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22 thoughts on “LeilaEdes live sex cams for YOU!

  1. u/Admirable_Bet5739, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. Well you did say you were very drunk to the point of vomiting do you think you had done something you don't remember?

  3. We are both there, she just leaves me on my own sometimes. Considering we stay there for pretty much entire days I didn't think much of it until now.

  4. Break ups suck. There is absolutely no way to break up with someone and not hurt them, so best to be upfront and just do it.

    I suggest meeting in a neutral place, then say “Jessica, this relationship isn't working out for me. We need to break up.”

    When she asks why, tell her she is sweet and kind but you're just not ready for the level of commitment she wants from you.

    Please do NOT be the asshole who ghosts someone or breaks up over text. That's cowardly and childish, unless there is risk of danger. It doesn't sound like that is the case here.

    It will suck in the moment, and then afterwards all you're going to feel is sweet relief.

  5. Last I checked the stats, choking is the single biggest indicator that an abuser will murder their partner one day.

    It’s very, very likely that he’s going to kill you.

    Please get in contact with a domestic violence resource, be they local or National, and get some advice on how to get out as quickly as you can.

    This will not get better, he will not change.

  6. I really hope she wouldn't do that. I told my closest friends, who are her closest friends as well. We have a very close group of friends that she basically ruined as well by cheating on me. Our little group has also known each other since we were 7. So there's that. She's ruined everything.

  7. It is different to happen one time and it is another for the other person to try to have sex with you every time and get rejected everytime without an explanation.

  8. Right? Like how DARE she say that about the bride, to the GROOM ON THEIR WEDDING NIGHT.

    Like ma’am, keep your thoughts to yourself. Nobody asked.

  9. None of this was acceptable behavior from your in-laws and husband and your SIL will never forget how her family treated her.

    It probably would have been wise for your SIL to have a private conversation with her family about her sexuality before bringing someone home and having them experience the backlash, but she is still a victim.

  10. I think this may be over. Your weight comment probably frightened her out of any desire she may have once had for kids with you-after all, you’ll complain about her body pre kids, why wouldn’t she think you’ll stand by her after? You messed up there, for sure.

    That said, if you’re just not on the same page about sex and kids, how can you possibly make this work? Those are literally the biggest two things, aside from money maybe. You can’t count on her changing her mind on either, nor should you push or coerce her to. Plus I see from comments she refused to engage when you had couples counseling so that’s a dead end-unless you both are willing to try again?

    Ask yourself: if things stay exactly how they are (because you can’t change other people), can I be happy this way? If the answer is no-well, there’s your answer.

  11. In my culture, we have very few celebrations so it just comes across as odd. We're a rather clinical bunch so I wonder if there's a hidden intention.

  12. You need to talk

    Maybe every 2 weeks is enough for her. Maybe she is tired.

    The romantic side is important but do you do your fair share of housework and cooking? Is her work particularly stressful at the moment? Is there anything else going on?

    Maybe you can take the weight off her shoulders (without conditions)

    Just tell her the physical side of the relationship is important to you and you worry she doesn't find you as attractive or that it indicates a problem

    Don't leave it though

  13. Thank you for clarification ,but it does not change enough. You are still arguing, and she still fails to understand why their contact would make any reasonable person in your position uncomfortable.

    I think you are too insecure, about being insecure. Your concerns are valid, and you are unnecessarily hurting yourself by staying with her.

  14. Having a disabled child will ruin your relationship. Seeing the hardhip and heart ache this will cause your child will most likely cause you to hate your wife.

  15. Wait this out. If you don’t mind losing the friend, you can date the gf later maybe but don’t be her rebound

  16. So gou conspired with your affair partner to have her committed so everyone else would know you have a crazy wife… Thats what im getting from all the convenient information gaps in this post


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