Caro-Martinez live webcams for YOU!

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10 thoughts on “Caro-Martinez live webcams for YOU!

  1. First decide if you want to get divorced or you want to get even (this is never good for the kids).

    Next talk to a lawyer and bring your evidence of infidelity. Secure your rights to the children as a parent.

    Change all your passwords and secure any money you can in a personal account only leaving enough money in the joint account to pay bills.

  2. No, no, a million times, no.

    She could have been plumb crazy, or there is a reason she was THAT persistent in no contact.

    Seems they pressed real nude to make contact.

    There are only a few reasons that family will be cut off.

    Assume the worst and ask yourself if you're ok with potentially enabling said “worst”.

    A million times, no.

  3. Are you out of your fkn mind? To take 30k loan for him? And he's cheating on you?

    Run from that abuser. Your family are right!


    “i dont even know if i love him” ” is this true love” ” i might feel the same” “my true best friend” ” i love him too (i think) but if i do i would say it”

    If she did she would say it.

    Here is the cool thing about communication it solves a lot of problems. ASK HER! “Hey what was that poem about?”

  5. Sometimes people say things to be mean (or perhaps in this type situation to put someone off wanting to have sex with them) without meaning it or it being true. Drunkenness doesn’t always equal honesty like some folks believe. Drinking to blackout levels very much removes you from reality.

  6. I am pretty destroyed inside currently and we are trying to figure out if this relationship is salvageable

    Don't be a moron

  7. I'm in a long term happy relationship and drinking/partying is part of our lives on his part (am sober), and we do things that are fun and exciting even partnered? What is it about your partnership that you feel you can't drink & party with friends? Settling down doesn't have to mean you miss life's excitement, if that's what you want, unless you're not compatibly partnered?

  8. Some people keep that carton of milk, marry it and then after 5 or more years realize that the milk is rotten.

  9. It seems like you both have deal breakers that you're not willing to face. As someone said, love is not enough. You should be able to work through stuff together.

    Now, onto his BS. Online with his mom does not mean fighting with her all the time, does it? Living with his mom does not mean taking over dad's role. She has her own issues to work through. Issues that affect the both of you directly. So this sounds like a 3 person issue to me. She should be willing to come to the table to discuss it. And if she isn't, then it's not exactly on you to fix the problems that stem from her.

    Frankly, this sounds like a problem that would take the effort from all 3 of you to solve. Which makes me think that it's unlikely it will be.


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