Daniella on-line webcams for YOU!

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18 thoughts on “Daniella on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. It's hard to be intimate when there is no trust. In part it's your insecurities and part because he's misguided you.

    The lack of trust and insecurity is something you can attend to in therapy. Otherwise it will be like a trailer and follow you from relationship to relationship, attracting other insecure boyfriends.

  2. Unfortunately seeing the presents wrapped and piled along with time spent on opening is a large part of what brings my mom and sister joy and neither my sister nor I have children so there's no grandkids to redirect that towards. I know I could get my dad on board but suggesting things like that has upset people in the past and I'd really like to avoid that this year

  3. You want to tell him now that you don’t like her. Their relationship is none of your business. Leave it alone. You are only doing it as revenge.

  4. him: “He threatened to leave me because he wants kids” vs you: “I don't want kids”.

    It doesn't get any simpler than that.

    Ignoring the fact that he's a groomer – again, imagine yourself with a 13 year old – the fact that you want different things in life? You did the right thing leaving him and not crawling back.

    Now put on top of that the age gap…

    Good luck, leave him in your rear view and don't look back.

  5. I was looking for someone else to say this. The sick person should be in the home and the healthy people should go elsewhere. Now people at the hotel he went to have been exposed. The whole point of quarantine is to avoid being around other people.

  6. I don’t think so. The drinking and such is often a yes or no question, especially if there’s any chance of you using again to try to fit in or something. It’s not worth the risk if it’s something like that. If not, you could talk to them, but seeing as you aren’t even exclusive it would be odd to ask them to drastically change their lifestyle for you.

    I think the FOMO for the lifestyle is definitely something you could work through with a therapist, because that’s something that’s difficult to process.

    As for your potential partner, I would talk to them honestly about your feelings with no demands or expectations. Tell them you care for them and about your struggles and feelings with the lifestyle without asking them to change. I wouldn’t mention even seeing it as a possibility unless they bring it up themselves. Maybe they care strongly for you and will make changes, and maybe it won’t go anywhere, but you can’t ask them to make those changes at this stage. You have to see how they react.

  7. He said a couple of things. Firstly that he doesn’t have any issues with the ECP which I would be absolutely talking if something terrible happened to me. Secondly, he said, “while I still think it’s killing an innocent baby, I could never bring myself to stand in a r victims way”. But I don’t know if that would change how he sees them, or me. I don’t think he even knows. However the ONLY thing he would do or say to a victim would be to give them all the support he possibly could, he would never even mention anything to do with abortion. Even if they got one I don’t think it would stop him from being there for them anyway, even if on the inside he’s torn up about it.

    I also wanna say that when I asked him about this he was so distraught. It was like I told him he had to pick which one of his family members he was going to have to shoot. I think he was on the verge of tears just thinking about it.

    I don’t know about other pro life people, but I know HIM. He is bursting with compassion and empathy for everyone, that’s one of the things that makes me love him so much.

  8. The best answer is to do nothing.

    But what I've always wanted to do to a ghoster is to make an audible gasp. Then say, “I'm so sorry; I thought I saw a ghost.” And then laugh and walk away.

    Nothing is still what you should do after. Don't talk to him. He's not a good guy. His communication style is terrible.

  9. Don't completely change your life for someone else! I guarantee you WILL regret that down the road. He is bullying you into being someone you are not. Don't let him do that to you. Tell him to have a nice life WITHOUT you and move on.

  10. I mean it would probably be beneficial to elaborate on what exactly her deeply held beliefs that she can't budge on are.

    If she broke up with you because she's a hardcore communist and can't stand someone who isn't also down with communism, yeah she's in the wrong and kinda weird for taking it that far.

    If she broke up with you because you have a problem with LGBT people, or are anti-immigrant, or anti women's rights, then that kinda makes sense.

    “Parting ways due to political beliefs” is very political way to describe the situation lol. It's incredibly vague. You're not going to get meaningful advice without more information. Whether breaking up over political beliefs makes sense or not depends entirely on the what those beliefs are. Some “political beliefs” are straight up evil, some are entirely benign.

  11. I’m sorry but this really isn’t looking good. He’s getting super defensive and doesn’t have a reasonable alternative explanation…

  12. I've said these same words to him. Of course he'll deny it, but yesterday he said he wasn't sure if he would resist if she ever did come on to him. He believes it doesn't affect our relationship because she doesn't want him. That even him wanting her and wanting to spend more and more time with her doesn't affect our relationship. I've told him when it hurts and how, and he just shrugs and says it shouldn't because it's not about me.

  13. why is teh ex a shitty person? sahe's the one who went and slept over at some other man's house. The fact he held her accountable for her fuck up doesn't make him mean. She's the one who acts as if it was no big deal but most people don't deal well with what looks a lot like cheating. She doesn't get to taske his kids away from him just because she is irresponsible and selfish

  14. Therapy? Give her complete control of all finances? I see no accountability in your post at all. You just seem upset that you kept getting caught lying and going behind her back. No word of regret. No plan of not doing it again. Just a plan to get sneakier about it. She is completely right, she genuinely can’t trust anything you say. I’m puzzled by the sort of advice you want. You treated her extremely poorly, despite the fact she was there for you through hard times, take no accountability and are now trying to change things, that she wants to leave.

    Admittedly it is a pattern I keep seeing, but that doesn’t make it any better.

    My honest advice would be to let her go and really, really work on yourself instead.


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