Valery-carvajall live sex cams for YOU!

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22 thoughts on “Valery-carvajall live sex cams for YOU!

  1. I would say have an abortion, tell him you miscarried, dump him, and then go on and live your best life.

    Having a baby that young is so unbelievably very hot you shouldn’t do it if you don’t want to. You definitely shouldn’t do it with someone you don’t want to have a kid with.

    What are your parents thoughts? I hope them or someone else you know can help you.

  2. Your mother is passive aggressive and manipulative. She is using guilt and silent treatments to control you and make you do what she wants and when she wants it. You have to set boundaries and no longer give into her demands.

  3. I don’t feel comfortable being completely vulnerable with my emotions. I believe I’m more invested than he is and I’m trying to protect myself. He told me that every one of his exs has cheated on him and it’s left him a bit jaded. My feelings might change about LDR but I know his won’t.

  4. It's really hard to answer a question like this without you telling us when your boyfriend finds interesting aside from gaming.

    But when it comes to gifts one thing that I always ask people is. Make sure that you find out if that person actually likes gifts before buying. For example, if a girl were to buy me a gift I would not be upset about it nor would I be ungrateful. But if she were to ask me if I wanted her to buy me something beforehand my first response would probably be no. Why do I need you to buy something that I can buy for myself?

    But this is why you should ask before doing to ensure that you are actually fulfilling somebody's interest the way that you intend to

  5. Wow, you really cherry picked what you wanted out of this!

    She’s putting on pressure and taking the fun and love out of the whole thing, so he is trying to wait for it to be as he planned, and not look like coercion. Where on earth did you get that he is using her? Now we are just making things up.

    Calm down, he just needs to sit down and talk to her. It’s that simple.

  6. It's your husband. Hopefully you're best friend too. Talk to him.

    Simply tell him you came across a picture of a ring and were wondering what that's all about.

  7. 2 choices:

    Have a hard talk with her.

    Get ready for a life where you can never ever talk to a woman – anywhere.

  8. First off, pulling out is like not doing anything. Not only it would need self control af, 40% of men have potent pre-cum

    Second, relationships based on lies are not worth it

    Third, you both need sex ed

  9. It's more important that YOU like HIM, which it really sounds like you don't. Your feelings are way more important here. You could have a million guys in love with you, and yeah, that would be great for the ego, but you're not going to be happy with someone unless YOU like him.

  10. You can’t reason with someone who’s been unreasonable.

    He is showing a lot of concerning behaviours and honestly, the future with him won’t get better. I’d be reevaluating your relationship with him

  11. Silent treatment to you is bad enough, but silent treatment to your kid is egregiously abusive. As an adult you can choose to stay with him or not, but no child can choose their parents.

    Tell him he cannot pull the silent treatment on his own child.

    And yes he CAN control this. I bet he’s not pulling this at work

  12. Then you’ve got to try another way. Do you have to be in college right now? Maybe pause a semester so you can get more shifts. Any friends or family you can stay with for help? What bills can you get rid of?

    You will never get him to change, you can’t focus on that as your solution.

  13. Thank you for your positive and productive response. You really should give people advice for a living.

  14. It's an 8-yr relationship. Her financial and (I assume) communication issues were well known to you before you decided that “this is my person.”

    So what happened? Was she your person, or did you actually want someone somewhat like her, but better at xyz? Because that wasn't her.

    Emotionally, it sounds like you had been strong at some time, and you relied on her during your illness and she stepped up. If the emotional issues are more recent, maybe it is burnout on her part.

  15. i so appreciate your response but i’m not questioning the integrity of my relationship and am aware that he’s older than i am. we’ve been together for 4 years so i know my partner pretty well. he got separated from his ex after his son was born, which happens. nothing crazy

  16. You’re describing deflection and DARVO. Not every shitty manipulative behavior or dishonesty is gaslighting. None of this is gaslighting.


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