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11 thoughts on “Addyjacksonn live webcams for YOU!

  1. just realized they probably won’t help a 30 yo out unfortunately which is messed up since i’m a child in that i still on-line at home and am my parents child, she shouldn’t be a factor for who they decide to help

  2. Sort of. I did try breaking it off with him a couple weeks ago, he apologized and promised to change, which he did but went back his old ways. I already got my answers

  3. How tf would she know that you think it's “disrespectful” for her to text a MUTUAL friend of yours unless you bring up your concerns to her.

  4. Am I the only dude in the world that doesn’t cheat? How nude is it to not fuck someone who isn’t your partner? It’s not that difficult.

  5. She’s a nut job and a bully. She was projecting when she called you a bully.

    Notice the trouble began when you rejected her. Bullies hate rejection.

    You need to avoid her at all costs. If she can engage with you, she’ll make your life a nightmare.

    If this costs you your friends, trust me, it will be worth it. She’s toxic AF.

  6. As someone who is now divorced after my ex-wife pulled something similar my advice is don’t do it.

    Either end your marriage and move on or accept what your marriage is with the love you have in it.

    Contrary to whatever penthouse like stories you’ve heard about ENM or Poly couples that shit never works. Resentment builds. Parties lose feelings for each other. It ends poorly.

    Is getting your duck sucked a couple times a month isn’t worth losing over a decade of a relationship and your kids and money in a divorce when it inevitably goes south?

  7. How is it different from what I posted elsewhere? It’s the same I have nothing to hide, I just put in the relevant parts for this specific question

  8. Definitely. I 100% respect his desire to have kids and it would suck for him to not have that fulfilled. I’m just feeling a lot of complex emotions and that my body is “broken” and rather illogically, feeling like he loves me as a “baby machine” more than anything. I know that’s not how it is, and I’m sure he’s feeling a lot of complex emotions on the matter himself. I just wish he understood my side of things about more, as he is not the one who can get pregnant. He’s taken me to the emergency room from severe enough pain and been there for me for the weeks I can’t get out of bed other than to eat and use the restroom. He’s seen me at my absolute worst. Thankfully it seems those days are behind me, but I always fear in the back of my mind it can get that bad again… In which case I would likely have to quit my job. I don’t have the energy to raise kids, work full time, and manage my health (so another aspect of a discussion I’ll need to have with him).

    I told him if my health steadily improves (I’m only a month in of my improvement now), and if we have the finances/ can find a reputable agency, I would consider surrogacy. We on-line in the US, where surrogacy is extremely pricy. I think him and I need to do some research on surrogacy, as it’s not something that has crossed either of our minds until recently. We can only sacrifice so much money and I would hate to struggle to afford raising a child we spent $100,000 on to bring into the world… so yes, because of those factors I cannot give him a definitive answer. I will likely not have an answer until a few years from now (seeing where health and finances are). He will have to be ok with that uncertainty if he wants to stay with me. It probably won’t be the answer he wants to hear, but I can’t promise him a child at this point in my life. Had these health issues not happened to me, the narrative would have been very different.


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