Scarleett-1 on-line sex chats for YOU!

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11 thoughts on “Scarleett-1 on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. Thank you

    Reading this made me realize that it’s something she will have to heal from herself. All I can do is support her and let her decide.

  2. He is the first guy I have been with in all my life. That was why I said I have been intimate with him. I haven't had any other sexual relationships with him or with anyone at all. I know what I want and that's not one of them.

  3. A bigger bed would be super helpful and I should seriously look into it.

    Idk if it’s the right or wrong thing to do (i don’t have pets myself) but her cats don’t have specific meal times. She leaves dry food out for them to have whenever they want…but my mom feeds her own cats wet food in the morning and early evening. Maybe doing that would help, i have no idea. My mom’s cats also sleep in bed with her the entire night – no jumping up and down. Wish hers were like that…

  4. People can develop crushes even while they are in a relationship. But it's what they do with those feelings that shows their character.

    It sounds like your girlfriend is recognizing what is happening, and she wants to take the steps to center her relationship with you and stop contact with her coworker.

    It must have been very painful to hear that she had those feelings. But I hope that you will recognize that she is choosing you, she is being open with you so that you can strengthen your relationship together. It's okay to feel hurt and shaken and to need time. But I hope you will move past the initial knee-jerk reaction to this, so you can have a dialogue together before deciding what it is you want to do.

  5. Time, keeping busy, no contact, and unfollowing on social media will help heal. I realize that will largely be difficult given that you’re in high school and are likely to see each other, but you should try your best to do so because seeing and talking her is always going to remind you of the good times and make you question yourself.

    Having said that, why have you both decided that you should experience other people? I’m not even saying you’re wrong to do that. If that’s what you need to do then that’s what you need to do. The very hot truth is that roughly 2% of high school relationships make it through college alone let alone are successful past that.

    I’m just not a fan of the general premise that you shouldn’t commit to a “high school relationship” simply for that reason alone. If the real truth is that you’re incompatible or there’s issues you haven’t resolved then that’s a good reason. That’s honestly why relationships in general largely fail, especially in high school when you have very little experience and brush things off assuming it’s normal. So again, if that’s the case, good for you two for acknowledging it and letting go. I just want you to be certain you’re making the correct decision. You said it’s a good relationship.

    To back up and tell you about me, I’m a guy and I’m happily married. She was not my high school girlfriend. I had one, and we maybe lasted a month into college. It was absolutely the right decision, so I’m not here with a perspective that I left my girlfriend and it’s the biggest regret I’ve ever had and projecting that onto you. Not at all. I just give advice on here because I’ve been through it all and learned from it. Funnily enough, my little brother met his now wife at 15, have been together for about that amount of time and will have a little girl in the next few days. They’re the exception.

    So outside of all that, if you decide it’s the right move, then just remind yourself of that. It’s great that you had a good relationship. But it doesn’t change the fact that you know it’s not right.

  6. Ignore them. Seriously. You and your boyfriend have, what sounds like, a great relationship. He's got your back and stands up for you. Keep on doing what you're doing.

  7. Yes I tried that, not exactly your words but I told her that o worry about the amount of unhealthy food she eat. It will probably be a health issue if she’s 40+. But she didn’t care because she likes it

  8. All the best to you. I am glad he rescinded what he said, but I feel he isn't taking responsibility for it. He's pretending it was a joke, but you know full well it wasn't. It's great he realized he fucked up, but he's still not taking responsibility and that's a problem. Especially given the issues with his sex drive early on in your relationship. This is definitely a man who has expectations of you. Keep your eyes open.

  9. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Your gf isn’t the brightest and doesn’t trust you.

    She’s not worth the trouble mate. Let her go. Or you will digger through bs strawberry tests for the next five years and still break up with her.

    Choose yourself.


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