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Rex and Lex, 27 y.o.

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24 thoughts on “Rex and Lex the naked live sex chat with hottest babes with a Live HD

  1. If you’re not comfortable with it then tell him. I am all for compromising but you don’t have to compromise on naked boundaries and many people would consider this a hard boundary. You deserve a relationship you want that makes you happy. This doesn’t seem to be it.

  2. i honestly don’t know man i’m just numb atp i don’t feel anything but i want to love her the way she loves but i actually wanna feel it. there is litterally nothing that caused me to loose interest

  3. Some people express in a different way, doesn't mean it's bad or alarming. Like u said, he is a man of few words, so he might not talk too much.

    Also stop comparing him to ur ex. Both r different people and both will have a different way of showing love. Talk to him first regarding ur needs. And the same goes for u fulfilling his needs.

  4. Hello /u/jokeyamind92,

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  5. I’m not sure how you intend to make sure he uses condoms. He’s told you he doesn’t use them so what exactly is the plan here?

  6. I know it does. I just feel for my kids man. I wanted them to grow up in a normal not broken household. Maybe she will find out that she never wanted to be a mom in the first place and let me keep my kids and I can find them a new mom.

  7. If he tries to fob you off again with the same bs, you'll know he doesn't care for you the way he should and he isn't worth your time.

    Someone that loves you and slipped up with their careless words would be mortified if you told them how upset and anxious their comments have made you. They would want to sit down and listen to you, reassure you, and talk about what they could do differently to make it better for you.

  8. Sounds like he’s seen too much gym porn. If he can’t come up with a reason other than he’s afraid of you sleeping with the dude, because that’s/)/5 it most likely boils down to, then he doesn’t get a say.

  9. You should've cut contact with someone who would blatantly disrespect your relationship so badly. Quite frankly, your boyfriend is right that boundary is weak.

    That person is not your friend. Period. Point blank.

    All that being said yes your boyfriend is handling it immaturely. The solution for him should've been to let you know it was weak a lot sooner and if you weren't willing to cut off someone who hopes you two break up should've left you.

  10. He'll love-bomb her and try to make her think she's wrong and he's improved. No, I don't think any contemplation is needed here and she definitely doesn't need to give him any warning…he'll use any time to figure out how to manipulate her.

  11. As I said in my other response, this is feeling like a mental health issue you shouldn't unload on your girlfriend, you should start with a therapist. Then from there you can work out what you should and shouldn't share with your girlfriend.

  12. Do you not understand that if she hadn’t told him WHY she didn’t add him back he was just going to keep trying to get other forms of communication from her or keep asking her/reminding her to add him back!!!!??!!? For fucks sake.

  13. Trauma bonds are naked to break. People can be in relationships where they are beaten, strangled, put in hospital and they will still walk back. That is the scary reality of being human, that manipulation can be so effective we ignore our own survival instincts.

    And he exploits that. Anytime he wants you back he comes at you with a hit of pure 'what you wanna hear' and you can basically become addicted to seeking that affirmation.

    So treat it like quitting drugs. Know that anything he says to you is a lie. That he has made clear he will hurt you. That all he ever did was hurt you. And that maybe the fact you are so hung up on a guy literally destroying your sense of who you are means you have some things in yourself you need to address.

  14. It’s so incredibly common for people who have served to have depression or other mental health battles. See if he is willing to get some help. If you have invested so much into the relationship it’s worth staying if he is willing to take steps towards getting help.

  15. I’m not one to criticise peoples’ views on marriage – that but in itself is up to them; you can’t expect someone to marry you if they don’t want to.

    But his reasoning for why he ‘doesn’t believe in marriage’ is misogynistic and would make me question if he’s the man you thought you were in love with. Also, to be this far in to the relationship and to only just have found this out, is also surprising. I knew my now wife’s views on marriage very early on, and so when it came to me proposing it was more or less just a formality.

  16. This is obviously a questionable relationship at best. There is a very good chance you will be accused of attacking her if you try to broach this subject with her. She is so young and in love that her rose colored glasses are filtering out all the red flags. I imagine she has this entire romantic narrative rolling around in her head and I don't think anything but time will break the spell.

    When her friends start exploring the world, going to college, weekend trips, clubbing, drinking a little too much, renting their first crappy apartment, ect, I think her perspective may very well change. Everyone around her will suddenly be going on this grand adventure called life and she will be the only one left behind. He may try to keep her isolated.

    I would just let her know that you don't support the relationship, but you will always be there for her. It's all you really can do in this situation. I wouldn't be too abrasive about it, when the spell is broken she will need someone to turn too. I imagine a guy this age losing his new favorite plaything has the possibility of going very badly for her in the future :/

  17. Write whatever you need to tell him into a letter and then burn it in a ceremony. Do NOT contact him, nothing good could come from any contact.

    The LAST thing he wants is contact from you, even if it's the world's best apology ever. He doesn't need to know that you've figured out what you did was harmful, or that you've grown. Contacting him would be something a continuation of the obsession/more contact after he has told you to leave him alone.

    Delete his contact info from your phone and email. He has moved forward and you should as well. Do NOT seek absolution from your victim, it would be harmful to him.

  18. Congratulations!

    “Mom, please just stop right there with the lecture and the guilt trip. I've heard enough of your lectures, and I don't feel even a little bit guilty. You've made it clear that you don't approve of my decisions and you've made it clear that you're not supportive or my choices in life. You don't like my husband, and just 6 months ago when I wasn't feeling well you told me 'I hope you're not pregnant'. So frankly, we didn't see any need to tell you any sooner, knowing that you were just going to give me a lecture anyway. What possible reason have you given me to do anything other than keep you at arm's length from my life?”

  19. That’s very true, this feels very different from any of our precious breakups and I think I just have to accept the fact that this is over. I just hope I have the strength to be true to this if he does contact me, there are just so many emotions right now that I am trying to contain. Thank you for helping?


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