Bella Yun the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

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Bella Yun, 23 y.o.


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10 thoughts on “Bella Yun the hot live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. You’re hurt, that’s natural and expected. You will probably feel this way for a while- there is really no magic way to make it go away, except for time and perspective.

    Do not try to remain friends. He is telling you he is not in a place to be in a relationship with you- please listen to that. He is actually doing you a favor by being honest and allowing you to move on. The cowardly thing would be to string you along. Maybe you can be friends in the future, once you have taken time away from each other. But if it’s not working for him, for whatever reason, and you’d be miserable if this relationship continued.

    My personal recommendation: go no contact. Do not look at his socials, do not try to get info from mutual friends. Doing these things will make it much harder to move on.

    It’s naked. But you will get through it.

  2. Real follow up:

    Being ace should be an immediate red flag rejection for anyone that isn’t ace. Shout out to ace people, you do you, but both parties are cruising for disappointment in any mismatched scenario like this. Either needs AREN’T being met, or a person will be unhappy with the way they are being pursued for something they don’t want to give. No one wins.

    And I know ace is a spectrum, but there will always be a mismatch that is too much to overcome.

  3. I was gonna comment on your other post but it was locked, so I scrolled back to this one. This sounds so much like my ex it’s a trip, especially since she and I broke up around 10 months ago lol. Did she suddenly start sleeping with her body over her phone shielding it like it was Jerusalem, you were a Palestinian rocket and she was the Iron Dome?

    People will give you shit about getting strung along, being a sucker, how you need to grow a backbone. They’re not wrong. But.. they also probably don’t understand what it feels like to be lovebombed, feel like you finally found the one, go all in on the relationship emotionally, only to be gradually discarded.. with incredible subtlety and finesse, at first it’s almost imperceptible. You don’t know what it is, but something just feels “off”. But they still laugh at all your jokes and fuck you better than anyone you’ve ever met and generally make you feel like not only are you being treated wonderfully, but that you deserve it.

    Then as the months go by, you notice they still laugh at your jokes, but now it’s almost like they laugh at your jokes. The sex is still good, but it’s less frequent, and they’re sick of going for hours, they want to get it over with as fast as possible, and you also notice that they seem much more concerned with their performance than they are with your satisfaction. And it feels like the relationship begins to move in reverse. You go from spending days on end together, to primarily communicating digitally.

    That’s because they’ve got someone new. It may be something wrong with you, it may not, it doesn’t really matter.. they need constant attention, from a variety of sources. Take some comfort in knowing that you could never have been enough, even if you were everything, and the person you’re mourning the loss of now.. they never existed. For awhile, this will make it harder and more confusing and make you more angry and disgusted, with her and with yourself, then you ever thought possible. It’s humiliating and invalidating. I thought about killing myself daily for awhile. If you end up that hurt, don’t worry, it passes.

    You’ll feel really fucking dumb, though, the more you find out. The worst part for me was realizing, over time, that I deserved everything I got from her.. up until her, I basically was her in my past relationships. I finally grew up and resolved to be as honest and open as I could be in relationships, just in time to get a 2×4 of my karma straight to the face. You can pm me if you wanna talk about it, I spent several months on an unhealthy obsessive deep dive on cluster b personality disorders, and from your description we were basically dating the same girl. Either way, I wish you the best with your healing. Don’t get lured back in when the opportunity comes.

  4. Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! It’s nice to see partners who can communicate and get on the same page. The wedding band idea sounds lovely and practical.

  5. She's a full-blown alcoholic. Stop going out with her, stop running to her side when she passes out, get's black-out drunk and not coming home or now even with a hazy memory of maybe being sexually assaulted. This is too much to handle for you and you shouldn't even accept that. She needs help – but the rehab/detox kind.

    Leave if you need to, you have all the right to live! a healthy and happy life without riding in ambulances with your alcoholic girlfriend.

  6. Consider anger management counseling for yourself to show her you are committed. Also, you can become engaged to show intent without setting a date prior to knowing when you can afford the big wedding.

  7. We are still young adults. Hopefully we eventually start families and go our separate ways only getting together occasionally. Small doses I can handle.


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