ElsaRedwood online webcams for YOU!

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26 thoughts on “ElsaRedwood online webcams for YOU!

  1. and yeah I got scared. love is scary after all. I wouldn’t end it if I wasn’t scared of it! but you should also take the causes into consideration: one is scared of falling deeply for someone who says let’s continue like this probably for years because he’s happy with the way it is and the another one is scared of love itself!!

  2. You contributed nothing for 33.3% of your marriage and you’re wondering why he wants a divorce? He took care of you for 3 years and you can’t do the most basic things for him. You won’t put in the effort… He doesn’t want to put in the effort anymore for an emotional black hole. He’s done and I can’t blame him.

  3. You’re so smart….just because something is expensive doesn’t mean it’s the best. You’ll be the folks to retire earlier than most, comfortable for the rest of your lives. Your wife shouldn’t have told her parents anything. She needs to nip their criticism. Not you.

  4. Your boyfriend is a little prick. Also he’s transphobic. Also he isn’t funny. Also “edgy jokes” is seemingly code for being a nasty bully to random people for no reason.

    At least your other friends seem kind and smart and well adjusted human beings though.

  5. You need to get checked out by a doctor ASAP to be sure your abusive ex didn’t do any permanent damage. Do not take him back. He will kill you given the opportunity, it’s only a matter of time.

  6. Kick him out? What if it’s his house, I’ll never understand this expectation for the man to just be homeless now because he was mean

  7. BREAK UP WITH HIM ALREADY! HE’S ABUSIVE. HE’S ABUSING YOU. Sorry but, to be clear. You know it, right? Best of luck new life without this nightmare.

  8. I can 100% see why you would want to go. Curiosity and all that. But just remember what curiosity did to the cat…

  9. My family and I have a weird relationship atm. I was basically disowned for choosing to drop out of College due to financial issues. But I’ve honestly been too scared to reach out to anyone about this. I think if I explained the extremity of the situation they might be understanding.

  10. You consider him watching porn as cheating.

    He knows this and becomes angry and argumentative when you bring it up. (Because he isn't going to stop so he just wants you to stop bringing it up.)

    You know you're not his sexual preference??? What? This should be the biggest deal breaker for you sweetie!

    Go find someone who loves you – for you.

    I'm sorry but having known someone for 6 years isn't necessarily a good thing. …

    He's known you for 6 years! He knows EXACTLY EVERYTHING THAT YOU DON'T LIKE.

    He knows. He just doesn't care that it bothers you… if you would just stop interrupting his pretend to care life by mentioning it.

    Time to start making plans to date people and find a nicer human.

  11. I’m positive if she cheated her sister wouldn’t tell me. He owes loyalty to me not her, I’m his brother

  12. Best advice so far .

    I wouldn’t be within 10 feet of her. Go to local gym and find a big guy and pay him to be your bodyguard when u do have to meet in person.

  13. Yea, I used to be the same way with my Snapchat story. But then I noticed it was consuming me. I started posting solely for the purpose of hoping that one girl would see. Of course, it didn't work out.

    But now, I've recently learned that any relationship where one person puts another person on a pedestal, is guaranteed to fail. And the only way to have a healthy relationship with another person is if you're living your best life according to what makes you happy, and another person that vibes with your ways of life also lives their best life with you.

    In fact, the option to see who views your whatever is incredibly toxic. It would be like if you hired someone to follow you around and tell you who they caught checking you out. Weird, right? But these companies know that knowing is what people inherently want, and if they offer that ability, you will be more likely to continue using their service. They want you to be addicted. They don't care if they doom your possible relationship for failure. As long as you keep using their service, then they keep making money.

  14. What does you volunteering do for the orphans? Stop using orphans as a feel good tactic for your self worth.

    You know there are places where parents will rent/pimp out their children to orphanages for this kind of “feel good” tourism? Aside from your problems with your bf, you're not helping anyone or any orphan by doing some white saviour trip.

    I'm sure your intentions are good, but please do not do a volunteer trip to a disadvantaged orphanage. Please. These children are not props for your self worth. One day volunteering at an orphanage does NOTHING FOR THE ORPHANS. It's a feel good trip for you. Please reconsider your actual impact on anyone that is not yourself.

  15. If you don’t think it’s unreasonable then you agree with him.

    Why are you posting? Whether you both should have done it sooner doesn’t change your actions now.

  16. This is definitely not high sex drive (if anything this is pretty “normal”, but we're not in his head so who knows how strongly he feels and what).

    Red flags you should look for are things like him ignoring what you say, not respecting your boundaries, love bombing you or engaging in obvious lying or controlling behavior.

    But the reality is you can never know if someone is “only” using you for your body if they really want to hide it. Nor does someone being into you inoculate you from the possibility that you hookup and you don't end up staying together much longer, for other reasons (discovering other incompatibilities for example).

    And it sounds like you are interested in him sexually and want to use his body too, so I'm not sure what the concern is here? Like if worst case scenario, it doesn't work out and you just end up hooking up with someone who seems to do a good job paying attention to your wants and limits, is that a bad thing? If you feel like you would be seriously emotionally harmed if that were to happen, then yes, you may want to consider slowing down. But, if something like that were to occur, and you'd be the normal amount of sad for a relationship not working out, then enjoy yourself.

  17. Yeah it’s almost like he cannot self reflect no matter how much I ask him to. All of his shortcomings are skipped over and all he wants to focus on is my “shortcomings” – even if they are just a result of HIS shortcomings. Makes me feel like I’m going INSANE.

  18. Reading this, youre afraid of “saying something wrong to upset him”

    Reading how you say he hit his car then screamed at the top of his lungs before driving off.

    Because of sharing ONE chore.

    He acts like you bought a whole ass house before asking him. it was a LAUNDRY BASKET.

    You both work, yet you do all of the chores in the house and he has the audacity to complain how his is folded? Nah.

    You seem like youre afraid of setting off a fuse in him? Like escalating it with something you say. Youre afraid of his reaction if you voice your feelings. That is BAD. Do you want to live the rest of your life as his nanny?

    There are people who sleep in separate beds in a relationship and its not less of a relationship. If he thinks youre not in a relationship anymore because you bought a laundry basked so he can fold his shirts how he wants then oh boy.

    This isnt about not asking him beforehand, hes using the not asking part to make you feel bad for standing up for yourself.

    Tldr: youre afraid of his reactions when you point something out that bothers you and youre doing all the chores around the house while he has the audacity to complain about how you do them. Is this really what you want for the rest of your life?

  19. Right now you gotta accept the pain. That's inevitable. It's gonna hurt like hell for a while. That's a fact. But also a fact: the pain is gonna go away in time. Less after one month, less after six months. To make things easier now, just make it your goal to pass the time. Here's something from the heart: you've put your faith in the wrong person because you badly wanted this to be the real deal, it happens. Forgive yourself and try to see her for what she is without emotion; learn to remember the little things about her that should have tipped you off but didn't. I'm sure most of us remember stuff like that in similar experiences. That's gonna take time too. And finally remember that life can be an amazing thing and that you'll find the right person eventually. It may not seem like it now but try to view this experience as something that is going to help you grow, not bring you down. Accept the hurt so that you may heal. Your anxiety will go away. Be well.


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