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30 thoughts on “CandiceVice live sex cams for YOU!

  1. Are you sure it’s not that he just doesn’t want a baby and is projecting by making it all about you so he can bail when it gets “too much” for him?

    Seems strange that he is doing this now, rather than discussing it at the beginning of the relationship.

  2. The problem isn’t about asking her it’s actually about your anxiety around it. This is one of those situations where you need to suck it up and learn how to deal with possible rejection.

    Just outright ask her if she’d like to go on a date. You can lead up to it by asking her what she likes to eat and what she likes to do when she’s out as well as sharing your own ideas to see how she reacts to it to get ideas of what to do. Good luck!

  3. Yes, I’ve definitely been feeling that way. She mentioned it too and apologized for it but it was more laughed off. Since she’s aware though, I think I could be blunt. Thank you for advice!

  4. Those all make sense. My partners and I are super open and friendly, so the mutual friends thing is fine, just no coworkers, family, or Xs lol.

    Has your partner considered getting a vasectomy? I got one last month and it's honestly been a life changing experience, 100% recommend.

  5. You are immature which is why you went after an 18 year old so you could create what you wanted and your comments definitely prove it. Messaging someone doesn’t mean cheating, she doesn’t have to message someone in a group chat to feed your precious ego.

  6. You know damn well the only reason they’re even getting any attention is because their rich and famous.

    So make money and stop whining.

  7. I feel kinda bad for the guy getting baby trapped like this, if it were me I'd move states or smth, OP, he's right, it is the consequences of your actions that stem from you being too stubborn to make the correct choices, you need to do self reflection, especially for bringing a poor child into the world, and using it to trap the guy who wanted nothing to do with it

  8. If your wife has been sleeping with the baby for 10 months I bet it would be heartbreaking for her to all of the sudden have the baby sleep alone

  9. I like the zoo. I don’t think it’s tone deaf. When I’ve been at my worst mentally, I think a day out at the zoo would have helped cheer me up a bit to be honest. Even when I’d just been discharged from psych. Everyone is different.

  10. It’s difficult to find a good partner, period. But unless you’re willing to give in and have a child you don’t want for someone else you should break up regardless of how hard or easy it’ll be to replace him.

  11. I think he was just making a joke and youre looking way too much into it.

    Its not that deep.

    Put your anxiety to bed and leave it at that.

  12. I am leaning on its a troll as well since this post has been up for 9hrs, oh I already know but I also seen women on this sub fetishized race so that’s why I didn’t want to just immediately say he was being racist even tho his phrasing is fucking horrendous but like you said it could have just came down to where she was studying at the time

  13. It's lying by omission, no? She kept a vital piece of information from OP because it increased the chances of things going well for her.

  14. That's what i got too from what you shared. I just mentioned FWB as a sort of way to test the grounds…

  15. One word of advice from another childfree person: you cannot be childfree while dating a parent. It just doesn’t work this way. The kid will be in your life or you’re dating a deadbeat. Both doesn’t seem like an awesome option. Cut your losses and start over.

  16. The key factor is the dad. He allowed it which shows he does put Karen first. He drew the line not Karen. It sounds like a huge toxic mess. Consider this a total loss and adjust accordingly. I’m so sorry.

  17. I just can’t get past the comment where she called him her best friend. Like she typed out this whole thing with the damning comments and….I just can’t omfg. Bread wouldn’t even be acting this dense.

  18. I guess my global advice would be, wait and see what he does. I would even back off on insisting he block her – you told him your preference and reasoning, and I'm sure it was clear enough that he doesn't require reminding. If he said he'll do it, see if he actually does it. Either he's placating you with false assurances (and doesn't really think he should block her) or he goes ahead and does it on his own accord because he agrees that it should be done. The former will tell you a lot about his ability to be forthright with you. I certainly wouldn't want my partner agreeing with me only to shut me up.

  19. Pretend to give him one more chance until you get his phone unlocked and free around you. Take phone, delete every photo of yourself in deshabille from it and the cloud, factory reset it, block him everywhere, and never speak to him again.


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