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27 thoughts on “Cum Princess the nude live! sex chat with hottest babes with a LIVE Cams

  1. Im sorry but why do you even need to ask for guidance on this. You should have run screaming from her life faster than I do my ex-wife if I run into her.

  2. 300 pounds is inexcusable. Leaving bruises on you is inexcusable. It’s not funny. It’s not a joke. Dude needs a low carb diet and counseling.

  3. My partner was clumsy when I met him and I used to have to guard my body a lot from him. I pushed back on it and he evolved a lot and we don't have this problem anymore. It wasn't coming from an abusive place in my situation. Its more that he was quite disconnected from his body and in his mind all the time. We have done a ton of work with a somatic therapist and breathwork and other modalities that have helped him feel himself more and I credit this (plus raising his awareness with good old words) to the change. If your partner is a decent guy broadly, I'd chalk it up to him being disconnected with his body rather than malicious. I'd recommend all of the above things that worked for us, and there will be other benefits for you aside from not having to live! on edge for your physical safety.

  4. You know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

    His mom didn't change and he didn't change. They're happy where they are. You keep expecting them to change but they're telling you with their actions plain as day that they don't want to change. His mom isn't going to stop spending his money and he's not going to stop her.

    Break up already and take him to small claims court for any money he owes you.

  5. But I have a suspicion this is something you've been saying and will always say. I'm not saying your wife is right, but you sound exactly like a guy I once dated. We will one day, but now's not good because of x, y, z. The truth was he was just afraid to get out of his comfort zone and he was never willing to admit it… even to himself.

  6. Unfortunately there are people in the world who are like this. Is this for UC? Do you have to go to her? If you don’t have to just stop going

  7. Hello /u/lookbetter12,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  8. If you do bring up your concerns with his mom, keep it vague. Let her know you're worried and she could take it seriously, but leave telling her the details to him if he wants to.

    Definitely don't say anything about drug use, because it sounds like all it is is he did coke once or twice and feels like he crossed a line. I'm not seeing anything in your post about daily use or addiction, and a poor shut-in like your friend doesn't have the money to develop a legit coke habit anyway (unless you happen to online in Latin America). Focusing on “drugs” is likely to overshadow much bigger problems like depression and possibly alcoholism.

  9. It typically has to be court-ordered, and he can be taken off a birth certificate within the 1st 3 years if paternity isn't proven. They'll likely order it to be safe.

  10. Why does he need you to get him a gun? Looking at the age difference and his bizarre request, I can tell this relationship is dysfunctional. It sounds like your boyfriend is a loser.

  11. my guess he’s had a felony conviction (probably domestic violence)

    Doesn't necessarily need to be a felony, many states will disqualify you from gun ownership for any domestic violence conviction. If he's got that short a fuse though it could easily be both.

  12. “he thought I was being distant”

    You are literally distant; if he can't deal with that, he should not pursue long-distance relationships. I know he's speaking metaphorically about emotional distance, but that's likely a function of the physical distance. Your complaints also sound like they are a result of the physical distance.

    Unless you have a plan to live! in the same area soon, you should break up. Long fistance relationships are not for you. Date people in your area.

  13. I have a boyfriend/ girlfriend = we had a conversation and are exclusive to each other.

    I’m seeing someone = I’m dating a person. Implies a slightly more casual attachment. You may or may not be exclusive.

  14. Also forgot to add, she may be pregnant. We don’t know for sure yet because she doesn’t want to go to the doctors. She’s having pregnancy related symptoms like cravings and my natural scent also makes her want to throw up. She said she had those symptoms when she was pregnant with her daughter. We also think she might’ve had a miscarriage about two months ago. Those are the reasons why I don’t know what to do you know ? ?.

  15. exactly! he better listen – but his replies seems conflicted – he still mentioned IF she allows it / okay with it. wtf!

    I hope he is ready to be single…….

  16. I think your sister hated you even before she cheated with your ex. That alone takes a very screwed mind to do that to your own sibling – at least if you really love them. But from what you wrote she obviously also baby trapped him. He never intended to stay with her. And now she's wondering why the guy became abusive towards her?

    What really gets me is that your parents are supporting her screwed thinking and acting. Have they always been favoring her over you?

    It's good to hear that at least your brother understands the situation for what it is and is on your side.

    It's the right decission to distance yourself from your sister and your parents. They are so much down their rabbit hole they won't see reason when it hits them in the face.

    Best wishes to you.

  17. I can't pretend that I understand your problem. I really don't mind which one of my names my girlfriend chooses to call me but hey I got my own things that other people don't understand.

    So, the question is, is this a deal-breaker for you? If yes, then let him know that he might not be able to understand it but it's a big deal to you and you won't change your mind about it. Let him know that it may not be fun to call you the name you want but that's what you prefer to be called any way and there's just no other option. Just say this is one of the few things that will seem to not have much explanation but need to be understood by him.

    Similar things happen in many relationships so if he likes you, he'll soon start calling you your preferred title.

  18. Unfortunately, no. I considered it. Even tried a few times to genuinely want to be in a relationship with her in my head, but I just couldn't see myself being serious with her. In retrospect, it could have come across that I was leading her on, but that really wasn't my intent and I feel bad about that. I did make my intentions very clear to her, though, and reminded her from time to time, so I tried to stay as transparent with where I stood.


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