31. So uh… Wow. Yeah he's got serious jealousy issues. It also sounds like he's gonna end up getting VERY controlling. Would you be okay with this kind of behavior for the foreseeable future? If not I suggest you exit the relationship ASAP.

  32. Tell him you don't fucking test drive an engagement. This shit is weird and controlling as fuck. Sit his ass down, if you even wanna marry him and I'm not sure why if this is but a sliver of his controlling, weird behavior and tell him you're interested in marriage. That as far as engagement goes you don't need the fanciest ring, you'll be happy with an affordably priced one, but it's not like he has any right to tell you when you can or can't wear it, especially since he hasn't even proposed. This is fucking insane honestly. This just sounds like some perform to my liking before I'll bestow my approval or gifts upon you bs.

  33. Normally I don't ignore slips like this, but in this situation, I agree that he got tongue and brain twisted in trying to explain it all. Maybe your relationship is still too tender to even joke about hall passes. Just needs time and kindness.

  34. Your feelings are valid. This is personally a boundary for me because of the way it makes me feel along w other reasons. I expect my partner to never cross this and we’ve discussed it in detail and he agrees w me and expects the same from me.

    I think if this is all stuff ur uncomfortable w then that’s you like people can say you’re insecure but I just don’t want my partner looking at other women sexually, it’s not what I’m okay with. We all have personal preferences esp in a relationship.

    I just think you need to ask yourself what are your boundaries & how much are you willing to stand up for yourself and protect these boundaries. They’re not really boundaries if you’re not protective over them.

  35. Don’t waste your time on someone who doesn’t make you feel secure and beautiful and loved. He clearly thinks his friend is naked and stated she is the most beautiful which is wildly disrespectful to you even if she is a supermodel or whatever, you don’t tell your SO that they’re prettier, you just don’t.

    A man that truly loves you will make you feel so beautiful, loved and secure that you won’t ever need to ask.

  36. And I would like to say it hurts my heart alot to see someone in this state

    First off… this is not your job or place to fix.

    From the sounds of it, she was drunk… and wanted you to come over for… you get the vibe.

    If you feel the need to tell the husband… that is on you to decide. But if there is a second occurrence of this, you should be addressing in some fashion. Whether you tell her that it is insanely inappropriate for her to call, or you go to the husband and show the call logs.

    How does a 21 year old end up with friends with 36/37 year old's anyway?

  37. He and I are, interestingly, both anxiously attached actually. He gets upset and overwhelmed, but he never abandons me. After our disagreements, he always needs reassurance and part of what makes him upset is that he associates any serious discussion with breaking up.


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