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28 thoughts on “Venus the hot online sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Talk to her.

    Set the foundation of understanding by letting her know that you understand why she would be upset about what she saw. And then let her know that you want to talk things through with her.

    Ask her what is bothering her and why. Find out what her concerns are. Validate those concerns/feelings and then ease them. Example: “It's totally reasonable that you would be concerned that I still have feelings for her after seeing that. I would have those same concerns if it were the other way around. I'm so sorry you had to see that. I had no idea that content existed and if I did know, I would have gotten rid of it. Is there anything I can do to ease your concern?”

  2. you said you dont use the app so idk if you know how it works (so im sorry if u do and im just explaining stuff u already know) but u have an option where ur camera roll automatically backs up to ur snap memories (basically a gallery) and if u delete something from your photos it does not automatically delete from your snapchat memories so it can be easy to forget to do it on both applications

  3. You pull back your attention If that ends it then so be it.. You are not the only one that should be making an effort. Being to needy for her is driving her away

  4. it’s just an animal

    I wouldn't let that man on-line with my cats with that attitude

    I'm sorry but he just don't seem like a good person, what he says is manipulative and wrong

  5. She’s been brainwashed by the church and will probably become asexual after years of being told how icky it is. If you have these feelings, best to find a girl with a similar level of maturity.

  6. You deserve so much more… So, so, SO much more. You deserve to be loved and treated well for everything that you are—not for the pleasure your body can provide someone else. When was the last time you laughed together? Played together? Shared a loving and happy experience together? Do you feel safe to weep in his arms or say something stupid in front of him and know he won’t judge you? Do you both strive to make life more fulfilling for each other and with each other?

    I feel quite safe in guessing the answer is “never” “no” or “a long time ago” to all of these. But the answer should be yes to ALL of these and more.

    Now the most important question: do you want your kids growing up to think this is what love is and this is what they should strive for? I’m sure not. I imagine if one of your kid’s partner’s was treating them like this you would be absolutely devastated and enraged. You’d want them to end it… immediately. You should do the same. Show your kids that real love starts with loving yourself enough to say ‘no’ to being treated like a sex object and cutting people out who treat you that way.

    Again: you deserve so much more and you are worth so much more than the pleasure your body can provide. Dump him and find someone who treats you the way you want to be treated, someone who you want to treat like royalty as well.

  7. Hello /u/tina12311,

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  8. but some people don't care about that and aren't interested in that? both of these things, the clothing and the showering schedule, are extremely nitpicky. you dont get to dictate how others dress or take care of their bodies, if it's a deal breaker for you then move on, but picking at him and trying to get him to be more like you want him to be isn't going to work. and the clothes in the bed thing is 1000% just your opinion. a lot of people wear PJs or lounge clothes outside of the house, you don't like that and that's fine but plenty of people think it's fine. it's an opinion, you can have yours but you dont get to decide other people should have yours too.

  9. Hello /u/samsaccounttt_,

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  10. It is completely up to you but I would include that once kids are school aged you can return to work.

  11. Hello /u/Vegetable-Put3299,

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  12. This isnt about you. No one wants to have kids with someone who mistreats them. You robbed her of the dream to have kids with a man who treats her well.

  13. Holy fuck this just kept getting worse. A massive series of bad decisions. For the record, I don't think you should try and get Aish back even as a friend cus fucking hell she deserves better. But if you WERE to begin, you need to understand first why you were wrong.

    I know I was wrong. I shouldn't have lied. But my lie was for a reason. Why is Aish so offended if people know that I dumped her? It just makes me sus the more I think about it.

  14. It is all up to her.

    If you do things you regret later when you're drinking, you may want to consider not drinking anymore.

  15. Do you tell them this in the beginning? That you’re slow to “heat up” or that it’s just casual? Cause NGL, I’d be kinda pissed if I was dating someone for 4 months and I asked, “where is this going?” and I got a stammer/blank stare.

    Many women’s in their late 20s are seriously dating in hopes of it ending in marriage. They don’t want to waste time with someone who isn’t serious or doesn’t know what they want.

  16. You’re not wrong and is why I said it can also be him just writing dumb shit but knowing that answer isn’t going to cut it.

    We are all trying to guess his intent, OP included. The one thing most are agreeing on is his “story” about this work isn’t the truth. My perspective though is just giving her that to think about which is how I found it best to “give advice”. I don’t know what the truth is here. I do know writing though as well as being a dumbassed kid who wrote dark, edgy stuff just because it was taboo to do. Im a fully functional adult with mild kinks but had my Mom or gf found some of my stuff, I’d have been in the same shit creek as OP’s bf now is. The difference is these days, people, men mostly, are far more aware of how these ideas impact women as they are daily fears of real life. I also know that these days, everything people do seems to trigger people somehow, from the most outrageous to the most benign (with this “game story being the far edge of the former).

    We all agree, I think, that OP needs to do whatever it is she needs to do she feels safe without having to validate why. Im not saying anything about this I wouldn’t say to my own daughter (and I sent this so she can tell me how she feels about it all).

    I just think we need to take a step back because writing something isn’t the same as fantasizing about it. I would be giving him less rope if she hadn’t said he was a writer being one myself.

    For the record though, it’s trash. Whether his story is true or not, what he wrote made someone he claims to care about feel sick and unsafe and it’s for that reason I can see your point of getting rid of it. The writer in me is like “Fuck no Im not throwing away even bad ideas!” but the Dad and husband in me is like “Oh, kid you gotta toss that. You don’t want people reading that crap”.

    But he didn’t throw it away and his reason of why is b.s. Why he’s lying I can’t say but that alone is more than enough reason to dump him.

  17. What do you mean she was being flirty? I’m curious as to know if she was just being nice or something or if she actually liked you but is now upset you didn’t wanted to date her but not be fwb or if you misread her somehow and she wasn’t flirting.

  18. She’s trying to let you down more easily. If she didn’t miss you mon-Fri for the last several months, then nothing is going to change by not talking for a couple of weeks. She feels guilty about breaking up but ultimately it’s what she wants. You’ve already admitted the intimacy has been dying for awhile. I’m sure that she’d love to downgrade you to just a friendship but that isn’t practical. The longer y’all delay the inevitable, the more it will hurt and longer to take to heal. I would get to no contact much quicker. She’s got you high on ‘hopium’ after a few confusing words whereas her actions clearly show she’s been over this for awhile.

  19. The problem is that he has lied and hidden something from you all this time. This is a trust issue and one that could be very naked to come back from. Do you think you are strong enough to try and rebuild this trust again.

    This would be a very valid reason to walk away.

  20. “I didnt think he would resort to looking at young fit women on instagram”

    ummm…. really? Have you met men?

    “especially using his public main instagram”

    This. If he's there for the eye candy then there are more discreet ways of doing it. He may not realise that his follows can be seen by anyone and I think that you should have a quiet word with him along the lines of “Dad, everyone can see that you follow half-naked women on IG and I don't think Mom would be pleased so sort yourself out.” If he come back with any comments about only being there for the workout tips, remind him that male gym accounts exist.

  21. Don’t listen to anyone trying to convince you that your wife is cheating. You didn’t write anything that indicates that. While it’s not good or healthy she’s feeling jealous, it’s also not totally uncommon.

    I’ve regrettably felt similar feelings about someone I was dating and his colleagues. It was totally an irrational fear and definitely not because I was cheating. It was my own insecurities and in the relationship (not feeling good enough etc) that made me think crazy stuff. Maybe your promotion brought out feelings of inferiority, maybe she has self-image issues, it could be many things.

    It helped me to talk open and honestly about it and not be judged for those irrational thoughts. I had to accept they were irrational of course but not be made to feel like crap or be accused of cheating because I had moments of insecurity.

  22. I know this isn't the right sub for this, but your boyfriend is a greedy, inconsiderate asshole.

    Firstly, things aren't equal financially if you have to pay to drive to him EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU SEE HIM. But on top of that, he never even feeds you or has stuff in the fridge for you to throw something together? And you'll have to order yourself food, which is very costly when you're on a tight budget, and even though you sometimes order him food he never does for you.

    Girl, this man does not care about you. He's putting in ZERO effort. You have to go to home, and the dog excuse is utter rubbish. He could have someone watch the dog or leave them at home for a bit and come drive up to see you. And this man won't even feed his struggling, student girlfriend?

    Seriously, it's not about the money. It's about the fact that he is a terrible boyfriend who isn't, in any way whatsoever, treating this like a partnership. It's just going to get worse from here if you decide to stay with him (seriously, don't).


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